Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês

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Q1285452 Inglês

Leia as afirmativas a seguir:

I. Identificar o lugar de si e o do outro em um mundo plurilíngue e multicultural, refletindo, criticamente, sobre como a aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa contribui para a inserção dos sujeitos no mundo globalizado, inclusive no que concerne ao mundo do trabalho, é uma competência que pode ser desenvolvida pelo estudante de Língua Inglesa ao longo do Ensino Fundamental.

II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: he brougiht down the house.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA:

Q1285451 Inglês

Leia as afirmativas a seguir:

I. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: first come, first served.

II. Comunicar-se na Língua Inglesa, por meio do uso variado de linguagens em mídias impressas ou digitais, reconhecendo-a como uma ferramenta que impede o acesso ao conhecimento, que reduz as perspectivas e as possibilidades para a compreensão dos valores e interesses de outras culturas e para o exercício do protagonismo social, é uma competência que pode ser desenvolvida pelo estudante de Língua Inglesa ao longo do Ensino Fundamental.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA

Q1285449 Inglês

Leia as afirmativas a seguir:

I. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir em inglês: a gowd buy (uma pechincha, uma boa compra).

II. Está correta a grafia do trecho a seguir: to have little to depend on.

Marque a alternativa CORRETA:

Q1278016 Inglês

From the chart, what information can you get about the election results:

Candidate Total Votes Women Men

Jones 1,000 500 500

Smith 2,543 500 2,043

Lopez 5,200 3,200 2,000

Shen 4,790 3,000 1,790

From: www.tv411org/reading

Q1278015 Inglês

01 At least 100 Sussex children and staff are thought to be
02 suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas meal. A third
03 of all pupils – aged between nine and 13 – and 10 teachers
04 were struck down after eating a turkey lunch on Wednesday.
05 No one is hospitalized. 
From: www.tv411org/reading
The two part verb in the sentence “…and 10 teachers were struck down.” (lines 4) is not:
Q1278014 Inglês

01 At least 100 Sussex children and staff are thought to be
02 suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas meal. A third
03 of all pupils – aged between nine and 13 – and 10 teachers
04 were struck down after eating a turkey lunch on Wednesday.
05 No one is hospitalized. 
From: www.tv411org/reading
The poisoned food:
Q1278013 Inglês

01 At least 100 Sussex children and staff are thought to be
02 suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas meal. A third
03 of all pupils – aged between nine and 13 – and 10 teachers
04 were struck down after eating a turkey lunch on Wednesday.
05 No one is hospitalized. 
From: www.tv411org/reading

According to the article no one is hospitalized. Choose the best option to express advice:

“But I think they ______ be under observation for a while.”

Q1278012 Inglês

01 At least 100 Sussex children and staff are thought to be
02 suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas meal. A third
03 of all pupils – aged between nine and 13 – and 10 teachers
04 were struck down after eating a turkey lunch on Wednesday.
05 No one is hospitalized. 
From: www.tv411org/reading
The best headline to go with the article is:
Q1278011 Inglês

01 At least 100 Sussex children and staff are thought to be
02 suffering from food poisoning after a Christmas meal. A third
03 of all pupils – aged between nine and 13 – and 10 teachers
04 were struck down after eating a turkey lunch on Wednesday.
05 No one is hospitalized. 
From: www.tv411org/reading
We can infer from the article:
Q1278010 Inglês

John´s mother used the imperative “Warm it up for ten minutes.” to:


Your dinner is already in the oven. Warm it up for ten minutes.

Love, Mommy

Adapted from: www.tv411org/reading

Q1278009 Inglês
Read the following sign and answer question.

Green Manor
* ____________________________
14.00 – 16.00 and 18.00 – 20.00
If you cannot come at these times, please speak to the nurse in charge.

Adapted from:
Who is this sign meant for?
Q1278008 Inglês
Read the following sign and answer question.

Green Manor
* ____________________________
14.00 – 16.00 and 18.00 – 20.00
If you cannot come at these times, please speak to the nurse in charge.

Adapted from:
Read the sign above and select the missing words ( * ) to complete it:
Q1278007 Inglês

Read the article below and choose the correct option to complete it:

New York needs

a new stadium

The Giants may move to New Jersey and take all 1. ____ money with 2. ____. This is not going to be good for 3. ____.

Nobody in New York likes the Giant stadium. “ 4. ____´s too hard to see the field.” Says Al Shapiro. The stadium could fall any minute!

From: www.tv411org/reading

Q1278006 Inglês
What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour

Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? 

  We’re in the golden age of innovation, an era in which digital technology is transforming the underpinnings of human existence. Or so a techno-optimist might argue. 
  We’re in a depressing era in which innovation has slowed and living standards are barely rising. That’s what some skeptical economists believe.
   The truth is, this isn’t a debate that can be settled objectively. Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? You could argue for any of them, and data can tell plenty of different stories depending on how you look at it. Productivity statistics or information on inflation-adjusted incomes is helpful, but can’t really tell you whether the advent of air-conditioning or the Internet did more to improve humanity’s quality of life. […]

(Source: Neil Irwin, at “The NY Times”. Retrieved at:
In the passage “[…] whether the advent of air-conditioning or the Internet did more to improve humanity’s quality of life” (3rd paragraph), the conjunction “WHETHER” gives a certain idea and could be replaced by a certain conjunction, which are, respectively:
Q1278005 Inglês
What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour

Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? 

  We’re in the golden age of innovation, an era in which digital technology is transforming the underpinnings of human existence. Or so a techno-optimist might argue. 
  We’re in a depressing era in which innovation has slowed and living standards are barely rising. That’s what some skeptical economists believe.
   The truth is, this isn’t a debate that can be settled objectively. Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? You could argue for any of them, and data can tell plenty of different stories depending on how you look at it. Productivity statistics or information on inflation-adjusted incomes is helpful, but can’t really tell you whether the advent of air-conditioning or the Internet did more to improve humanity’s quality of life. […]

(Source: Neil Irwin, at “The NY Times”. Retrieved at:
In the statement “You could argue for any of them” (3rd paragraph), the modal verb COULD is correctly replaced, with no change in meaning, on the following item:
Q1278004 Inglês
What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour

Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? 

  We’re in the golden age of innovation, an era in which digital technology is transforming the underpinnings of human existence. Or so a techno-optimist might argue. 
  We’re in a depressing era in which innovation has slowed and living standards are barely rising. That’s what some skeptical economists believe.
   The truth is, this isn’t a debate that can be settled objectively. Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? You could argue for any of them, and data can tell plenty of different stories depending on how you look at it. Productivity statistics or information on inflation-adjusted incomes is helpful, but can’t really tell you whether the advent of air-conditioning or the Internet did more to improve humanity’s quality of life. […]

(Source: Neil Irwin, at “The NY Times”. Retrieved at:
The sentence “[…] digital technology is transforming the underpinnings of human existence” (1st paragraph) is an affirmative period. Its correct interrogative form with no change in meaning is:
Q1278003 Inglês
What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour

Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? 

  We’re in the golden age of innovation, an era in which digital technology is transforming the underpinnings of human existence. Or so a techno-optimist might argue. 
  We’re in a depressing era in which innovation has slowed and living standards are barely rising. That’s what some skeptical economists believe.
   The truth is, this isn’t a debate that can be settled objectively. Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? You could argue for any of them, and data can tell plenty of different stories depending on how you look at it. Productivity statistics or information on inflation-adjusted incomes is helpful, but can’t really tell you whether the advent of air-conditioning or the Internet did more to improve humanity’s quality of life. […]

(Source: Neil Irwin, at “The NY Times”. Retrieved at:
Which of the following conclusions is in accordance to the ideas of text?
Q1278002 Inglês
What Was the Greatest Era for Innovation? A Brief Guided Tour

Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? 

  We’re in the golden age of innovation, an era in which digital technology is transforming the underpinnings of human existence. Or so a techno-optimist might argue. 
  We’re in a depressing era in which innovation has slowed and living standards are barely rising. That’s what some skeptical economists believe.
   The truth is, this isn’t a debate that can be settled objectively. Which was a more important innovation: indoor plumbing, jet air travel or mobile phones? You could argue for any of them, and data can tell plenty of different stories depending on how you look at it. Productivity statistics or information on inflation-adjusted incomes is helpful, but can’t really tell you whether the advent of air-conditioning or the Internet did more to improve humanity’s quality of life. […]

(Source: Neil Irwin, at “The NY Times”. Retrieved at:
According to the text’s title, it can be inferred that:
Q1278001 Inglês

How to beat loneliness

Loneliness is a subjective feeling. You may be surrounded by other people, friends, family, workmates — yet still feel emotionally or socially disconnected from those around you. Other people are not guaranteed to shield us against the raw emotional pain that loneliness inflicts.

But raw emotional pain is only the beginning of the damage loneliness can cause. It has a huge impact on our physical health as well. Loneliness activates our physical and psychological stress responses and suppresses the function of our immune systems. This puts us at increased risk for developing all kinds of illness and diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Shockingly, the longterm risk chronic loneliness poses to our health and longevity is so severe, it actually increases risk of an early death by 26%.

There are many paths to loneliness. Some enter loneliness gradually. A friend moves away, another has a child, a third works a seventy-hour work week, and before we know it our social circle, the one we had relied upon for years, ceases to exist. Others enter loneliness more suddenly, when they leave for college or the military, lose a partner to death or divorce, start a new job, or move to a new town or country. And for some, chronic illness, disability or other limiting conditions have made loneliness a lifelong companion.

Unfortunately, emerging from loneliness is far more challenging than we realize, as the psychological wounds it inflicts create a trap from which it is difficult to break free. Loneliness distorts our perceptions, making us believe the people around us care much less than they actually do, and it makes us view our existing relationships more negatively, such that we see them as less meaningful and important than we would if we were not lonely.

These distorted perceptions have a huge ripple effect, creating self-fulfilling prophecies that ensnare many. Feeling emotionally raw and convinced of our own undesirability and of the diminished caring of others, we hesitate to reach out even as we are likely to respond to overtures from others with hesitance, resentment, skepticism or desperation, effectively pushing away the very people who could alleviate our condition.

As a result, many lonely people withdraw and isolate themselves to avoid risking further rejection or disappointment. And when they do venture into the world, their hesitance and doubts are likely to create the very reaction they fear. They will force themselves to attend a party but feel so convinced others won’t talk to them, they spend the entire evening parked by the hummus and vegetable dip with a scowl on their face, and indeed, no one dares approach — which for them only verifies their fundamental undesirability. […] 

(Source: Guy Winch, at TED Ideas. Retrieved at: 

In the passage “But raw emotional pain is only the beginning of the damage loneliness can cause. It has a huge impact on our physical health as well” (line 07/08) the pronoun IT is replacing the word:
Q1278000 Inglês

How to beat loneliness

Loneliness is a subjective feeling. You may be surrounded by other people, friends, family, workmates — yet still feel emotionally or socially disconnected from those around you. Other people are not guaranteed to shield us against the raw emotional pain that loneliness inflicts.

But raw emotional pain is only the beginning of the damage loneliness can cause. It has a huge impact on our physical health as well. Loneliness activates our physical and psychological stress responses and suppresses the function of our immune systems. This puts us at increased risk for developing all kinds of illness and diseases, including cardiovascular disease. Shockingly, the longterm risk chronic loneliness poses to our health and longevity is so severe, it actually increases risk of an early death by 26%.

There are many paths to loneliness. Some enter loneliness gradually. A friend moves away, another has a child, a third works a seventy-hour work week, and before we know it our social circle, the one we had relied upon for years, ceases to exist. Others enter loneliness more suddenly, when they leave for college or the military, lose a partner to death or divorce, start a new job, or move to a new town or country. And for some, chronic illness, disability or other limiting conditions have made loneliness a lifelong companion.

Unfortunately, emerging from loneliness is far more challenging than we realize, as the psychological wounds it inflicts create a trap from which it is difficult to break free. Loneliness distorts our perceptions, making us believe the people around us care much less than they actually do, and it makes us view our existing relationships more negatively, such that we see them as less meaningful and important than we would if we were not lonely.

These distorted perceptions have a huge ripple effect, creating self-fulfilling prophecies that ensnare many. Feeling emotionally raw and convinced of our own undesirability and of the diminished caring of others, we hesitate to reach out even as we are likely to respond to overtures from others with hesitance, resentment, skepticism or desperation, effectively pushing away the very people who could alleviate our condition.

As a result, many lonely people withdraw and isolate themselves to avoid risking further rejection or disappointment. And when they do venture into the world, their hesitance and doubts are likely to create the very reaction they fear. They will force themselves to attend a party but feel so convinced others won’t talk to them, they spend the entire evening parked by the hummus and vegetable dip with a scowl on their face, and indeed, no one dares approach — which for them only verifies their fundamental undesirability. […] 

(Source: Guy Winch, at TED Ideas. Retrieved at: 

In the sentence “You may be surrounded by other people […]” (line 01-02) we find the use of passive voice. The correct construction of this phrase on the active form is:
9861: B
9862: B
9863: C
9864: D
9865: E
9866: C
9867: B
9868: A
9869: D
9870: A
9871: B
9872: A
9873: D
9874: E
9875: A
9876: E
9877: B
9878: C
9879: D
9880: E