Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre substantivos e compostos | nouns and compounds em inglês

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Q3086629 Inglês

Considering the lexical-grammatical aspects of the English language, evaluate the following item.

The word "advice" is countable, so it's correct to say "an advice" when referring to a piece of advice.

Q3085835 Inglês


How to be a successful app developer: lessons from the simulation of an app ecosystem

Soo Ling Lim, Peter J. Bentley


App developers are constantly competing against each other to win more downloads for their apps. With hundreds of thousands of apps in these online stores, what strategy should a developer use to be successful? Should they innovate, make many similar apps, optimize their own apps or just copy the apps of others? Looking more deeply, how does a complex app ecosystem perform when developers choose to use different strategies? This paper investigates these questions using AppEco, the first Artificial Life model of mobile application ecosystems. In AppEco, developer agents build and upload apps to the app store; user agents browse the store and download the apps. A distinguishing feature of AppEco is the explicit modelling of apps as artefacts. In this work we use AppEco to simulate Apple's iOS app ecosystem and investigate common developer strategies, evaluating them in terms of downloads received, app diversity, and adoption rate.

The word “browse” in “user agents browse the store and download the apps.”, taken from TEXT, is a verb.
The same word can also be used as a noun in sentence:
Q3077131 Inglês
Analise as frases abaixo. Assinale (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso.

(   ) Compound words usually consist of two words.
(   ) Compound words are ALWAYS written separately.
(   ) Compound words may be written separately, with a hyphen (-).
(   ) The stress in a compound noun is always on the second word of the noun. 

Assinale a alternativa que apresente a sequência correta:
Q3076870 Inglês

Read Text I and answer question 

41-45.png (367×342)

Choose the correct alternative that indicates, correctly and respectively, an uncountable noun and a countable noun, respectively: 
Q3072526 Inglês


Despite their popularity, political polls, often seen on TV during elections, sometimes give _______1 results, and some Americans question their _______ 2 .

_______ 3 both 2016 and 2020, most national polls overestimated support for Democrats. Polls aim to show what people think at a certain time but can be tricky to predict future outcomes accurately.

Mallory Newall explains that reliable polls focus on understanding public opinions rather than just predicting election winners. She warns _______4 reading too much into small differences in polls, especially far _______5 election day. Red flags for bad polls include _______6 the right people and not being clear about how the data was collected.

Polling methods _______ 7 since 2016, with more surveys done on line. Online surveys may influence results; however, concerns remain about reaching everyone, especially in rural areas without good internet. Although _______8 challenges, polls remain important _______9 public opinion.


The underlined words “however, concerns, and remain” (3rd paragraph) have the function of, RESPECTIVELY:
Q3070388 Inglês

Text I

The BNCC and Twenty-First Century Skills

    The most ambitious feature of the BNCC, which only appeared in the document’s third version, was to establish ten core competencies that all students should develop throughout basic education, starting in early childhood. These competencies include lifelong learning, critical thinking, aesthetic sensibilities, communication skills, digital literacy, entrepreneurship, self-care, empathy, citizenship and ethics. The core competencies broaden the goals of basic education well-beyond academic skills to twenty-first century skills widely regarded as essential to preparing the next generations for the challenges of the 4th industrial revolution.

    As ambitious as it was, the BNCC was criticized for the lack of explicit links between the ten core competencies and the subject specific competencies and skills, leaving cities and states with the responsibility of making these links themselves. In addition to this, the core competencies are not generally integrated into teacher training programs and are often de-prioritized for the more basic literacy and numeracy needs. In this context, the Ministry of Education and its partners in the third sector have developed orientations, produced videos and online courses aimed at filling this gap, and helped cities and states integrate the ten core competencies in their curricula.


    Ensuring all Brazilian students master the ten core competencies laid out by the BNCC by the end of high school is a long-term, extremely ambitious goal. Before we can set a timeframe for when we will be able to achieve this feat, we need to know where we stand. Due to the core competencies’ complexity, each involves several skills, attitudes and sometimes values, it is unclear whether we will be capable of measuring all ten of them and by when. Until then we are in the company of the OECD, which is already tackling this challenge and will likely pave the way for Brazil in this respect

Note: BNCC: Base Nacional Comum Curricular;

OECD: The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.

Adapted from

The word “curricula” (2nd paragraph) is in the plural as is:
Q3062893 Inglês

“The professional of Teaching English as a Foreign Language”

Author: Anderson Francisco Guimarães Maia

The sentence “The lay population of EFL workers includes individuals who do not have the specific skills, knowledge, and conventions that professionals do.” (lines 23 and 24) has 
Q3046785 Inglês
Julgue o item a seguir.

Determiners are words that modify nouns but cannot be used alone.
Q3044808 Inglês

Judge the next item, about the semantics and morphosyntax of the English language.

The sentence "The committee is deciding on the new policies" demonstrates a case of collective noun agreement, where "committee" is treated as singular despite referring to a group

Q3039208 Inglês
Text 2

Olympic Games

The name comes from Olympia, a sacred place in Ancient Greece, where the first Ancient Olympic Games took place. The Games were a very important event for the Ancient Greeks and they took place every four years, from 776 BCE to at least 393 CE. The Games were very different from the ones we know now! They were essentially a religious festival, the athletes were mainly soldiers, and women were not allowed to compete. Married women were not even allowed to attend! Sports included boxing, wrestling and chariot racing. Athletes competed completely naked, and occasionally even died during combat sport competitions.

From Ancient Greece, we fast forward .................. the 1896 Olympics in Athens, which marked the beginning ................... a new era of the Games. The 1896 Olympic Games saw 280 athletes .................. 12 countries competing ................... 43 events, including the first marathon competition. By the time the Paris Olympics took place in 1924, there were around 3,000 athletes, including more than 100 women, from more than 44 different countries. This was also the year that the first Winter Olympics were held. The Paralympic Games first took place in Rome, Italy, in 1960, with 400 athletes from 23 countries.

The ‘Olympic rings’ are a globally known symbol of the Olympic movement and were introduced in 1913. The colours of the five linked rings are, from left to right, blue, yellow, black, green and red, and they appear on a white background. They represent the union of five continents and the meeting of athletes from around the world.
Study the following sentences according to structure and grammar use.

1. The phrasal verb took place (1st paragraph) means happened, occurred.
2. The underlined words in th first paragraph mainly, completely, and occasionally are examples of adverbs of manner.
3. In the 3rd paragraph, the pronoun They (in bold), refers to the rings.
4. Women (1st paragraph) is the plural form of woman.

Choose the alternative which contains the correct sentences.
Q3035587 Inglês
According to the sentence "Several students from the advanced English class participated enthusiastically in the challenging debate on contemporary global issues," which part of the sentence functions as the noun phrase (noun group)?
Q3028601 Inglês
Text I: 'Quiet quitting' isn't really quitting

    Clocking out at 5 p.m. on the dot, only doing your assigned daily tasks, limiting chats with colleagues and not working overtime. These are the distinctive features of "quiet quitting," a term coined to describe how people are approaching their jobs and professional lives differently to manage burnout.

    The phrase, which isn't actually intended to lead to a resignation, exploded into the popular lexicon in 2022 when a TikTok video went viral. The creator, Zaid Khan, said in the video "I recently learned about this term 'quiet quitting,' where you're not outright quitting your job, but you're quitting the idea of going above and beyond." Nonetheless, “quiet quitting” is a misnomer, at least according to Karen K. Ho, a freelance business and culture reporter. She said that the term doesn't account for the fact that people are watching their grocery bills, fuel costs and housing prices go up, often without so much as a salary increase. "You're literally stagnating as a result of not earning more, not being promoted – and that's why a lot of people are leaving jobs," she completed.

   While the words "quiet quitting" are loaded, evoking images of a slacker or ne'er-do-well for some, others say that the approach frees up time to spend with family and friends or to take care of oneself. In short, it's a renewed commitment to life beyond the workplace. On the other hand, the term “quiet quitting” has also received criticism, even from those who generally favor the idea behind it.

   However, while the term "quiet quitting" may be a new invention, the mentality behind it is not. The phrase "work to rule," for example, describes a labor action in which employees strictly perform the work laid out in their contract, without taking on additional work. In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic triggered a major economic movement, The Great Resignation, which saw people leaving their jobs or switching professions in droves, as they re-evaluated their relationship with work during a lifechanging health crisis.

  A May 2022 survey by RBC Insurance suggested that more than one-third of recently retired Canadians aged 55-75 had retired sooner than they planned. Another third decided to retire sooner because of the pandemic. Moreover, Statistics Canada reported that the third quarter of 2021 saw a 60% increase in job vacancies compared to pre-pandemic levels in the country.

    Both Quiet Quitting and The Great Resignation indicate a marked cultural shift from the early and mid-2010s when "hustle culture" paved the way to "grinding" and "girl-bossing" – two ideas that prioritized work over everything else, with the belief that such effort made employees more desirable to managers, therefore helping them climb up the corporate ladder faster and generating more income.

    In addition, it is important to highlight that employees have been re-evaluating how much time they spend commuting, working overtime and generally investing in low-pay, low-reward jobs. It seems they have realized that they work in systems where they are constantly immersed in a hustle culture – which has been repeatedly shown to be only beneficial for corporations and their managers, through bonuses, through increased productivity, through increased revenue and profits and the like.

    Furthermore, some employees are advocating for policies, benefits and working conditions that strengthen work-life balance. But critics say it doesn't work as well as it should, with a glaring loophole that allows employers to take advantage by vaguely wording their policies.

Adapted from: Last Updated: August 25, 2022

Read the excerpts from Text I and analyze the assertions.

A. “… that the third quarter of 2021…”

B. “…it doesn't work as well as it should...”

C. “Clocking out at 5 p.m. on the dot…”

D. “… evoking images of a slacker…”

I. Used as a discourse marker, “should” is also an auxiliary modal verb that refers to a past situation in sentence B.

II. In sentence A, “third” is a cardinal number.

III. “Slacker” is a countable noun in sentence D.

IV. “On the dot”, in sentence C, means “exactly at the stated or expected time”.

The CORRECT assertion(s) is(are):

Q3016399 Inglês
The underlined word in “The project was completed efficiently” is classified as a/an:
Q3010798 Inglês
Pronouns make links to what has already been said and help avoid repetition. Pronouns can be used as cohesive devices in order to create cohesion. A pronoun is a word that stands in for a noun, often to avoid the need to repeat the same noun over and over. Like nouns, pronouns can refer to people, things, concepts, and places. Most sentences contain at least one noun or pronoun. Pronouns do more than helping avoid repetitiveness. They provide context, make sentences’ meanings clearer, and shape how we perceive people and things. Read the sentences that follow and do what is required.

I. Her aunt will be vacating next week.
II. That toy on the shelf is mine.
III. Did you do it yourself?
IV. She is the girl I was talking to you about.
V. I am going home today evening.
VI. All my friends are coming home for my birthday party.

In the order they were respectively underlined and written in bold letters, the pronouns written in the sentences above have specific functions, check the answer whose pronouns types are correspondent to the ones read above. 
Q3008316 Inglês
Marque (V) para verdadeiro e (F) para falso de acordo com o plural dos substantivos.
( ) Similar kinds of analyses can diagnose two other forms of complexity. (Times, Sunday Times, 2009). ( ) The sanctuary needed more humdrum fowl, more farmyard ducks and geese. (Ballard, J. G. Rushing to Paradise, 2002). ( ) The animals closely resemble wolfes, howl, and are more likely to be aggressive. (Times, Sunday Times, 2012). ( ) The iris of their eyes have an unusual lacy appearance. (Wills, C. The Runaway Brain: the Evolution of Human Uniqueness, 1993). ( ) Your older brother has been thrown in jail for his political beliefs. (Times, Sunday Times, 2007).
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a sequência CORRETA
Q2787495 Inglês

Alguns plurais em inglês não seguem a regra geral de se acrescentar o -s, e são considerados irregulares. Entre os plurais irregulares abaixo, assinalar a alternativa INCORRETA:

Q2759116 Inglês

Complete in the gap according to the noun.

“__________________________ a pupil at the school will be pleased that Latin is no longer compulsory.” (Martin Hewings)

Q2750133 Inglês


Important reasons for teaching kindness in schools

Most people have heard the phrase random acts of kindness, which refers to a selfless act of giving

resulting in the happiness of another person. Terms like this are increasing in popularity around the

world, as more people identify a deficiency in their lives that can only be fulfilled by altruism.

It seems we just can't get enough of those addictive feel good emotions and with good reason.

5 Scientific studies have shown that kindness has a great number of physical and emotional benefits,

and that children require a healthy dose of the warm and fuzzies in order to flourish as health, happy,

well-rounded individuals.

Patty O'Grady, PhD, is an expert in the area of neuroscience, emotional learning, and positive

psychology with special attention to the educational arena. She believes that kindness changes the brain

10 by the experience of kindness. Children and adolescents do not learn kindness by only thinking about it and

talking about it. Kindness is best learned by feeling it so that they can reproduce it. Kindness is an emotion that

students feel and empathy is a strength that they share.

A great number of benefits have been reported to support the theory of teaching kindness in schools:

1. Happy Children

15 Science explains that the good feelings we experience when being kind are produced by endorphins

that activate areas of the brain that are associated with pleasure, social connection and trust, and it's

proven that these feelings of joyfulness are contagious, encouraging more kind behaviour by the giver

and recipient.

2. Increased Peer Acceptance

20 Research on the subject has determined that kindness increases our ability to form meaningful

connections with others. Studies show that kind, happy children enjoy greater peer acceptance

because they are well-liked and that better than average mental health is reported in classrooms that

practice more inclusive behaviour due to an even distribution of popularity.

3. Improved Health and Less Stress

25 It's widely documented that being kind can trigger a release of the hormone oxytocin which has a

number of physical and mental health benefits as it can significantly increase a person's level of

happiness and reduce stress. More recently though, it's been found it plays a significant role in the

cardiovascular system, helping protect the heart by lowering blood pressure and reducing free

radicals and inflammation, which incidentally speed up the aging process.

30 4. Greater Sense of Belonging and Improved Self Esteem

Studies show that people experience a 'helpers high' when they do a good deed, a rush of endorphins

that creates a lasting sense of pride, wellbeing and an enriched sense of belonging. Even small acts of

kindness are reported to heighten our sense of wellbeing, increase energy and give a wonderful

feeling of optimism and self worth.

35 5. Increased Feelings of Gratitude

When children are part of projects that help others less fortunate than themselves, it provides them

with a real sense of perspective and helps them appreciate the good things in their own lives.

6. Better Concentration and Improved Results

As it increases serotonin, which plays an important part in learning, memory, mood, sleep, health and

40 digestion, kindness is a key ingredient that helps children feel good. Having a positive outlook allows

them greater attentions spans and enables more creative thinking to produce better results at school.

7. Less Bullying

Two Penn State Harrisburg faculty researchers, Shanetia Clark and Barbara Marinak say, unlike

previous generations, today's adolescents are victimizing each other at alarming rates. They argue adolescent

45 bullying and youth violence can be confronted through in-school programs that integrate kindness the

antithesis of victimization.

Many traditional anti-bullying programs focus on the negative actions that cause children anxiety and

often with little impact. Teaching kindness and compassion in schools, not only fosters the positive

behaviour that creates warm and inclusive school environments, but helps children feel that they

50 belong. It's documented that the effects of bullying can be significantly reduced by integrating

kindness based programs in schools.

8. Reduced Depression

Dr. Wayne Dyer, internationally renowned author and speaker, says research has discovered that an

act of kindness increases levels of serotonin (a natural chemical responsible for improving mood) in

55 the brain. It's also found that serotonin levels are increased in both the giver and receiver of an act of

kindness, as well as anyone who witnesses that kindness, making it a wonderful natural


Maurice Elias, a professor at Rutgers University Psychology Department says that as a citizen,

grandparent, father, and professional, it is clear to me that the mission of schools must include teaching kindness.

60 Without it, communities, families, schools, and classrooms become places of incivility where lasting learning is

unlikely to take place.

We need to be prepared to teach kindness, because it can be delayed due to maltreatment early in life. It can be

smothered under the weight of poverty, and it can be derailed by victimization later in life. Yet despite these and

other travails, the receipt of kindness and the ability to show kindness through service are both growth enhancing

65 and soul cleansing.

Kindness can be taught, and it is a defining aspect of civilized human life. It belongs in every home, school,

neighborhood, and society.

It's become quite clear that modern education must encompass more than just academics, that in order

for children to develop into happy, confident, well-rounded individuals, matters of the heart must be

70 taken seriously and nurtured as a matter of priority.

Disponível em: <>. Acesso em: 15 set. 2016.

Which word is a noun according to the context?

Q2742897 Inglês

Find the sentence with a wrong use of a noun.

Q2713157 Inglês

Which noun does not have the correct definition? Choose the INCORRECT answer.

1: E
2: C
3: C
4: D
5: D
6: A
7: D
8: C
9: C
10: D
11: B
12: D
13: B
14: B
15: A
16: D
17: D
18: B
19: A
20: C