Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre pronome indefinido | indefinite pronouns em inglês

Foram encontradas 27 questões

Q833745 Inglês

Considering the grammatical and semantic aspects of text I, decide whether the following items are right (C) or wrong (E).

The excerpt “that you get from diplomats” (l. 7 and 8) could be correctly replaced by which one gets from diplomats without this changing the meaning of the text.

Ano: 2017 Banca: IFB Órgão: IFB Prova: IFB - 2017 - IFB - Professor - Português/Inglês |
Q776083 Inglês
Pronoun is a word used instead of a noun group for referring to a person, group, or thing that has already been mentioned or that is obvious from the context. The only option that does NOT present a pronoun is
Ano: 2016 Banca: FCC Órgão: AL-MS Prova: FCC - 2016 - AL-MS - Técnico de Informática |
Q773096 Inglês
Para responder à questão, considere o texto a seguir: 

On September 5th, 2011, Alexandra Elbakyan, a researcher from Kazakhstan, created Sci-Hub, a website that bypasses journal paywalls, illegally providing access to nearly every scientific paper ever published immediately to anyone who wants it. The website works in two stages, firstly by attempting to download a copy from the LibGen database of pirated content, which opened its doors to academic papers in 2012 and now contains over 48 million scientific papers. The ingenious part of the system is that if LibGen does not already have a copy of the paper, Sci-hub bypasses the journal paywall in real time by using access keys donated by academics lucky enough to study at institutions with an adequate range of subscriptions. This allows Sci-Hub to route the user straight to the paper through publishers such as JSTOR, Springer, Sage, and Elsevier. After delivering the paper to the user within seconds, Sci-Hub donates a copy of the paper to LibGen for good measure, where it will be stored forever, accessible by everyone and anyone. 
O pronome it, na 2a linha do texto, refere-se a
Ano: 2014 Banca: SCGás Órgão: SCGás Prova: SCGás - 2014 - SCGás - Engenheiro |
Q609133 Inglês
Choose the best dialogue completion:

I don't remember ____________ about the accident. 

Q319151 Inglês
        For taxpayer advocate, a familiar refrain
       By Michelle Singletary, Published: January 15, 2013

          It’s not nice to tell people “I told you so.” But if anybody has the right to say that, it’s Nina E. Olson, the national taxpayer advocate.
          Olson recently submitted her annual report to Congress and top on her list of things that need to be fixed is the complexity of the tax
code, which she called the most serious problem facing taxpayers.
          Let’s just look at the most recent evidence of complexity run amok. The Internal Revenue Service had to delay the tax-filing season so it
could update forms and its programming to accommodate recent changes made under the American Taxpayer Relief Act. The IRS won’t start
processing individual income tax returns until Jan. 30. Yet one thing remains unchanged − the April 15 tax deadline.
          Because of the new tax laws, the IRS also had to release updated income-tax withholding tables for 2013. These replace the tables
issued Dec. 31. Yes, let’s just keep making more work for the agency that is already overburdened. Not to mention the extra work for
employers, who have to use the revised information to correct the amount of Social Security tax withheld in 2013. And they have to make that
correction in order to withhold a larger Social Security tax of 6.2 percent on wages, following the expiration of the payroll tax cut in effect for
2011 and 2012.
          Oh, and there was the near miss with the alternative minimum tax that could have delayed the tax filing season to late March. The AMT
was created to target high-income taxpayers who were claiming so many deductions that they owed little or no income tax. Olson and many
others have complained for years that the AMT wasn’t indexed for inflation.
          “Many middle- and upper-middle-class taxpayers pay the AMT, while most wealthy taxpayers do not, and thousands of millionaires pay
..A..  income tax at all,” Olson said.
          As part of the recent “fiscal cliff” deal, the AMT is now fixed, a move that the IRS was anticipating. It had already decided to program its
systems on the assumption that an AMT patch would be passed, Olson said. Had the agency not taken the risk, the time it would have taken to
update the systems “would have brought about the most chaotic filing season in memory,” she said in her report.
          The tax code contains almost 4 million words. Since 2001, there have been about 4,680 changes, or an average of more than one
change a day. What else troubles Olson? Here’s what:
          − Nearly 60 percent of taxpayers hire paid preparers, and another 30 percent rely on commercial software to prepare their returns.
          − Many taxpayers don’t really know how their taxes are computed and what rate of tax they pay.
          − The complex code makes tax fraud  ..B.. to detect.
          − Because the code is so complicated, it creates an impression that many taxpayers are not paying their fair share. This reduces trust
              in the system and perhaps leads some people to cheat. Who wants to be the sucker in this game? So someone might not declare
              all of his income, rationalizing that millionaires get to use the convoluted code to greatly reduce their tax liability.
          − In fiscal year 2012, the IRS received around 125 million calls. But the agency answered only about two out of three calls from
people trying to reach a live person, and those taxpayers had to wait, on average, about 17 minutes to get through.
          “I hope 2013 brings about fundamental tax simplification,” Olson pleaded in her report. She urged Congress to reassess the need for
the tax breaks we know as income exclusions, exemptions, deductions and credits. It’s all these tax advantage breaks that complicate the
code. If done right, and without reducing revenue, tax rates could be substantially lowered in exchange for ending tax breaks, she said.

(Adapted from

A alternativa que preenche corretamente a lacuna  ..A..  é

Ano: 2011 Banca: FEPESE Órgão: CASAN-SC Prova: FEPESE - 2011 - CASAN - Administrador |
Q292218 Inglês

Can I help reduce energy consumption?

We have an important role to play right now. Energy conservation helps a lot in preserving our planet’s rich natural resources and promoting a healthy environment. Here you will find simple things that you can do to help reduce energy consumption.

·         Turn–off non-essential lights and appliances. The electricity generated by fossil fuels for a single home puts more carbon dioxide into the air than two average cars.

·         Avoid turning on large appliances such as washers, dryers, and electric ovens during peak energy hours: from 5:00 am to 9:00 am and 4: pm to 7:00 pm.

·         Install white window curtains to reflect heat away from the house. Close them at night to reduce the amount of heat lost through windows. People who live in countries that have warm climates should do this during the day as well.

·         Turn off the lights in any room you are not using and consider installing timers, photo cells, or occupancy sensors to reduce the amount of time your lights are on.

Na frase “People who live in countries that have warm climates…” a palavra destacada está sendo usada como:

Ano: 2009 Banca: FCC Órgão: MRE Prova: FCC - 2009 - MRE - Oficial de Chancelaria |
Q77854 Inglês
Para responder às questões de números 32 a 45, considere o texto abaixo.

Imagem 008.jpg
Imagem 009.jpg

In the text, the pronoun one refers to
8: C
9: C
10: A
11: C
12: A
13: A
14: C