Questões de Inglês - Pronúncia e Som | Pronunciation and Sound para Concurso

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Q2272378 Inglês
A linguagem oral do inglês apresenta uma série de desafios, incluindo a pronúncia de sons que podem variar significativamente entre os dialetos. Entre os seguintes sons do inglês, qual é conhecido por ser particularmente complexo, com sua articulação envolvendo uma mistura de vogal e consoante, e muitas vezes representando um desafio para não nativos?
Q2272371 Inglês
Netherlands: Phone ban announced to stop school disruptions

(1º§) Devices including mobile phones are set to be banned from classrooms to stop them from disrupting learning, the Dutch government has announced. The initiative is being introduced in collaboration with schools and is to take effect at the start of next year.

(2º§) There will be some exceptions, including for students with medical needs or a disability, and for classes focused on digital skills. The ban is not legally enforceable but may become so in the future. "Even though mobile phones are almost intertwined with our lives, they do not belong in the classroom," said Education Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf. "Students must be able to concentrate there and be given every opportunity to learn well. We know from scientific research that mobile phones disrupt this."

(3º§) Various studies have found limiting children's screen time is linked to improved cognition and concentration. Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban. The government said it would be up to individual schools to agree the exact rules with teachers, parents and pupils - including whether they wanted to completely ban devices __ schools.

(4º§) The scheme is the result of an agreement between the ministry, schools and related organisations. It will be reviewed at the end of the 2024/2025 school year to see how well it had worked and whether a legal ban is needed. The announcement follows a similar decision by Finland last week.

(5º§) Its government announced it would change the law to make it easier __ restrict the use of phones in schools. Other countries, including England and France, have also proposed banning mobile phones to improve learning. 
In the sentence (3º§) "Other tech including tablets and smartwatches are also included in the Dutch ban.," which word contains a voiced fricative sound?
Q2210434 Inglês

Stop Wasting Time: A 15-minute Planning Session That Will Save You Hours

(Available at:– textespecially adapted for this test).
Accents aside, English has general pronunciation rules. The final “s” in plural nouns can be pronounced as /s/, /z/, or /ɪz/, like in the words books, keys, and pieces. Relate Column 1 to Column 2, associating the sound represented by the final “s” with the respective words.
Column 1 1. /s/ 2. /z/ 3. /ɪz/
Column 2
( ) Calendars ( ) Bosses. ( ) Tasks
The correct order of filling the parentheses, from top to bottom, is:
Q2204597 Inglês

O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder a questão.

(1º§) Arthritis and osteoporosis are long-term conditions that affect your bones. Arthritis causes swelling and inflammation. Osteoporosis develops as a result of decreased bone mass and density, and can lead to fractures.

(2º§) Jane Atkinson looks at ways to keep your bones and joints healthy. Regular, low-impact exercise can help in the battle against joint pain. Nuffield Health has launched a free joint pain programme to help sufferers lead a more independent life - and you don't even need to be a paying member of the gym to join up. As well as exercises, it offers lifestyle tips and uses relaxation techniques to try to help with pain so those affected can sleep.

(3º§) The programme, which lasts six months, has proven results. Of those who completed it, 69 per cent say they have improvements in mobility, pain, general fitness levels and overall quality of life. Among participants who were in such pain they couldn't work, 30 per cent were able to return after week 12. Working out what supplements you need and how much you need is not always easy.

(4º§) Osteo Complete is a bone health complex that includes calcium, vitamin D3, zinc, boron and copper. These elements work together to help maintain your musculoskeletal system, which supports the body and its movements. Vitamin D3 is crucial for the absorption of calcium. The minerals magnesium and zinc contribute to normal protein synthesis, while copper helps maintain connective tissues.

(5º§) These very tasty vanilla-flavoured tablets are a good alternative for people who do not like swallowing pills as you can chew them. 240 chewable tablets, £18.95,

(6º§) The world has gone mad for collagen. There are different types, but for bone health the best is Type I. It provides structure to your skin, bones, tendons and ligaments. The change is not instant. Take it regularly and it could take a year to achieve the full results, but if you are persistent it does work. I like Correxiko Marine Collagen Type I. It comes from the skin of deep-sea fish, caught off the coast of Canada.

(7º§) It is an unflavoured powder that you bung in water or a coffee. Lisa Snowdon says her menopausal and age-related aches and pains have gone since she started using it. £39.95 for a 42-day supply,

(adapted) ills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/ (adapted) ts-keeeppboneeshealthy/ k/health/22499522/we-test-pills-collagen-products-keep-bones-healthy/
Which pair of words from the text above have similar sounds but different meanings in different contexts? Select the CORRECT alternative.
Q2188980 Inglês
Read the quote about error to get familiarized with the topic.
“Mistakes are often divided into errors and slips. Errors happen when learners try to say something that is beyond their current level of language processing. Usually, learners cannot correct errors themselves because they don’t understand what is wrong. Errors play a necessary and important part in language learning. Slips are the result of tiredness, worry or other temporary emotions or circumstances. These kinds of mistakes can be corrected by learners once they realize they have made them.”
Judge the items below as (T) True or (F) False.
1. There are two main reasons why learners make errors. The first reason is influence from the learner’s first language (L1) on the second language. This is called interference or transfer. Learners may use sound patterns, lexis or grammatical structures from their own language in English. The second reason is because they are unconsciously working out or organizing language, but this process is not yet complete. This kind of error is called a developmental error.
2. Errors in which learners wrongly apply a rule for one item of the language to another item are known as overgeneralization, and as a second language learners’ language ability increases, these kinds of errors also reduce.
3. Errors are part of learner’s interlanguage, which develops and progresses as they learn more. Experts think that interlanguage is an essential and unavoidable stage in language learning. In other words, interlanguage and errors are necessary to language learning.
4. Errors are a natural part of learning. They usually show that learners are learning and that their internal mental processes are working on experimenting with language.
5. Sometimes errors do not disappear, but get fossilized. These fossilized errors may be the result of lack of exposure to the second language and/or of a learner’s lack of motivation to improve their level of accuracy.
Choose the CORRECT sequence.
26: D
27: B
28: D
29: D
30: D