Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q1738040 Inglês
Indicate the statement in which the phrasal verb does not agree with the context:
Q1737611 Inglês
What is the past participle of begin?
Q1735550 Inglês
Imagem associada para resolução da questão

Based on the comic, analyze the words and the expressions: “WHOEVER”; … “CAN’T COME”; “MY DOG IS SLEEPING”; “… AND IF I GET UP...”
Choose the RIGHT alternative regarding the highlighted words above.
Q1735548 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
“Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription.” (lines 13-14-15). The highlighted sentence is in the:
Q1735547 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
“They discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.” The highlighted sentence is in the:
Q1735546 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
In the sentence: “Throughout history, animals HAVE HELPED humans.” (line 20), the highlighted expression is in the:
Q1735543 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below.


Why are animals important to human beings?

There are a number of reasons why animals are important to human beings. The main reason is that animals benefit us personally, socially and economically.

Since the time of our cavemen ancestors, there have been interactions between humans and animals. Animals can be our friends, companions, protectors, benefactors and comforters. Research studies indicate that people who own pets and have close bond with them have higher self-esteem. They are also generally happier and healthier. There are many reported cases in which pets protected their owners and family members. In the United States, a pet dog alerted its owners that their babysitter was abusive. A couple who hired a babysitter to take care of their baby noticed that their pet dog was aggressive to the babysitter. Upon investigation, they discovered that their child was abused by the babysitter.

Animals provide many other benefits to humans. Insulin, a hormone in our body which controls the amount of sugar absorbed by our blood, could not be artificially produced previously. It had to be derived from cows and pigs. Nowadays, even though animal insulin has largely been replaced by artificial human insulin, the former is still available on prescription. Trained guide dogs are available to serve as loyal companions and ‘pairs of eyes’ for the blind. In the past, hunters took along hunting dogs to track, sniff out and catch wild game. When night fell, the canines were the hunters’ companions and protectors. In rehabilitation centers, animals are used to help the sick recover. For instance, petting a pony helps to lift a sick child’s spirit.

Throughout history, animals have helped humans. We use animals to work for us. In the agricultural sector, oxen pull ploughs before seeds are planted in the soil. We use horses for transportation purposes. They pull carriages and covered wagons for us. Even though oxen and horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They are also used to participate in contests in order to win awards. Farmers depend on animals such as cattle, poultry, sheep, goats, among others, for their horses are rarely used for farming and travelling purposes respectively today, the horses are still being used for riding and racing. They sell the animals’ meat, milk and eggs to earn money. In the fishing industry, although the use of modern equipment and technology have replaced the use of animals to catch fish, fishermen in some parts of the world still use animals like dolphins, otters and cormorants for the purpose.

Another indirectly way in which animals help us is that they assist in the reproduction of a variety of fruit and vegetable crops, which are an important part of our healthy diet. Without animals to help disperse seeds and pollinate plants, many of them would have become extinct.

In conclusion, animals are important to human beings because they benefit us socially, personally as well as economically. Since they are of great benefit to us, we should treat them well. 
The modal verbs COULD (line 12); HAD TO (line 13), and SHOULD (line 37) express, respectively, the idea of:
Q1735537 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.

Organ Donation and Transplant  

At this moment, more than 113,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ. One more person is added to the national waiting list every 12 minutes. Each of these people is in desperate need of a kidney, liver, heart, or other organ. More than 6,500 people a year -- about 20 a day -- die before that organ ever becomes available.
Organ donors are always in short supply. There are far more people in need of a transplant than there are people willing to donate an organ. Most of the organs that are available come from deceased donors. When you fill out an organ donor card with your driver's license, you're agreeing to donate all or some of your organs if you die.
A smaller number of organs come from healthy people. More than 6,000 transplants from living donors are performed each year.
You might have wondered about donating an organ -- either to a friend or relative who needs an organ right now, or by filling out an organ donor card.
Just about anyone, at any age, can become an organ donor. Anyone younger than age18 needs to have the consent of a parent or guardian.
For organ donation after death, a medical assessment will be done to determine what organs can be donated. Certain conditions, such as having HIV, actively spreading cancer, or severe infection would exclude organ donation.
Having a serious condition like cancer, HIV, diabetes, kidney disease, or heart disease can prevent you from donating as a living donor. 

“For organ donation after death, a medical assessment WILL BE DONE to determine what organs can be donated.”. (lines 17-18). The highlighted expression is in the:
Q1735535 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.

Organ Donation and Transplant  

At this moment, more than 113,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ. One more person is added to the national waiting list every 12 minutes. Each of these people is in desperate need of a kidney, liver, heart, or other organ. More than 6,500 people a year -- about 20 a day -- die before that organ ever becomes available.
Organ donors are always in short supply. There are far more people in need of a transplant than there are people willing to donate an organ. Most of the organs that are available come from deceased donors. When you fill out an organ donor card with your driver's license, you're agreeing to donate all or some of your organs if you die.
A smaller number of organs come from healthy people. More than 6,000 transplants from living donors are performed each year.
You might have wondered about donating an organ -- either to a friend or relative who needs an organ right now, or by filling out an organ donor card.
Just about anyone, at any age, can become an organ donor. Anyone younger than age18 needs to have the consent of a parent or guardian.
For organ donation after death, a medical assessment will be done to determine what organs can be donated. Certain conditions, such as having HIV, actively spreading cancer, or severe infection would exclude organ donation.
Having a serious condition like cancer, HIV, diabetes, kidney disease, or heart disease can prevent you from donating as a living donor. 

It is CORRECT to state about modal MIGHT (line 13) in the text:
Q1735531 Inglês
Answers the question according to the text below. 

Technology is supposed to make us more connected. We can stay in touch with our friends all the time on Facebook, Twitter and Tumblr, and, of course, by texting. But are our smartphones actually getting in the way of real socializing? Could technology be making us more alone?

The highlighted words in the text are respectively.
Q1735525 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.


The time to embrace change in education is right now! In fact, it’s long overdue. Did you know that the model for modern-day public education was created by the need for on-time mechanical workers during the industrial revolution? That was certainly a technological disruption, but it happened 250 years ago. It’s what we call the front-lead method, and it’s not the best model for addressing the learning needs of many students: divergent thinkers, neurodiverse minds, creatives, scientists, and the list goes on. Which brings us to our next point: it’s time for the next wave of disruption. Luckily for us, it’s here. And it’s been here since 1989, when Tim Berners-Lee — a British scientist from CERT — invented the World Wide Web. We know, you use the internet every day, and it’s great, but maybe you’re skeptical that it can revolutionize education. Well, if you didn’t know, it already is. A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as one of the central hubs for positive educational change today. It’s our connection to others, our access to a world of educational resources, it’s a format that works for many learners, it’s at the heart of countless services (that don’t work in an unconnected world), and it’s driving access to education.  
“A large body of evidence-based, peer reviewed work points to the web as ONE of the central hubs for positive educational change today.” The word ONE (line 13) is a:
Q1733252 Inglês

Complete the sentence using the correct phrasal verb:

I hate ____________ questionnaires.

Q1733249 Inglês
The Past Participle of Know is:
Q1732455 Inglês
What is the simple past of the verb to shut?
Q1732453 Inglês

Complete the sentences and questions with the correct form of there to be and choose the correct alternative:

_____________ anybody in Room 307 at the moment? _____________ a man waiting for me outside the school.

How many CDs _________ in your box?

Q1732293 Inglês
Analyze the following paragraph. My friend slipped on a banana peel and dropped himself to the ground. I thought that only happened in cartoons! The bold item can be replaced by.
Q1732291 Inglês
Observe the sentence below. The synergy between these two women bring out some of the most moving performances. There is a mistake related to a or an.
Q1732290 Inglês
Read the context below. As soon as the land for the remaining houses ____ identified by the government. Identify the correct alternative that completes the context.
Q1732289 Inglês
Observe the following fragment. They came for the scheduled meeting of a bikers' rights group, topics such as road safety ____ on the agenda. Identify the best alternative that completes the context.
Q1732288 Inglês
Read the sentence below. We wouldn't be lost if we have looked at the map. There is a mistake related to a or an:
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