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Q2433575 Inglês

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The Hardworking Family

John is a hardworking man. He always gets up early to work and to do all the things he has to do. Mary, John's wife, helps him and she usually spends a lot of time at work with John. John works all the time.

John and Mary have three children who often complain that their parents work too much and seldom enjoy life. They say, "Dad, you and Mom should take a break from work and try to have some fun. You never relax."

John's answer is: "Sometimes I think of taking a vacation, but who will pay our bills?". Mary agrees with John and says that someday their children will understand the situation.

(Adaptado de: <>. Acesso em: 9 jun. 2023.)

Assinale a alternativa que apresenta a classe gramatical das palavras em destaque no texto:

Q2431294 Inglês

Sorry for the delayed response

01 Have ___ (1) e-mail you’ve been meaning (but not really) to reply to? Read below for some

02 reasons why your response has been delayed:

03 I totally meant to respond to this earlier, but I didn’t know ___ (2) answer to your question

04 and I kept not caring enough to ask anyone. Now ___ (3) weird amount of time has passed,

05 so I’m going to loop Laura (cc’d) into this e-mail thread to see if she can handle this. Laura?

06 Sorry for ___ (4) delay! I put off answering your e-mail until I had ___ (5) even more tedious

07 task that I wanted to avoid. Thanks!

08 So sorry that I’m just getting to this now. There were six other people on this e-mail thread

09 and I was hoping that one of them would answer your question and I could just go on living

10 my life.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

Analyze the following excerpt from the text: “(...) your response has been delayed” (l. 02). Mark the alternative below that shows the sentence correctly rewritten in an interrogative structure and in the same verb tense.

Q2431291 Inglês

Sorry for the delayed response

01 Have ___ (1) e-mail you’ve been meaning (but not really) to reply to? Read below for some

02 reasons why your response has been delayed:

03 I totally meant to respond to this earlier, but I didn’t know ___ (2) answer to your question

04 and I kept not caring enough to ask anyone. Now ___ (3) weird amount of time has passed,

05 so I’m going to loop Laura (cc’d) into this e-mail thread to see if she can handle this. Laura?

06 Sorry for ___ (4) delay! I put off answering your e-mail until I had ___ (5) even more tedious

07 task that I wanted to avoid. Thanks!

08 So sorry that I’m just getting to this now. There were six other people on this e-mail thread

09 and I was hoping that one of them would answer your question and I could just go on living

10 my life.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

In which of the sentences below the underlined phrasal verb “go on” is used with the most similar meaning to the one used in the text (l. 09)?

Q2431204 Inglês

Instruction: answer questions 31 to 40 based on the following text. The highlights throughout the text are cited in the questions.

He donated blood and saved the lives of 2.4 million babies

01 Most people get a gold watch when they retire. James Harrison deserves so much more than

02 that. Known as the “Man With the Golden Arm,” Harrison has donated blood nearly every week

03 for 60 years, and after all those donations, the 81-year-old Australian man “retired” Friday.

04 According to the Australian Red Cross Blood Service, he has helped save the lives of more than

05 2.4 million Australian babies because his blood has unique, disease-fighting antibodies.

06 Harrison’s antibodies have been used to develop an injection called Anti-D, which helps

07 fight against rhesus disease. This disease is a condition where a pregnant woman has rhesus-

08 negative blood (RhD negative) and the baby in her womb has rhesus-positive blood (RhD

09 positive), inherited from its father. If the mother has been sensitized to rhesus-positive blood,

10 usually during a previous pregnancy with a rhesus-positive baby, she may produce antibodies

11 that destroy the baby’s “foreign” blood cells. In the worst cases, it can result in brain damage,

12 or death, for the babies.

13 Harrison’s remarkable gift of giving started when he had major chest surgery when he was

14 just 14. Blood donations saved his life, so he pledged to become a blood donor. A few years

15 later, doctors discovered his blood contained the antibody which could be used to create Anti-D

16 injections, so he switched over to making blood plasma donations to help as many people as

17 possible. Doctors aren’t exactly sure why Harrison has this rare blood type, but they think it

18 might be from the transfusions he received when he was 14, after his surgery. He’s one of no

19 more than 50 people in Australia known to have the antibodies, according to the blood service.

20 “In Australia, up until about 1967, there were literally thousands of babies dying each year,

21 doctors didn’t know why, and it was awful.” Jemma Falkenmire, of the Australian Red Cross

22 Blood Service, told CNN. “Australia was one of the first countries to discover a blood donor with

23 this antibody, so it was quite revolutionary at the time.”

24 The blood service estimates Harrison saved more than two million lives, and for that, he is

25 considered a national hero in Australia. He’s won numerous awards for his generosity, including

26 the Medal of the Order of Australia, one of the country’s most prestigious honors. Now that

27 Harrison has given his last blood donation (in Australia you can’t donate blood past the age of

28 81), Falkenmire and others hope people with similar antibodies in their blood will step up and

29 donate.

(Available at: – text especially adapted for this test).

Considering the use of the conditional sentences in the English language, which of the following alternatives expresses something that is likely to happen?

Q2430466 Inglês

Read the Text I and answer the five questions that follow it.

Text I


Human genome editing: potential seeds of conflict

Recently, The Lancet published an important declaration regarding the necessity of regulating and legislating for human genome editing. We agree with their opinions that the human genome editing technology and resulting research can have both positive and negative effects on human society. The use of genome editing for research and commercial purposes has sparked debates in both biological and political realms. However, most of them have mainly focused on the effects of human genome editing on the patients themselves, and little attention has been paid to their offspring.

Several films, such as Gattaca and Gundam SEED, have addressed the conflicts that arise from human genome editing. Such conflicts not only exist within the generation who have experienced editing but are also transmitted to their offspring. For example, in these films, the offspring of people without genome editing felt a sense of unfairness regarding the inferiority of their physical (or other non-edited domains) status, whereas the offspring of people with genome editing grew up in a biased, discriminated against, and ostracized environment. They could have lived in peace with a strong and well regulated government; however, when the tenuous grip of government weakens, jealousy and resentment can lead to ruins. Although these scenes still exist in films, they might become increasingly plausible in decades to come. Using the concept of preparedness, access, countermeasures, tools, and trust, we should prepare legitimate human genome editing, establish access to deal with imminent or potential discrimination, develop countermeasures and tools for prevention and resolution of conflict, and entrust future generations with the responsibility to use them wisely.

Bing-Yan Zeng, Ping-Tao Tseng, *Chih-Sung Liang

Adapted from:, vol. 401, June 24, 2023 at

The main verb in “has sparked debates” is similar in meaning to

76: C
77: C
78: B
79: B
80: D