Questões de Concurso Sobre inglês
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Ano: 2008
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Análise de Sistemas - Desenvolvimento
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Análise de Sistemas - Suporte - Janeiro |
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Economia |
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Administração |
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Arquitetura - Janeiro |
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Ciências Contábeis |
CESGRANRIO - 2008 - BNDES - Profissional Básico - Comunicação Social |
Texto associado
Green is the hot topic these days, and the concept
is having an impact on the way people think about
datacenters. Companies around the world are
announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5 buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
guidance on how you can take action to control energy
costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10 capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
Projects regarding performance optimization and
cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
cost in the same way?
15 As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
make decisions about the configuration and setup of
servers, the specifications on the equipment our
organizations purchase, and the requirements for
datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20 early design input during application development. When
it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
opportunity to be green and influence the energy
efficiency of any datacenter.
The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25 energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30 where people can see the results of their actions. Most
organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
This offers little incentive for saving energy since
individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35 there is no way for them to prove that their changes
have actually saved energy.
One of the first issues people confront when
considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40 am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
support requires a serious commitment that provides
resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45 executive level. If you did already have such executive
support, you would probably be running a green
datacenter right now.
Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50 green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
determine effective actions to take in achieving your
goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
other industries. [.]
55 Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60 phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65 consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
the behavior of your organization.
By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007
is having an impact on the way people think about
datacenters. Companies around the world are
announcing ways to save energy and reduce costs by
5 buying new hardware and services. Yet, there is little
guidance on how you can take action to control energy
costs. In the past, electricity has been treated as an
overhead expense, like the cost of space. But with rising
power costs and issues regarding reliability, supply, and
10 capacity, electricity requires its own specific strategy.
Projects regarding performance optimization and
cost reduction are a part of everyday best practices in
nearly every area of business. So why not treat energy
cost in the same way?
15 As Information Technologies (IT) pros, many of us
make decisions about the configuration and setup of
servers, the specifications on the equipment our
organizations purchase, and the requirements for
datacenter upgrades and construction. We even provide
20 early design input during application development. When
it comes to these projects, we obviously have a golden
opportunity to be green and influence the energy
efficiency of any datacenter.
The first part of any strategy is to know your current
25 energy usage. You need to know where your energy is
used and by what specific equipment, as well as what
usage is efficient and what is wasteful in the datacenter.
Unfortunately, it's rare to find power-consumption
metering in place that can break down usage to a level
30 where people can see the results of their actions. Most
organizations typically only see a monthly power bill
that rolls up consumption into an overall bottom line.
This offers little incentive for saving energy since
individuals never see the impact of their decisions, and
35 there is no way for them to prove that their changes
have actually saved energy.
One of the first issues people confront when
considering a green datacenter initiative is whether they
have executive support. For the purpose of the article, I
40 am going to assume the answer is "not yet." Executive
support requires a serious commitment that provides
resources and budget for your initiative. And while there
is a lot of talk about green datacenters, the reality is
that there is still often a lack of serious support at the
45 executive level. If you did already have such executive
support, you would probably be running a green
datacenter right now.
Still, even assuming you are not getting the support
you need, there is a great deal you can do to push your
50 green datacenter initiative forward. So how do you
determine effective actions to take in achieving your
goals? Fortunately, energy efficiency is not a new
concept and there is a lot that IT pros can learn from
other industries. [.]
55 Anyway, for whichever direction you choose,
planning an energy efficiency program for your datacenter
will require collaboration across groups in IT. Until
recently, the typical approach to planning IT solutions
has been to ignore power costs early on during the design
60 phase, focusing on the hardware and software being
purchased, along with the labor and hosting costs of
the solution. When power is buried in the overhead cost
of running solutions in a datacenter, energy efficiency
is a low priority. Exposing the actual power being
65 consumed by solutions is the first critical step in changing
the behavior of your organization.
By Dave Ohara
TechNet Magazine, October 2007
All the statements below refer to ideas expressed in the first paragraph, EXCEPT one. Mark it.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
"is already offered" (R.33) can be replaced by has already
been offered without changing the meaning.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
"In fact" (R.12) means As a matter of fact.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The more people use the cellular telephony the more
responsibility it takes.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Cellular phones have substituted for the fixed telephone
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The mobile phone system aims at reaching every Brazilian
social class.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Six out of ten Brazilians don't have a cellular phone yet.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
There are cases when Brazil and USA have launched
multimedia applications at the same time.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
In terms of cellular telephony, Brazil is far behind the two
Asian countries mentioned in the text.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
All that Japanese and Korean peoples request in cellular
telephony are images, video and sound.
Ano: 2006
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Administração |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Informática |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Analista Administrativo - Direito |
CESPE - 2006 - ANATEL - Especialista em Regulação - Direito |
Texto associado
This text refers to items from 16 through 25.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
1 Japan and Korea are outstanding markets in terms
of the world's advances in cellular telephony, where
multimedia applications have surged into feverish
4 popularity. Users in these countries have demanded
velocity and high quality data transmission - such as
images, videos and sounds - as the principal distinctive
7 features for the cellular telephone. Although the industry in
Brazil is not yet experiencing the same phase as in the
Asian countries, innovative third generation services,
10 aligned with world-class technology, are already present,
with data transmission speeds of up to 2.4 Mbps.
In fact, in some cases, Brazil has held multimedia
13 application launches simultaneously with the United States,
tremendously increasing the economic and digital inclusion
that cellular telephony has fomented in recent years. The
16 heavy impact of mobile communication on Brazilian
society can be measured by the expansion of the customer
base, which has been growing at historic rates of 30% a
19 year and now serves over 50 million customers. In other
words, four out of every ten Brazilians have a cellular
22 The importance of mobile telephony has already
surpassed that of the traditional fixed telephone system,
because the cell phone actually fulfills the function of
25 taking communication to all levels of the population. Its
widespread network has opened gateways to regions that
formerly had not been benefited by the implementation of
28 a fixed telephone system, such as, for example, many rural
areas that are now mobile telephone customers.
The responsibility that cellular telephony carries
31 as an instrument for transforming people's lives tends to
increase enormously in the short term. In Brazil, third
generation CDMA 3G EVDO service is already offered and
34 is able to provide handheld resources, similar to CD, DVD
and TV, anywhere and at any time, based on Qualcomm's
cutting edge CDMA technology.
Internet: (with adaptations).
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Japan and Korea are the two most important countries as
far as mobile telephony market is concerned.
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
According to the text, Presidents Bush and Cardoso
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
Anthony Harrington
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
The text also refers to key reforms which
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
Ambassador Anthony Harrington refers to Brazil's attitude in relation to Argentina's economic situation as
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 26
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
to 30:
Anthony Harrington, American Ambassador in
From 1999 through 2001
"Because I departed my post less than a year
ago, the changes have been neither entirely
monumental nor unforeseen. Most prominently
perhaps, Brazil has faced the effects of the severe
economic challenges of neighboring Argentina,
together with an international slow-down. Two
things stand out in this regard: first, Brazil is
weathering the storm better than most observers
anticipated, primarily because Brazil, under
President Cardoso, has already implemented
much of the key reform with which others are
struggling. Secondly, Brazil is uniquely positioned
and well-disposed to play a constructive role in
helping its neighbor through this storm.
Otherwise, I am pleased that Presidents Bush
and Cardoso are off to a positive start in their
relationship, beginning with an early visit in
Washington before I left Brasilia and another good
meeting recently".
The ex-American Ambassador refers to
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
Brazil and Argentina
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
According to the text, Mercosur member countries intend to
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
The creation of Mercosur
Texto associado
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
to 25:
Mercosur is by far the most successful in a
long history of attempts to promote economic
integration in South America. It was born out of an
early-Eighties process of détente between Brazil
and Argentina, which during the Seventies had
often suffered from strained relationships between
their respective military governments.
The trade between Mercosur countries and
the rest of the world grew 79% in the period 1990-
98, but over the same time trade between
Mercosur members jumped five-fold, from US$4.1
billion to US$21.4 billion.
Mercosur member countries have said they
plan to strengthen their regional pact as a
precursor to joining with other hemispheric
neighbors in creating a Free Trade Area of the
Americas- FTAA. Pact members have also
declared the intention of negotiating as a bloc with
the European Union.
According to the text, Mercosur