Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q2346521 Inglês
Imagine that you are reading about a famous scientist's life, who made significant discoveries in his field. Which of the following sentences correctly uses the simple past tense to describe an event that happened in the scientist's life? 
Q2346519 Inglês
'The sun did not shine. It was too wet to play. So we sat in the house. All that cold, cold, wet day.' Using the verb 'to be', how could you rephrase the second sentence to maintain its original meaning?
Q2346517 Inglês
Choose the correct answer:
Q2346516 Inglês
Based on the following excerpt from Charlotte's Web by E.B. White:

'Wilbur was lonely. The sheep were asleep. His stomach was empty.'
What is the correct form of the verb 'to be' used in these sentences and why? 
Q2346515 Inglês
How would you use the verb 'to be' to ask a question about Harry's profession?
Q2344887 Inglês
Read Text I and answer the question that follow it: 

Text I

Multimodality in the English language classroom:
A systematic review of literature

    Literacy in the 21st century is now no longer regarded simply as the ability to use a language competently in a mono-cultural setting. Literacy today involves students knowing how to navigate across an increasingly complex communication landscape and to negotiate a range of contexts and patterns of intercultural meanings as well as the prevalence of multimodal texts.

    Contemporary communication environment is characterised by multimodal meaning-making, that is the “multiplicities of media and modes”, as well as “increasing local diversity and global connectedness” (New London Group, 1996, p. 62) which necessitates a shift in the pedagogical approaches that are adopted by teachers. This is especially so in the digital age where a sole focus on language in literacy is no longer sufficient for the new workplace given that a revised sense of ‘competence’ is required. The recognition of social diversity also demands pedagogical approaches that engage with the transcultural and multicultural classroom. Issues of the day such as fake news and social justice concerns also need to be addressed in the literacy classroom.

    Multimodality focuses on understanding how semiotic resources (visual, gestural, spatial, linguistic, and others) work and are organised. Multimodality in education adopts an expanded view of literacy to include the range of multimodal communicative practices which young people are involved in today's digital age. Multimodal pedagogies refer to the ways in which the teacher can design learning experiences using a range of multimodal resources. It involves teachers making design choices in the ways in which the curriculum content is expressed, arranged, and sequenced multimodally. Multimodal pedagogies also involve designing opportunities for students to explore and perform ideas and identities using a range of meaning-making resources. The teaching and learning activities often involve drawing from the students’ funds of knowledge and their lifeworld. With multimodal pedagogies, teachers orchestrate the learning process by weaving together a series of knowledge representations into a cohesive tapestry and in so doing make apt selection of meaning-making resources to design the students’ learning experience.

Adapted from
The modal verb in “The teacher can design learning experiences” (3rd paragraph) indicates:
Q2343036 Inglês
Check the item that displays the CORRECT simple past form for one of the verbs below: 
Q2343027 Inglês
O simple past é a forma básica do passado (pretérito) no inglês. O simple past é usado principalmente para: 
Q2343023 Inglês
Concerning the simple past, analyze the sentence below:

John traveled to Paris last summer and visited the Eiffel Tower (1st part). The sun shines brightly in the clear blue sky (2nd part).

The sentence is:
Q2342570 Inglês
Which option expresses an uncertain future and predictions in English?
Q2342568 Inglês
What is the correct imperative form of the sentence “You should clean your room”? 
Q2342567 Inglês
In a busy restaurant, the chef urgently instructs the kitchen staff to prepare a special dish for a VIP customer. Which sentence reflects the chef’s command, according to the scenario above? 
Q2342563 Inglês
The imperative sentence is: 
Q2342561 Inglês
Read the following sentence: “I have been playing the guitar for two hours.” What grammatical aspect is highlighted in the sentence above?
Q2342559 Inglês
The modal verb that indicates a strong obligation is:
Q2342558 Inglês
Which sentence is in the Present Continuous tense?
Q2342556 Inglês
The sentence “Have you ever visited Paris?” employs the Present Perfect tense to discuss 
Q2337766 Inglês
Text 2

Communicative Language Teaching aims broadly to apply the theoretical perspective of the Communicative Approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. What this looks like in the classroom may depend on how the tenets are interpreted and applied. Nevertheless, we will follow our usual way of und erstanding the theor y and ussocia rcd practices by visiting a class in which a form of Communicative Language Teaching is being practiced. The class we will visit is one being conducted for adult immigrants to Canada . These twenty people have lived in Canada for two years and are at a high-intermediate level of English proficiency. They meet two evenings a week for two hours each class.

LARSEN-FREEMAN, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd ed. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
Which of the following sentences are an examples of a phrasal verbs?

I. Peter Russo called out to me from across the street. II. Look at that beautiful night! III. Let’s go over the math lesson. IV. How come she’s so upset.

Which ones are correct? 
Q2337762 Inglês
Text 2

Communicative Language Teaching aims broadly to apply the theoretical perspective of the Communicative Approach by making communicative competence the goal of language teaching and by acknowledging the interdependence of language and communication. What this looks like in the classroom may depend on how the tenets are interpreted and applied. Nevertheless, we will follow our usual way of und erstanding the theor y and ussocia rcd practices by visiting a class in which a form of Communicative Language Teaching is being practiced. The class we will visit is one being conducted for adult immigrants to Canada . These twenty people have lived in Canada for two years and are at a high-intermediate level of English proficiency. They meet two evenings a week for two hours each class.

LARSEN-FREEMAN, Diane. Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching. 3rd ed. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press, 2011.
The past simple and past participle of the verb “to tear” are, respectively,
Q2335665 Inglês

How do people overcome fossilization and achieve nativelike fluency in second language acquisition?

There are a lot of common misconceptions about fossilization and language development. It's impossible to correct all of them in a post here, but I'll address a few that have been mentioned below.

Fossilization is a stage at which a second language speaker seems to cease making progress toward becoming more targetlike in his or her use of the language, so a "learning plateau" is a reasonable analogy. The comparison wherein "the L2 learner has his own linguistic system" that's still influenced by L1 and other things is known as the "interlanguage." The question researchers cannot conclusively answer is whether or not that "plateau" is reversible after a certain point, be it age, fluency level, etc., in order to start making progress again.

Different people are motivated by different things, which range from need (to pass a test, to get a job, to watch movies without subtitles, to make friends, etc.) to learning style (preferring to study from texts, liking/disliking impromptu, small-talk with people just to practice, preference for/against learning formal rules, and aptitude). It is easy to remember verb conjugations. There is no single formula.

Finding someone who can correct your errors tactfully and effectively most certainly does not need to be demotivating, depressing or draining whatsoever. I'm a very fluent non-native speaker of Spanish, and I actively request that my native speaker (NS) friends correct me when I make a mistake, or use a phrase that sounds funny in their dialect, etc. How else will I learn? It's fascinating to learn little details like that now after so many years. As long as they don't do it in a mocking or condescending way, or at a socially inappropriate time, why wouldn't I want their help? Of course, if you correct a beginner every time they try to utter a sentence, it could be discouraging - and obnoxious - but everything in moderation.

One of the biggest cognitive challenges is whether or not L2 speakers can learn to consciously notice differences between their L2 efforts and the way a NS talks. There are decades of research on this (my own included) and I'll gladly give references if anyone actually cares. Noticing falls into two broad categories. First, the ability to "notice the gap," i.e. hear a NS say a sentence and think, "Hmm, I understand what he meant but I've never heard that word before; it must mean ___" or "I know what he meant but it would not have occurred to me to say it that way; I'll try to remember that for later." The second is the ability to "notice the hole," i.e. when the L2 learner is trying to speak/ write and realizes that his "interlanguage" lacks a word, sound or structure needed to accurately convey his own thought. If he can seek the input necessary to fill the hole, he has a much stronger chance of acquiring it. The thought processes involved during that moment are holding the forms (or lack thereof) in working memory, and the longer it stays there for further processing, the greater the possibility that it is retained in long-term memory for later use. The NS interlocutor can help promote noticing through corrective feedback (also a subject of decades of research, for which I'm also happy to provide resources if anyone is genuinely interested.)

I have been using a variety of strategies for years as a language coach when working with my clients, whether helping IT executives from India and Egypt learn to write more grammatically accurate e-mail or helping priests from Nigeria improve prosodic aspects of their pronunciation (i.e. stress and intonation patterns.) Each person is different. I have found no evidence to support the argument that a person who has fossilized cannot begin to make progress again toward a more target-like L2 use at least in some areas, with the right motivation, input and effort. The question is only about how much progress, in what areas, in how much time, and through what methods.

Adapted form: Acesso em 22/09/2023
Dentre as frases abaixo, todas retiradas do texto, aquela que pode ser reescrita no presente perfeito, sem que haja alteração no significado, é:
301: C
302: D
303: C
304: B
305: E
306: D
307: A
308: C
309: B
310: A
311: B
312: D
313: B
314: B
315: B
316: C
317: D
318: B
319: E
320: A