Questões de Inglês - Pronome indefinido | Indefinite Pronouns para Concurso

Foram encontradas 29 questões

Q1387323 Inglês

Choose the best alternative to complete the sentence.

The girls climbed that tree _____.”

Q1374281 Inglês

Leia os quadrinhos para responder à questão.


The underlined words and phrases in the strip are correctly used in the sentences below except for the sentence in alternative:
Ano: 2018 Banca: CONPASS Órgão: Prefeitura de Santa Cruz - RN
Q1186495 Inglês
Check the correct answer to fill in the blanks.
She hates everybody! She loves ____ .
Ano: 2018 Banca: Quadrix Órgão: CRM-PR Prova: Quadrix - 2018 - CRM-PR - Revisor de Texto |
Q1094923 Inglês

Text for the item.

A long and healthy life?


Internet: <> (adapted).

Based on the text, judge the following item.

“others”, in “among others” (line 12), cannot be correctly replaced by another. 

Q1079264 Inglês
Read the text below and answer the questions that follow:

Text 1:

Read Kate's blog:

The importance of doing what you love

When I was growing up, all I wanted to be was an artist. When I got to high school and could choose what classes to take, I took every art class that was available. Painting, drawing, photography, you name it - l took the class.

Then I took a chemistry class. I LOVED it. It was fun! And I was good at it. I started thinking: wouldn't I make more money if I went into the sciences instead of being a starving artist?

So I threw away the art school applications and went to study chemistry. College was fun, and when I graduated with my chemistry degree, I went to graduate school in Washington, D. C. to do a PhD program in chemistry! It was OK to start with, but after the first year, I was completely depressed. I hated the program. It was dry and boring. But I didn't know what to do about it.

So I quit. I spent the next month feeling bad about my failure, unsure what to do next. Finally, I went to an employment agency to get a job. Something - anything - that would pay money.

I got a temporary job filling envelopes at an NGO. One day they needed some graphic design and I volunteered. This was the major turning point in my career. Over the next few months, they gave me more and more design work. What began as a temporary job turned into a permanent job. I was finally doing something I loved, and I was making money doing it. It's been difficult at times, but I really love my job. Believe me, it is FAR more important that you are happy and get to do what you are passionate about every day and get paid less for it, than to dread getting up in the morning because you dislike what you do.

NGO = non-governmental organization

Taken from:
LATHAM-KOENIG, Christina & OXENDEN, Clive. American English File. 2nd edition. Oxford, 2014. p.83.
According to the fourth paragraph, Kate wanted to get a job. “Something - anything - that would pay money”.
Read the sentences below and choose the correct sentence, as far as the use of the words SOMETHING, ANYTHING and NOTHING is concerned.
16: C
17: A
18: B
19: C
20: C