Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês

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Q1309441 Inglês

Which sentences are grammatically CORRECT?

Choose the CORRECT answer.

I. Paula has got short black hairs.

II. We´re going to buy some new furnitures.

III. The tour guide gave us some information about the city.

IV. I read a book and listened to some music.

V. I´m going to open a window to get some fresh air.

Q1309440 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the CORRECT answer.

Someone _________ my phone!

Q1309439 Inglês

Complete the sentence with the CORRECT answer.

He _________ home as soon as he_________ his work.

Q1309438 Inglês
All sentences are in the passive voice, EXECPT:
Q1309437 Inglês
All the sentences are correct, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.
Q1309435 Inglês
Which set of words contain both a prefix and a suffix? Choose the CORRECT answer.
Q1309434 Inglês
All the set of words contain the same phonetic symbol / sound, EXCEPT one. Choose the INCORRECT answer.
Q1309433 Inglês

Choose the CORRECT definition of the phrasal verb.

Work is so hectic lately! Tonight, I will have get down to it.

Q1304462 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following sentences about the text:

I. In the last paragraph, there’s a reference to a movie from the 90s. The text only makes sense if you remember and understand its plot.

II. The text refers to a modern problem faced online concerning security and strong passwords.

III. The narrative makes humour with the fact that people find hard to keep track of the passwords and have to re-set them often.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304461 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the expression “iH8You69” (line 43) and the following sentences:

I. It plays with the sound of the word ‘eight’ and ‘hate’.

II. It is a slang commonly used in texting.

III. It is an abbreviation.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304460 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

‘Otherwise’ (l.47) could be replaced by:
Q1304459 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following sentences:

I. A duck walked waddled out onto the street in front of my car today, and I had to swerve to avoid hitting it.

II. I swerved to avoid a solitary drunk who dreamily crossed the road backwards.

III. Dozens were injured when a passenger bus swerved off and slammed into another bus.

In which sentences the verb ‘swerve’ has the same meaning as used in line 25? 

Q1304458 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following statements about the expression ‘bald-faced lies’ (l.15):

I. It is an idiomatic expression.

II. It means “showing no shame or embarassment about doing something bad”.

III. It could be translated as ‘mentira descarada’.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304457 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider “Error: Password must not be an item you’re looking at on your desk.” (l.17) and the following sentences:

I. The pronoun ‘you’ refers exclusively to the reader.

II. The item being referred to is a desk lamp.

III. The sentence is not coherent, because there’s no reference available in the text.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304456 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following sentences about the use of ‘must’ along the text (lines 3, 5, 11, e.g):

I. It is used to indicate possibility.

II. It is used for emphasis.

III. It shows that something is necessary, as a requirement.

Which ones are correct? 

Q1304455 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following sentences about the word ‘Yeesh’ (l.11):

I. It’s an emphatic word.

II. It is informal.

III. A word to describe something that isn't good.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304454 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following statements:

I. ‘colder’ (line 09) is the superlative form of ‘cold’.

II. In line 11, ‘less sad’ is incorrect, ‘saddest’ should have been used.

III. ‘sadder’ (line 13) has a spelling error as it should have been spelled with only one letter ‘d’.

Which ones are correct?

Q1304453 Inglês

Instruction: answer the question based one the following text.

Consider the following statements:

I. In line 1, the blank should be filled in by ‘for create’.


II. The verb ‘to thank’ is always followed by the preposition ‘for’ plus a noun.

Considering the sentences above:

Q1303788 Inglês

Analise o texto abaixo sobre o uso das mídias e tecnologias para o ensino e aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa no Brasil.

“O advento da internet permitiu contatos globalizados no Brasil, popularizaram-se as ........................... por meio de e-mail, listas de discussão e fóruns. Com todo o avanço tecnológico agregado ao ensino de línguas, é evidente que o professor necessita também se tornar um profissional mais e mais preparado para as transformações......................... .

Desta forma, estar preparado para acompanhar as inovações tecnológicas e suas consequências ........................ constitui-se uma importante característica na atuação do professor.”

Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.

Q1303785 Inglês

Grammar is not a language skill. It is a language component which is essential to the mastery of all the four skills. You cannot use any language skill without using grammar. Grammar is not an end in itself but it is a means to an end. I

Its importance when teaching English as foreign language is correctly expressed in which alternative?

9641: D
9642: C
9643: A
9644: C
9645: D
9646: C
9647: B
9648: B
9649: B
9650: D
9651: C
9652: E
9653: E
9654: B
9655: C
9656: D
9657: A
9658: E
9659: C
9660: E