Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês

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Q2163886 Inglês

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The preposition is correct in the sentence “She is really good at sports”. 
Q2163881 Inglês

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The article was correctly used in the sentence “Online translators have been an useful tool for students”.
Q2163878 Inglês

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In the sentence “You should avoid drinking coffee before going to bed”, the modal verb “should” can be replaced with “must” without changing the meaning of the sentence. 
Q2163876 Inglês

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Na frase “Billie is playing his guitar always”, o uso do advérbio está correto.
Q2163870 Inglês

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The sentence “She is the more beautiful girl in the classroom” is grammatically correct. 
Q2163868 Inglês

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In the sentence “She was born in the Netherlands”, the use of the article is correct.
Q2163866 Inglês

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Na frase “my house is bigger than yours”, o comparativo de superioridade do adjetivo “big” está correto. 
Q2163865 Inglês

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The plural form of “That kid is a good student” is “Those kids are goods students”. 
Q2163864 Inglês

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In the phrase “A beautiful big white horse”, the order of the adjectives is correct.
Q2163863 Inglês

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The sentence “Lucy wants to spend some days in the her beach house” is grammatically correct. 
Q2163857 Inglês

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Na frase “She rarely goes to the park”, a palavra “rarely” é um advérbio de frequência. 
Q2163855 Inglês

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In the sentence “John is still working, though he’s old enough to retire”, the conjunction “though” expresses comparison. 
Q2163852 Inglês

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The plural form of “mouse” is “mice”. 
Q2163847 Inglês

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The sentence “If I were rich, I would travel around the world” is grammatically correct. 
Q2163845 Inglês

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In the sentence “She read the book”, the verb could either be in the simple present or simple past.
Q2163844 Inglês

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Even though it is generally considered obsolete, the Grammar-Translation Method, also called “Classic Method”, is still widely used, especially when the focus is on teaching reading and writing skills. 
Q2163843 Inglês

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In the sentence “We saw Bill and Tom at the park”, the words “Bill and Tom” can be replaced with the pronoun “them”.
Q2163842 Inglês

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According to Vygotsky, the learning process results of the mediation of teachers, peers and parents on the Proximal Development Zone of students. 
Q2163840 Inglês

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The word “information” is an uncountable noun. 
Q2160164 Inglês
Concerning the vocabulary of the English language, mark the CORRECT alternative:
From the _________, or the _________ – From the red cliff of the __________


(Edgar Allan Poe). 

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