Questões de Concurso
Comentadas sobre pronome possessivo adjetivo | possessive adjective em inglês
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I. Her aunt will be vacating next week.
II. That toy on the shelf is mine.
III. Did you do it yourself?
IV. She is the girl I was talking to you about.
V. I am going home today evening.
VI. All my friends are coming home for my birthday party.
In the order they were respectively underlined and written in bold letters, the pronouns written in the sentences above have specific functions, check the answer whose pronouns types are correspondent to the ones read above.
"Evenings unfold as a balancing act, where Maria strives to maintain a harmonious equilibrium between her career and personal life."
A - Is that notebook _______ (your/yours)? B - I encountered _____ (his/theirs) sister at the park last Sunday, can you believe it? C - Has Lucy seen ___ (my/mine) coat?
In the order presented, the gaps are correctly and respectively filled by:
A lawyer used ChatGPT to prepare a court filing. It went horribly awry.
A lawyer who relied on ChatGPT to prepare a court filing on behalf of a man suing an airline is now all too familiar with the artificial intelligence (AI) tool’s shortcomings — including its propensity to invent facts.
Roberto Mata sued Colombian airline Avianca last year, alleging that a metal food and beverage cart injured his knee on a flight to Kennedy International Airport in New York. When Avianca asked a Manhattan judge to dismiss the lawsuit based on the statute of limitations, his lawyer submitted a brief based on research done by ChatGPT.
While ChatGPT can be useful to professionals in numerous industries, including the legal profession, it has proved itself to be both limited and unreliable. In this case, the AI invented court cases that didn’t exist, and asserted that they were real. The fabrications were revealed when Avianca’s lawyers approached the case’s judge, saying they couldn’t locate the cases cited in Mata’s lawyers’ brief in legal databases.
“It seemed clear when we didn’t recognize any of the cases in their opposition brief that something was amiss,” said the airline’s lawyer. And soon they figured it was some sort of chatbot of some kind. On the other hand, the passenger’s lawyer said that it was the first time he’d used ChatGPT for work and, therefore, he was unaware of the possibility that its content could be false.
Internet: <> (adapted).
Based on the preceding text, judge the item that follow.
It is correct to infer from the text that, due to the lawyer’s expertise, he had used ChatGPT for work before.
Julgue o item subsequente.
Possessive nouns, expressing ownership or association,
play a vital role in sentence structure. Understanding how
to form possessives, whether through apostrophes or
other constructions, ensures grammatical accuracy.
Proficiency in handling possessive nouns contributes to
clear and effective communication in written and spoken
I. The excerpt contains both a comparative and a superlative structure. II. To convey the opposite meaning, it would be grammatically correct to replace the superlative structure with “the less interesting” or “the more boring”. III. The word “its” is a possessive adjective. IV. There would be no significative changes in meaning if the word “among” were replaced by “between” because they are always interchangeable.
Which statements are correct?
Read the following text and answer question.
Introduction to global food loss and food waste
Food losses and food waste are quickly becoming a top global issue, because while there are millions of families with children starving, others are living in abundance, with many others carelessly throwing food away. Many of us have wasted food in one way or the other, but the real food losses and waste matter is ______ than just consumer food waste.
From farming fields and storage places, through transportation, processing, market places, down to
consumption places such as homes, schools, restaurants and workplaces, more than half of all food
produced globally go to waste. This is a tragedy!
In developing countries, it takes a lot of man-power to produce food. In more advanced countries, machines and technology are used, but the drain on energy, destruction of vegetative lands, the use of chemicals and ______ impact on the environment are phenomenal. Putting all that together, it is clear that a major problem has emerged and we are all in a position to help in one way or the other.
(Adapted from: Access: 01/23/2018)
Observe a tabela a seguir:
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente os espaços em branco na tabela acima:
Instruction: answer based on the following text.
(Available in: – text adapted specially for this test).