Questões de Inglês - Pronome possessivo adjetivo | Possessive adjective para Concurso

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Q2555337 Inglês
Title: A Day in the Life of a 25-Year-Old Brazilian Professional

    In the bustling city of São Paulo, Maria, a 25-year-old Brazilian professional, navigates through the intricate dance of daily life. Her routine is a symphony of responsibilities and aspirations, with the melody of a 9-to-5 job dominating the forefront. Each morning, she kick-starts her day with a hearty breakfast, a routine she cherishes as a moment of quiet reflection before plunging into the demanding world of work.

    Maria's workdays are diverse, as she is engrossed in the dynamic realm of marketing. From brainstorming creative campaigns to analyzing market trends, her tasks are as varied as the vibrant streets of Rio de Janeiro. Juggling between meetings, deadlines, and coffee breaks, she finds solace in the camaraderie of her colleagues, creating a supportive work environment that fuels her professional growth.

    Evenings unfold as a balancing act, where Maria strives to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between her career and personal life. Post-work hours are dedicated to pursuing her passion for photography, capturing the rich tapestry of Brazilian culture. Weekends offer a reprieve, allowing her to immerse herself in the colorful rhythm of samba dancing, a cherished pastime that serves as both exercise and a cultural connection.

    As the day winds down, Maria reflects on the challenges and triumphs that define her 25-year-old self. Balancing ambition with the appreciation of life's small joys, she embodies the spirit of a young Brazilian professional, navigating the complexities of a modern career while staying deeply rooted in the vibrant tapestry of her culture. 
Identify the correct usage of the possessive form:

"Evenings unfold as a balancing act, where Maria strives to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between her career and personal life." 
Q2553909 Inglês
Choose the correct use the possessive cases.
Q2547333 Inglês
As regards possessive adjectives and possessive pronouns, fill in the gaps in the sentences below by choosing one of the two options in parenthesis.
A - Is that notebook _______ (your/yours)? B - I encountered _____ (his/theirs) sister at the park last Sunday, can you believe it? C - Has Lucy seen ___ (my/mine) coat?
In the order presented, the gaps are correctly and respectively filled by:
Q2372101 Inglês

Text 3

The large majority of humankind is more or less fluent in 2 or even more languages. This raises the fundamental question how the language network in the brain is organized such that the correct target language is selected at a particular occasion. Here we present particular behavioral and functional magnetic resonance imaging data showing that bilingual processing leads to language conflict in the bilingual brain even when the bilinguals' task only required target language knowledge. This finding demonstrates that the bilingual brain cannot avoid language conflict, because words from the target and nontarget languages become automatically activated during reading. Importantly, stimulus-based language conflict was found in brain regions in the LIPC associated with phonological and semantic processing, whereas response-based language con whereas flict was only found in the pre-supplementary motor area/anterior cingulate cortex when language conflict leads to response conflicts.

Index terms: event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging, interlingual homographs, lexical decision, pre-supplementary motor area and anterior cingulated, response conflict.

(Adapted from:
The words particular, imaging and importantly, are respectively presented in the text as:
Q2357762 Inglês
Hi, my name is Rodrigo and today the teacher asked me to observe the class and tell you all the details. So, here it goes! My classmate Camille likes pink very much, her backpack is pink and her pencil case is also pink. Carlos likes green, his pencil is green. David likes the color orange, his eraser and his notebook are orange. Luis and Luana are siblings, their pens are blue. Our chairs are yellow and our tables are white. My book is red and my ruler is black. I guess this is all I could observe, thanks for your attention! 
Na terceira linha do texto, “her” é pronome possessivo (possessive adjective) que se refere a qual pessoa do texto?
1: D
2: B
3: C
4: C
5: B