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Q1165628 Inglês

Portfolio managers must construct investment portfolios that:

I. Maximize return for a given risk

II. Minimize risk for a given return

III. Avoid high correlation

IV. Are tailored to the individual company

Q1165598 Inglês
When an IT company wants to control their IT projects, two paradigms collide. Mark the alternative that best describes such paradigms:
Q1165578 Inglês
In information systems, it is necessary that the user has an access name to use the system. Thus, it is correct to state that login refers to:
Q1165577 Inglês
Knowledge of technical English is essential for the IT field. Thus, concerning technical English, it is correct to say that handshaking is:
Q1165467 Inglês
There is a type of network that has immeasurable geographical dimensions. This means that it can interconnect all continents, countries and large regions using more extensive links, such as satellites or cables (submarines or terrestrial). Based on this assertion, we can identify as being such network the
Q1165443 Inglês
By stating that the PMBOK is generally accepted, what generally accepted mean?
Q1165442 Inglês

Choose the alternative that presents the management skill associated with the following statements:

“Establishing direction—developing both a vision of the future and strategies for producing the changes needed to achieve that vision”

“Aligning people—communicating the vision by words and deeds to all those whose cooperation may be needed to achieve the vision.”

Q1165416 Inglês
In late January 2003, the SQL Slammer worm infected more than 250,000 hosts in less than two hours. SQL Slammer exploited a well-known flaw in the Microsoft SQL Server 2000, which was officially reported by Microsoft on July 2002. Choose the alternative that describes the vulnerability associated with this situation:
Q1165353 Inglês

Set the Table

When you begin writing tests, you will discover a common pattern:

1. Create some objects

2. Stimulate them

3. Check the results

While the stimulation and checking steps are unique test-to-test, the creation step is often familiar. I have a 2 and 3. If I add them, I expect 5. If I subtract them, I expect – 1, if I multiply them, I expect 6. The stimulation and expected results are unique, the 2 and the 3 don’t change.

If this pattern repeats at different scales (and it does), then we’re faced with the question of how often do we want to create new objects. Looking back at our initial set of constraints, two constraints come into conflict:

· Performance—we would like our tests to run as quickly as possible

· Isolation—we would the success or failure of one test to be irrelevant to other tests

For performance sake, assuming creating the objects (we’ll call them collectively the “fixture”) is expensive, we would like to create them once and then run lots of tests.

But sharing objects between tests creates the possibility of test coupling. Test coupling can have an obvious nasty effect, where breaking one test causes the next ten to fail even though the code is correct. Test coupling can have a subtle really nasty effect, where the order of tests matters. If I run A before B, they both work, but if I run B before A, then A fails. Worse, the code exercised by B is wrong, but because A ran first, the test passes.

Kent Beck – Test-Driven Development By Example. Addison-Wesley Professional; Edição: 1. Novembro, 2002. Page 82.

According to the text, as you begin to write tests you will discover a pattern. What pattern is it?
Q1165352 Inglês

Set the Table

When you begin writing tests, you will discover a common pattern:

1. Create some objects

2. Stimulate them

3. Check the results

While the stimulation and checking steps are unique test-to-test, the creation step is often familiar. I have a 2 and 3. If I add them, I expect 5. If I subtract them, I expect – 1, if I multiply them, I expect 6. The stimulation and expected results are unique, the 2 and the 3 don’t change.

If this pattern repeats at different scales (and it does), then we’re faced with the question of how often do we want to create new objects. Looking back at our initial set of constraints, two constraints come into conflict:

· Performance—we would like our tests to run as quickly as possible

· Isolation—we would the success or failure of one test to be irrelevant to other tests

For performance sake, assuming creating the objects (we’ll call them collectively the “fixture”) is expensive, we would like to create them once and then run lots of tests.

But sharing objects between tests creates the possibility of test coupling. Test coupling can have an obvious nasty effect, where breaking one test causes the next ten to fail even though the code is correct. Test coupling can have a subtle really nasty effect, where the order of tests matters. If I run A before B, they both work, but if I run B before A, then A fails. Worse, the code exercised by B is wrong, but because A ran first, the test passes.

Kent Beck – Test-Driven Development By Example. Addison-Wesley Professional; Edição: 1. Novembro, 2002. Page 82.

Based on the text it is correct to state about the coupling of tests that:
Q1165328 Inglês
The CPU can request data from an I/O controller, one byte at a time, but by doing so, it wastes a large chunk of the CPU. Another way of accomplishing the same work without this waste is:
Q1165327 Inglês
Clocks, also called timers, are essential for the operation of any multiprogrammed system. About clocks, we can say that:
Q1159406 Inglês

       I have suggested that many, if not most teachers, could usefully adjust the values they emphasise. Here, three of them:

      1. From Short-Term to Long-Term Aims

          Learning a foreign language can be a valuable, long-term personal asset for the student. lt can be inhibited by over-emphasising short-term objectives — tests, pressure to speak before you are ready etc.

      2. From Knowledge to Skill

     Knowledge involves answers and explanations and is necessary, but not sufficient. What matters is not what you know, but what you can do. ‘Knowing’ a foreign language may be interesting; the ability to use it is life-enhancing.

     3. From Accuracy to Communication

       Successful communication always involves at least limited accuracy. Accuracy need not involve communication at all. Communication is a wider, more useful concept; successful language is more valuable than language which is only accurate.

(Michael Lewis. The lexical approach. 2002. Adaptado)

In the sentence “What matters is not what you know, but what you can do”, the underlined verb indicates
Q1159405 Inglês

       I have suggested that many, if not most teachers, could usefully adjust the values they emphasise. Here, three of them:

      1. From Short-Term to Long-Term Aims

          Learning a foreign language can be a valuable, long-term personal asset for the student. lt can be inhibited by over-emphasising short-term objectives — tests, pressure to speak before you are ready etc.

      2. From Knowledge to Skill

     Knowledge involves answers and explanations and is necessary, but not sufficient. What matters is not what you know, but what you can do. ‘Knowing’ a foreign language may be interesting; the ability to use it is life-enhancing.

     3. From Accuracy to Communication

       Successful communication always involves at least limited accuracy. Accuracy need not involve communication at all. Communication is a wider, more useful concept; successful language is more valuable than language which is only accurate.

(Michael Lewis. The lexical approach. 2002. Adaptado)

Os itens 2 e 3, em comum,
Q1159404 Inglês

       I have suggested that many, if not most teachers, could usefully adjust the values they emphasise. Here, three of them:

      1. From Short-Term to Long-Term Aims

          Learning a foreign language can be a valuable, long-term personal asset for the student. lt can be inhibited by over-emphasising short-term objectives — tests, pressure to speak before you are ready etc.

      2. From Knowledge to Skill

     Knowledge involves answers and explanations and is necessary, but not sufficient. What matters is not what you know, but what you can do. ‘Knowing’ a foreign language may be interesting; the ability to use it is life-enhancing.

     3. From Accuracy to Communication

       Successful communication always involves at least limited accuracy. Accuracy need not involve communication at all. Communication is a wider, more useful concept; successful language is more valuable than language which is only accurate.

(Michael Lewis. The lexical approach. 2002. Adaptado)

O item 1 encontra respaldo em documentos oficiais para o ensino de língua estrangeira no Brasil no que concerne
Q1159403 Inglês

      Characteristics of a good test

      In order to judge the effectiveness of any test, it is sensible to lay down criteria against which the test can be measured, as follows:

      Validity: a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test. Thus it is not valid, for example, to test writing ability with an essay question that demands specialist knowledge of history or biology — unless it is known that all students share this knowledge before they do the test.

      A particular kind of ‘validity’ that concerns most test designers is face validity. This means that the test should look, on the ‘face’ of it, as if it is valid. A test which consisted of only three multiple choice items would not convince students of its face validity however reliable or practical teachers thought it to be.

      Reliability: a good test should give consistent results. For example, if the same group of students took the same test twice within two days — without reflecting on the first test before they sat it again — they should get the same results on each occasion. If two groups who were demonstrably alike took the test, the marking range would be the same.

      In practice, ‘reliability’ is enhanced by making the test instructions absolutely clear, restricting the scope for variety in the answers. Reliability also depends on the people who mark the tests. Clearly a test is unreliable if the result depends to any large extent on who is marking it. Much thought has gone into making the scoring of tests as reliable as possible.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adaptado)

É um falso cognato no texto:
Q1159402 Inglês

      Characteristics of a good test

      In order to judge the effectiveness of any test, it is sensible to lay down criteria against which the test can be measured, as follows:

      Validity: a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test. Thus it is not valid, for example, to test writing ability with an essay question that demands specialist knowledge of history or biology — unless it is known that all students share this knowledge before they do the test.

      A particular kind of ‘validity’ that concerns most test designers is face validity. This means that the test should look, on the ‘face’ of it, as if it is valid. A test which consisted of only three multiple choice items would not convince students of its face validity however reliable or practical teachers thought it to be.

      Reliability: a good test should give consistent results. For example, if the same group of students took the same test twice within two days — without reflecting on the first test before they sat it again — they should get the same results on each occasion. If two groups who were demonstrably alike took the test, the marking range would be the same.

      In practice, ‘reliability’ is enhanced by making the test instructions absolutely clear, restricting the scope for variety in the answers. Reliability also depends on the people who mark the tests. Clearly a test is unreliable if the result depends to any large extent on who is marking it. Much thought has gone into making the scoring of tests as reliable as possible.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adaptado)

Outro importante critério em relação a testes é seu grau de confiabilidade, descrito como a congruência nos resultados obtidos caso o teste seja reaplicado. De acordo com o texto, tem-se como quesito necessário no que concerne à garantia de confiabilidade:
Q1159401 Inglês

      Characteristics of a good test

      In order to judge the effectiveness of any test, it is sensible to lay down criteria against which the test can be measured, as follows:

      Validity: a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test. Thus it is not valid, for example, to test writing ability with an essay question that demands specialist knowledge of history or biology — unless it is known that all students share this knowledge before they do the test.

      A particular kind of ‘validity’ that concerns most test designers is face validity. This means that the test should look, on the ‘face’ of it, as if it is valid. A test which consisted of only three multiple choice items would not convince students of its face validity however reliable or practical teachers thought it to be.

      Reliability: a good test should give consistent results. For example, if the same group of students took the same test twice within two days — without reflecting on the first test before they sat it again — they should get the same results on each occasion. If two groups who were demonstrably alike took the test, the marking range would be the same.

      In practice, ‘reliability’ is enhanced by making the test instructions absolutely clear, restricting the scope for variety in the answers. Reliability also depends on the people who mark the tests. Clearly a test is unreliable if the result depends to any large extent on who is marking it. Much thought has gone into making the scoring of tests as reliable as possible.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adaptado)

The word “Thus”, in the second paragraph, can be correctly replaced by
Q1159400 Inglês

      Characteristics of a good test

      In order to judge the effectiveness of any test, it is sensible to lay down criteria against which the test can be measured, as follows:

      Validity: a test is valid if it tests what it is supposed to test. Thus it is not valid, for example, to test writing ability with an essay question that demands specialist knowledge of history or biology — unless it is known that all students share this knowledge before they do the test.

      A particular kind of ‘validity’ that concerns most test designers is face validity. This means that the test should look, on the ‘face’ of it, as if it is valid. A test which consisted of only three multiple choice items would not convince students of its face validity however reliable or practical teachers thought it to be.

      Reliability: a good test should give consistent results. For example, if the same group of students took the same test twice within two days — without reflecting on the first test before they sat it again — they should get the same results on each occasion. If two groups who were demonstrably alike took the test, the marking range would be the same.

      In practice, ‘reliability’ is enhanced by making the test instructions absolutely clear, restricting the scope for variety in the answers. Reliability also depends on the people who mark the tests. Clearly a test is unreliable if the result depends to any large extent on who is marking it. Much thought has gone into making the scoring of tests as reliable as possible.

(Jeremy Harmer. The practice of English language teaching. 2007. Adaptado)

You are preparing a reading evaluation to your secondary school students. Considering the criterion “validity”, as described in the text, you, correctly,
Q1159399 Inglês

Leia a charge.

Imagem associada para resolução da questão

This cartoon can be used as a resource to teach or review the use of prefixes in the English language. You may offer your students the following words and ask them to choose the alternative in which the prefix has the same meaning as “un”. Your students should mark alternative

10721: E
10722: D
10723: C
10724: E
10725: A
10726: D
10727: B
10728: B
10729: C
10730: E
10731: C
10732: A
10733: E
10734: D
10735: B
10736: A
10737: C
10738: B
10739: D
10740: A