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Q2453840 Inglês
Predicting the unpredictable

Some years ago, a devastating earthquake struck the Italian town of L’Aquila. More than 300 people lost their lives, over 1,500 people were injured, and many buildings were destroyed. Two years later, seven earthquake experts were involved in a court case: Did they adequately warn the public after the initial tremors began? At the heart of the debate is whether they could have predicted a disaster like this.

Although a lot of scientists are working to improve our ability to predict natural disasters, so far no one has come up with a reliable method to forecast earthquakes or volcanic eruptions, days or weeks beforehand. Most of the research focuses on the areas most likely to experience seismic activity – but even our knowledge about where these areas are, is very limited. One reason for this is that human beings have only been around for a very small part of the Earth’s history. In geological terms, we all arrived on the scene very recently. Records from the past 2,000 years are incomplete, and the biggest earthquakes nearly always happen in areas where there have been no earthquakes in recorded history.

So, is there any hope for improving our ability to predict disasters? A solution may come from an unexpected source. Four years ago, a team of US physicists at Rutgers University in New Jersey were studying why pharmaceutical powders stick together. They observed that the powder stuck together when placed in a spinning cylinder, but then developed cracks and collapsed. Just before the cracks developed, an electric signal, like a small bolt of lightning, was created. The scientists repeated the experiment with a wide range of different materials, and they got similar results every time.

This phenomenon might also exist in nature. Some scientists believe that rocks may become electrically charged under unusual pressure, such as before an earthquake. This electric charge then causes changes in the surrounding air or water, which animals may be able to sense before humans do. For example, while biologists were studying a colony of frogs in a pond near L’Aquila, they noticed that nearly all the animals left the water days before the earthquake. A similar thing happened in China, when snakes were hibernating for the winter in caves, but escaped just before a large earthquake. The same kind of electric charge, like the small bolt of lightning felt in the experiment at Rutgers, may have been responsible.

At the moment, there is no reliable way ............ using such findings to predict earthquakes, and further studies may be necessary to give us a better understanding of the interactions involved, but one day, the technology may be used ............ predict future catastrophes. For example, two science institutions in Russia and Britain are already developing a new micro-satellite, which could detect these electric signals and help rescue people ................ natural disasters in time. Scientists are planning to launch the first of these satellites ............... space. Will these satellites be the solution? Only time will tell. For the time being, the best defense is to be prepared.
Mark the alternative which contains the correct meaning of the underlined words from the text.
Q2423526 Inglês

The word can in “I can write this letter if you need” expresses:

Q2423071 Inglês

British troops move black rhinos to Malawi

British troops have helped to move a group of critically endangered black rhinos from South Africa to Malawi to protect them against poaching. Soldiers from the 2nd Battalion Royal Gurkha Rifles moved 17 of the animals, which are hunted for their horns, in the hope they can be better protected. They were transported by air and road from KwaZulu-Natal in South Africa to Liwonde National Park in Malawi.

The troops then spent three months training rangers to keep them safe. Major Jez England, the officer commanding the British Army counter-poaching team in Liwonde, said the operation had been “hugely successful”. “Not only do we share skills with the rangers, improving their efficiency and ability to patrol larger areas, but it also provides a unique opportunity for our soldiers to train in a challenging environment”, he said.

The UK government says it has committed more than £36m to tackle the illegal wildlife trade between 2014 and 2021. Part of this is to help support trans-boundary work to allow animals to move more safely between areas and across national borders.

(Site: BBC - adaptado.)

The synonym of “work” is NOT:

Q2423043 Inglês

U.S. Thaws Relations With “Europe’s Last Dictatorship”

As ties between the West and Russia wallow at the worst point since the end of the Cold War, the Trump administration has been forging closer ties with one of the last countries fully in Moscow’s orbit. President Donald Trump’s then-national security advisor, John Bolton, visited Belarus earlier this year, and U.S. officials say Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is expected to follow suit and travel to Minsk in January. Belarus, which has been referred to as “Europe’s last dictatorship,” expelled the U.S. ambassador in 2008 after Washington slapped sanctions on it over human rights abuses. But now, the United States is expected to revive diplomatic ties with Belarus—sending an ambassador to Minsk for the first time in over a decade—even as Russian President Vladimir Putin tries to subdue it. - adaptado

A synonym for “ties” in the context of the text is:

Q2422755 Inglês

Read the text below and answer questions 35 to 40

  1. A new study from archaeologists at University of Sydney and Simon
  2. Fraser University in Vancouver, has provided important new evidence
  3. to answer the question "Who exactly were the Anglo‐Saxons?" New
  4. findings based on studying skeletal remains clearly indicate the Anglo‐
  5. Saxons were a melting pot of people from both migrant and local
  6. cultural groups and not one homogenous group from Western Europe.
  7. Professor Keith Dobney said the team’s results indicate that "the
  8. Anglo‐Saxon kingdoms of early Medieval Britain were strikingly similar
  9. to contemporary Britain ‐‐ full of people of different ancestries sharing
  10. a common language and culture." The collaborative study looked at the
  11. three‐dimensional shape of the base of the skull. "Baased on this, we
  12. collected 3D data from suitably dated skeletal collections from Britain
  13. and Denmark, and then analysed the data to estimate the ancestry of
  14. the Anglo‐Saxon individuals in the sample."
  15. The researchers found that between two‐thirds and three‐quarters of
  16. early Anglo‐Saxon individuals were of continental European ancestry,
  17. while between a quarter and one‐third were of local ancestry. When
  18. they looked at skeletons dated to the Middle Anglo‐Saxon period
  19. (several hundred years after the original migrants arrived), they found
  20. that 50 to 70 percent of the individuals were of local ancestry, while
  21. 30 to 50 percent were of continental European ancestry, which
  22. probably indicates a change in the rate of migration and/or local
  23. adoption of culture over time. "These findings tell us that being Anglo‐
  24. Saxon was more likely a matter of language and culture, not genetics."
  25. Although Anglo‐Saxon origins can clearly be traced to a migration of
  26. Germanic‐speaking people from mainland Europe between the 5th
  27. and 7th centuries AD, the number of individuals who settled in Britain
  28. is still contested, as is the nature of their relationship with the pre-
  29. existing inhabitants of the British Isles, who were Romano‐Celts.
  30. The ongoing and unresolved argument is whether hordes of European
  31. invaders largely replaced the existing Romano‐British inhabitants, or
  32. did smaller numbers of migrants settle and interact with the locals,
  33. who then rapidly adopted the new language and culture of the Anglo‐
  34. Saxons? "The reason for the ongoing confusion is the apparent
  35. contradiction between early historical texts (written sometime after
  36. the events that imply that the newcomers were both numerous and
  37. replaced the Romano‐British population) and some recent
  38. biomolecular markers directly recovered from Anglo‐Saxon skeletons
  39. that appears to suggest numbers of immigrants were few," said
  40. Professor Dobney. "Our new data sits at the interface of this debate
  41. and implies that early Anglo‐Saxon society was a mix of both
  42. newcomers and immigrants and, instead of wholesale population
  43. replacement, a process of acculturation resulted in Anglo‐Saxon
  44. language and culture being adopted wholesale by the local
  45. population." "It could be this new cultural package was attractive,
  46. filling a vacuum left at the end of the Roman occupation of Britain.
  47. Whatever the reason, it lit the fuse for the English nation we have today
  48. ‐‐ still comprised of people of different origins who share the same
  49. language," Professor Dobney said.

Adapted from article available at:

Accessed on: July 13, 2021.

The words “Although” (l. 25) and “whether” (l. 30) could be replaced, with little or no change of meaning or structure, by the words:

31: E
32: B
33: A
34: B
35: C