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Q1060502 Inglês
In text 9A3AAA, the word “its” (ℓ.1) is a
Q1060501 Inglês
In text 9A2DDD, in the clause “Furthermore, run has many meanings” (ℓ.5), the word “Furthermore” can be correctly replaced by
Q1060500 Inglês
According to text 9A2DDD,
Q1060499 Inglês
In text 9A2CCC, the verb enhance (ℓ.20) is synonymous with
Q1060498 Inglês
In text 9A2CCC, the word “their” (ℓ.15) refers to
Q1060497 Inglês
According to text 9A2CCC, concept mapping
Q1060496 Inglês
In text 9A2BBB, the word “who” (.19) refers to
Q1060495 Inglês
In text 9A2BBB, the word “Nonetheless” (.10) expresses the idea of
Q1060494 Inglês
In text 9A2BBB there is an opinion in
Q1060493 Inglês
In text 9A2AAA, the word “jeopardizes” (ℓ.5) can be correctly replaced by
Q1060492 Inglês
According to text 9A2AAA, it is correct to affirm that
Q1060491 Inglês
In text 9A1CCC, the word “off-putting” (ℓ.8) means causing a feeling of
Q1060490 Inglês
Based on text 9A1CCC, it can be concluded that
Q1060489 Inglês
According to text 9A1BBB,
Q1060488 Inglês
In text 9A1BBB, the meaning of the expression “buzz word” (.5) is closely associated to
Q1060487 Inglês
In “The world has changed and so have English language teaching resources” (ℓ. 1 and 2), the word “so” means
Q1060486 Inglês

Text 9A1AAA

      In the past it was sufficient to focus only on structural accuracy when learning a language was an entirely academic advantage and an obsession to acquire a new language. But in today’s world, language learning is no longer considered a luxury but an obvious need. Students now have the world at their fingertips. They are experiencing that world through technology in a way that their parents and teachers never did. Today’s language classroom is vastly different from that of the mid- to late twentieth century. The focus is no longer on grammar, memorization and learning from rote, but rather using language and cultural knowledge as a means to connect to others around the globe.

      Language teaching methods in the past were based on linguistic competence. The establishment of basic principles of communicative language teaching (CLT) was a reaction in opposition to them. CLT aims at developing and improving knowledge and skills that facilitate the learners to make their message effective and successful, since that is the main goal of communication, not the achievement of grammatical correctness. As a result, the modern trend is very much inclined towards oral practice too.

Internet:<> (adapted) and <> (adapted)

It can be inferred from text 9A1AAA that CLT became firmly established mainly because
Q1060485 Inglês

Text 9A1AAA

      In the past it was sufficient to focus only on structural accuracy when learning a language was an entirely academic advantage and an obsession to acquire a new language. But in today’s world, language learning is no longer considered a luxury but an obvious need. Students now have the world at their fingertips. They are experiencing that world through technology in a way that their parents and teachers never did. Today’s language classroom is vastly different from that of the mid- to late twentieth century. The focus is no longer on grammar, memorization and learning from rote, but rather using language and cultural knowledge as a means to connect to others around the globe.

      Language teaching methods in the past were based on linguistic competence. The establishment of basic principles of communicative language teaching (CLT) was a reaction in opposition to them. CLT aims at developing and improving knowledge and skills that facilitate the learners to make their message effective and successful, since that is the main goal of communication, not the achievement of grammatical correctness. As a result, the modern trend is very much inclined towards oral practice too.

Internet:<> (adapted) and <> (adapted)

From text 9A1AAA, it can be concluded that
Q1060484 Inglês

Text 9A1AAA

      In the past it was sufficient to focus only on structural accuracy when learning a language was an entirely academic advantage and an obsession to acquire a new language. But in today’s world, language learning is no longer considered a luxury but an obvious need. Students now have the world at their fingertips. They are experiencing that world through technology in a way that their parents and teachers never did. Today’s language classroom is vastly different from that of the mid- to late twentieth century. The focus is no longer on grammar, memorization and learning from rote, but rather using language and cultural knowledge as a means to connect to others around the globe.

      Language teaching methods in the past were based on linguistic competence. The establishment of basic principles of communicative language teaching (CLT) was a reaction in opposition to them. CLT aims at developing and improving knowledge and skills that facilitate the learners to make their message effective and successful, since that is the main goal of communication, not the achievement of grammatical correctness. As a result, the modern trend is very much inclined towards oral practice too.

Internet:<> (adapted) and <> (adapted)

Based on the aim of CLT, it can be concluded that their advocates would favor the following guideline:
Q1060483 Inglês

Text 9A1AAA

      In the past it was sufficient to focus only on structural accuracy when learning a language was an entirely academic advantage and an obsession to acquire a new language. But in today’s world, language learning is no longer considered a luxury but an obvious need. Students now have the world at their fingertips. They are experiencing that world through technology in a way that their parents and teachers never did. Today’s language classroom is vastly different from that of the mid- to late twentieth century. The focus is no longer on grammar, memorization and learning from rote, but rather using language and cultural knowledge as a means to connect to others around the globe.

      Language teaching methods in the past were based on linguistic competence. The establishment of basic principles of communicative language teaching (CLT) was a reaction in opposition to them. CLT aims at developing and improving knowledge and skills that facilitate the learners to make their message effective and successful, since that is the main goal of communication, not the achievement of grammatical correctness. As a result, the modern trend is very much inclined towards oral practice too.

Internet:<> (adapted) and <> (adapted)

According to text 9A1AAA,
11701: D
11702: A
11703: D
11704: E
11705: E
11706: A
11707: D
11708: D
11709: C
11710: E
11711: C
11712: E
11713: A
11714: E
11715: D
11716: E
11717: E
11718: D
11719: D
11720: B