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Making homework count
By Stephanie Hirschman
October 8, 2024
Homework and independent study can make a massive contribution to students’ progress, particularly when classes don’t meet daily, or students aren’t living, working or studying in anglophone environments. There are several issues to consider when setting homework.
Why students are doing homework is a fundamental question which can cover a wide spectrum of reasons. The most obvious is that it offers both teachers and students a chance to check on learning and identify areas for further review and consolidation. Exam preparation courses make use of homework to consolidate and accelerate learning and deliver results. Finally, some institutions require teachers to set homework and some clients, for example parents, believe that a course with homework offers better value for money.
Whatever the reason behind setting homework, be clear with students about how they’ll benefit from the assignment, how to do it effectively, how long they should spend on it and how it will be marked.
The homework that many people expect from a language course is “more of the same” exercises, that is, those that offer extra opportunities to practice grammar or vocabulary from the lesson.
It is also possible to bring in practice from other online or print sources, but this can sometimes be problematic, especially for lower levels. Make sure that the resource you choose maps onto the lesson content without placing extra demands on students, for example, by introducing a completely different context or topic with unfamiliar vocabulary to practice a grammar point. You also need to make sure that terminology is consistent – students who are expecting to practice present continuous may not recognize that it is also called present progressive. With lower levels, go over the instructions and/or demonstrate one of the exercises so they know how to get started.
It's worth mentioning here that flipped learning may also be a useful approach to homework. This is where students preview part of the lesson plan (like a reading or listening task) or research a general topic independently before class in order to maximize opportunities for communicative activities during the lesson.
Other types of homework include semi-controlled practice of target language. Students could write personal sentences including vocabulary items or grammatical structures from the class – note that they may need training to do this. A sentence like, “The milk went off,” is not as effective for learning as, “We had no milk for the coffee this morning – it went off because we didn’t put it in the fridge last night.” You may wish to provide some question or example prompts as support.
An unusual and motivating type of speaking homework is a personalized bingo game. Students create their own bingo card, which might be a 4x4 grid. In each cell, they write a key word or structure from the lesson that they wish to practice during the next few days. They carry the card around in their pocket, and every time they use an item of target language, they can tick it off, aiming to complete a line. This is especially suitable for students who are living, working or studying in anglophone environments. Teachers can monitor progress regularly and even offer small prizes.
The question of what teachers actually do with homework also has multiple possible responses, which will depend on the teaching context. At one end of the spectrum, if there is good buy-in from the students, teachers may only need to point them towards a selected set of “more of the same” exercises and make sure the answers are accessible for self-checking. Make it clear that you welcome questions if anything isn’t clear and test regularly to check understanding.
Whatever choices you make about homework, here’s one final tip. It’s best to complete assignments the day after receiving them and not on the same day. Research on spaced repetition shows that reviewing information after around 24 hours, “just before you forget it,” is the most effective way to boost retention.
Adapted from:
Acesso em 25/10/2024
What is Validity?
by Evelina Galaczi
July 17th, 2020
The fundamental concept to keep in mind when creating any assessment is validity. Validity refers to whether a test measures what it aims to measure. For example, a valid driving test should include a practical driving component and not just a theoretical test of the rules of driving. A valid language test for university entry, for example, should include tasks that are representative of at least some aspects of what actually happens in university settings, such as listening to lectures, giving presentations, engaging in tutorials, writing essays, and reading texts.
Validity has different elements, which we are now going to look at
in turn.
Test Purpose – Why am I testing?
We can never really say that a test is valid or not valid. Instead, we can say that a test is valid for a particular purpose. There are several reasons why you might want to test your students. You could be trying to check their learning at the end of a unit, or trying to understand what they know and don't know. Or, you might want to use a test to place learners into groups based on their ability, or to provide test takers with a certificate of language proficiency. Each of these different reasons for testing represents a different test purpose.
The purpose of the test determines the type of test you're going
to produce, which in turn affects the kinds of tasks you're going
to choose, the number of test items, the length of the test, and so
on. For example, a test certifying that doctors can practise in an
English-speaking country would be different from a placement test
which aims to place those doctors into language courses.
Test Takers – Who am I testing?
It’s also vital to keep in mind who is taking your test. Is it primary
school children or teenagers or adults? Or is it airline pilots or
doctors or engineers? This is an important question because the
test has to be appropriate for the test takers it is aimed for. If your
test takers are primary school children, for instance, you might
want to give them more interactive tasks or games to test their
language ability. If you are testing listening skills, for example,
you might want to use role plays for doctors, but lectures or
monologues with university students.
Test Construct – What am I testing?
Another key point is to consider what you want to test. Before
designing a test, you need to identify the ability or skill that the test
is designed to measure – in technical terms, the ‘test construct’.
Some examples of constructs are: intelligence, personality,
anxiety, English language ability, pronunciation. To take
language assessment as an example, the test construct could be
communicative language ability, or speaking ability, or perhaps
even a construct as specific as pronunciation. The challenge is
to define the construct and find ways to elicit it and measure it;
for example, if we are testing the construct of fluency, we might
consider features such as rate of speech, number of pauses/
hesitations and the extent to which any pauses/hesitations cause
strain for a listener.
Test Tasks – How am I testing?
Once you’ve defined what you want to test, you need to decide how
you’re going to test it. The focus here is on selecting the right test
tasks for the ability (i.e. construct) you're interested in testing. All
task types have advantages and limitations and so it’s important to
use a range of tasks in order to minimize their individual limitations
and optimize the measurement of the ability you’re interested in.
The tasks in a test are like a menu of options that are available to
choose from, and you must be sure to choose the right task or the
right range of tasks for the ability you're trying to measure.
Test Reliability - How am I scoring?
Next it’s important to consider how to score your test. A test needs
to be reliable and to produce accurate scores. So, you’ll need to
make sure that the scores from a test reflect a learner's actual
ability. In deciding how to score a test, you’ll need to consider
whether the answers are going to be scored as correct or incorrect
(this might be the case for multiple–choice tasks, for example) or
whether you might use a range of marks and give partial credit,
as for example, in reading or listening comprehension questions.
In speaking and writing, you’ll also have to decide what criteria
to use (for example, grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, essay, organisation in writing, and so on). You’ll also need to make sure
that the teachers involved in speaking or writing assessment have
received some training, so that they are marking to (more or less)
the same standard.
Test Impact - How will my test help learners?
The final – and in many ways most important – question to ask yourself is how the test is benefitting learners. Good tests engage learners in situations similar to ones that they might face outside the classroom (i.e. authentic tasks), or which provide useful feedback or help their language development by focusing on all four skills (reading, listening, writing, speaking). For example, if a test has a speaking component, this will encourage speaking practice in the classroom. And if that speaking test includes both language production (e.g. describe a picture) and interaction (e.g. discuss a topic with another student), then preparing for the test encourages the use of a wide range of speaking activities in the classroom and enhances learning.
Adapted from: Acesso em:
15 dez. 2023.
Text 18A3-I
The roar of a waterfall suggests the power of water. Rampaging floodwaters can uproot strong trees and twist railroad tracks. When the power of water is harnessed, however, it can do useful work for humans.
Since ancient times, people have put the energy in the flow of water to work. They first made water work for them with the waterwheel, a wheel with paddles around its rim. Flowing water rotated the waterwheel, which in turn ran machinery that was linked to it. Today, new kinds of waterwheels — turbines — spin generators that produce electricity. Electricity from water-turned generators is known as hydroelectricity.
By building a dam across a river, the natural upstream water level is elevated and a difference in head is created that can be used to drive turbines and generate electricity. A large upstream reservoir may balance seasonal water flow; rain or melted snow can be stored in the reservoir during the wet season to provide electricity during dry seasons.
Waterpower is distributed unevenly among the continents and nations of the world. Europe and North America have developed much of their waterpower. Asia, South America, and Africa have abundant waterpower potential, but while countries such as China and Brazil have become leading hydroelectric producers, much of the waterpower resource on those continents remains undeveloped.
Elizabeth Lachner. Hydroelectricity. Rosen Publishing Group, 2018 (adapted).
(_) Look at those hawks in the sky. (_) These are my books. (_) Is these hotel nice?

Consider on the text, judge the item.
The relative pronoun “which” (line 6 and line 14) can be
substituted by that. The same way that “that” (line 16)
can be substituted by which.
Considering the text above, judge the following item.
In the third sentence of the fourth paragraph, the pronoun “it” refers to Intel.

Observe as sentenças a seguir:
I - For now on you have your own bedroom.
II - My father was a bus driver for 10 years.
III - My mother-in-law is very sweet.
Assinale a alternativa correta:
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
In the first paragraph, the word “It” (third sentence) refers to
“a source of standards” (second sentence).
Internet: <>
Instruction: Answer question based on the following text.
Fake news: improved critical literacy skills are key to telling fact from fiction
Adapted from
Answers the question according to the text below.