Questões de Inglês - Pronome reflexivo | Reflexive Pronoun para Concurso

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Q2555343 Inglês
Choose the correct sentence. 
Q2555339 Inglês
Select the sentence with the appropriate use of a reflexive pronoun.
Q2316868 Inglês

Julgue o item subsequente. 

Reflexive pronouns, such as “myself” and “yourself,” reflect the action back onto the subject. Mastery of reflexive pronoun usage ensures grammatical accuracy and clarity in English sentences. Recognizing situations that warrant reflexive pronouns contributes to effective self-expression. 

Q2064492 Inglês
Sabe-se que os pronomes reflexivos podem ter uma função enfática. Neste caso, eles se adaptam à pessoa ou à coisa que será enfatizada. Diante do exposto, analise as afirmativas a seguir e assinale a alternativa correta.
I. Mary is a journalist. She talked to the prime minister theirself. II. Mary is a journalist. She talked to herself the prime minister. III. Mary is a journalist. She talked to the prime minister herself. IV. The journalist, Mary, talked to the prime minister him. 
Q2003706 Inglês
Considering morphology, the underlined word in "We committed ourselves to working for its entry into force at the earliest opportunity." is a/an: 
1: A
2: D
3: C
4: C
5: B