Questões de Concurso Comentadas sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q519206 Inglês
Choose the alternative that presents the correct interrogative form of the sentence below, taken from the text.
“Disease and malnutrition are closely linked”.
Q519204 Inglês
Read the sentence below, taken from the text, to answer  question. “A malnourished person finds that their body has difficulty doing normal things such as growing and resisting disease."

Choose the alternative that presents the correct past tense form of the sentence given above.
Q519145 Inglês
Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in

Choose the alternative that presents the interrogative form of the sentence below.

“[_] it affects many more people from the shanty towns [_]”.

Q519141 Inglês
Read the text below.

                                      What is hunger?

      Acute hunger or starvation are often highlighted on TV screens: hungry mothers too weak to breastfeed their children in drought-hit Ethiopia, refugees in war-torn Syria queuing for food rations, helicopters airlifting high energy biscuits to earthquake victims in Haiti or Pakistan.

      These situations are the result of high profile crises like war or natural disasters, which starve a population of food. Yet emergencies account for less than eight percent of hunger's victims.

      Daily undernourishment is a less visible form of hunger – but it affects many more people, from the shanty towns of Jakarta in Indonesia and the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh to the mountain villages of Bolivia and Nepal. In these places, hunger is much more than an empty stomach.

      For weeks, even months, its victims must live on significantly less than the recommended 2,100 kilocalories that the average person needs to lead a healthy life.

      The body compensates for the lack of energy by slowing down its physical and mental activities. A hungry mind cannot concentrate, a hungry body does not take initiative, a hungry child loses all desire to play and study.

      Hunger also weakens the immune system. Deprived of the right nutrition, hungry children are especially vulnerable and  become too weak to fight off disease and may die from common infections like measles and diarrhea. Each year, almost 7 million children die before reaching the age of five; malnutrition is a key factor in over a third of these deaths

                            (Source: Levels and Trends in Child Mortality, IGME, 2012 in

Read the following extract, taken from the text, to answer question .

“[_] hungry children are especially vulnerable [...]”.

Choose the alternative that presents the simple past forms of the verb highlighted in the sentence above.

Q519063 Inglês

                                      What causes hunger?

      The world produces enough to feed the entire global population of 7 billion people. And yet, one person in eight on the planet goes to bed hungry each night. In some countries, one child in three is underweight. Why does hunger exist? There are many reasons for the presence of hunger in the world and they are often interconnected. Here are six that we think are important.  

      Poverty trap

      People living in poverty cannot afford nutritious food for themselves and their families. This makes them weaker and less able to earn the money that would help them escape poverty and hunger. This is not just a day-to-day problem: when children are chronically malnourished, or ‘stunted’, it can affect their future income, condemning them to a life of poverty and hunger. In developing countries, farmers often cannot afford seeds, so they cannot plant the crops that would provide for their families. They may have to cultivate crops without the tools and fertilizers they need. Others have no land or water or education. In short, the poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty. 

      Lack of investment in agriculture

      Too many developing countries lack key agricultural infrastructure, such as enough roads, warehouses and irrigation. The results are high transport costs, lack of storage facilities and unreliable water supplies. All conspire to limit agricultural yields and access to food. Investments in improving land management, using water more efficiently and making more resistant seed types available can bring big improvements. Research by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization shows that investment in agriculture is five times more effective in reducing poverty and hunger than investment in any other sector. 

      Climate and weather

      Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and long periods of drought are on the increase – with calamitous consequences for the hungry poor in developing countries. Drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world. In 2011, recurrent drought caused crop failures and heavy livestock losses in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. In 2012 there was a similar situation in the Sahel region of West Africa. In many countries, climate change is exacerbating  already adverse natural conditions. Increasingly, the world’s fertile farmland is under threat from erosion, salination and desertification. Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which could be used for growing food.

      War and displacement

      Across the globe, conflicts consistently disrupt farming and food production. Fighting also forces millions of people to flee their homes, leading to hunger emergencies as the displaced find themselves without the means to feed themselves. The conflict in Syria is a recent example. In war, food sometimes becomes a weapon. Soldiers will starve opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food and livestock and systematically wrecking local markets. Fields are often mined and water wells contaminated, forcing farmers to abandon their land. Ongoing conflict in Somalia and the has contributed significantly to the level of hunger in the two countries. By comparison, hunger is on the retreat in more peaceful parts of Africa such as Ghana and Rwanda.  

      Unstable markets

      In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable. Roller-coaster food prices make it difficult for the poorest people to access nutritious food consistently. The poor need access to adequate food all year round. Price spikes may temporarily put food out of reach, which can have lasting consequences for small children. When prices rise, consumers often shift to cheaper, less-nutritious foods, heightening the risks of micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition.  

      Food wastage

      One third of all food produced (1.3 billion tons) is never consumed. This food wastage represents a missed opportunity to improve global food security in a world where one in 8 is hungry. Producing this food also uses up precious natural resources that we need to feed the planet. Each year, food that is produced but not eaten guzzles up a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia’s Volga River. Producing this food also adds 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, with consequences for the climate and, ultimately, for food production. 

Choose the alternative that presents the present progressive form of the sentence below.

“Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which could be used for growing food.”

Q519061 Inglês

                                      What causes hunger?

      The world produces enough to feed the entire global population of 7 billion people. And yet, one person in eight on the planet goes to bed hungry each night. In some countries, one child in three is underweight. Why does hunger exist? There are many reasons for the presence of hunger in the world and they are often interconnected. Here are six that we think are important.  

      Poverty trap

      People living in poverty cannot afford nutritious food for themselves and their families. This makes them weaker and less able to earn the money that would help them escape poverty and hunger. This is not just a day-to-day problem: when children are chronically malnourished, or ‘stunted’, it can affect their future income, condemning them to a life of poverty and hunger. In developing countries, farmers often cannot afford seeds, so they cannot plant the crops that would provide for their families. They may have to cultivate crops without the tools and fertilizers they need. Others have no land or water or education. In short, the poor are hungry and their hunger traps them in poverty. 

      Lack of investment in agriculture

      Too many developing countries lack key agricultural infrastructure, such as enough roads, warehouses and irrigation. The results are high transport costs, lack of storage facilities and unreliable water supplies. All conspire to limit agricultural yields and access to food. Investments in improving land management, using water more efficiently and making more resistant seed types available can bring big improvements. Research by the UN Food and Agriculture Organization shows that investment in agriculture is five times more effective in reducing poverty and hunger than investment in any other sector. 

      Climate and weather

      Natural disasters such as floods, tropical storms and long periods of drought are on the increase – with calamitous consequences for the hungry poor in developing countries. Drought is one of the most common causes of food shortages in the world. In 2011, recurrent drought caused crop failures and heavy livestock losses in parts of Ethiopia, Somalia and Kenya. In 2012 there was a similar situation in the Sahel region of West Africa. In many countries, climate change is exacerbating  already adverse natural conditions. Increasingly, the world’s fertile farmland is under threat from erosion, salination and desertification. Deforestation by human hands accelerates the erosion of land which could be used for growing food.

      War and displacement

      Across the globe, conflicts consistently disrupt farming and food production. Fighting also forces millions of people to flee their homes, leading to hunger emergencies as the displaced find themselves without the means to feed themselves. The conflict in Syria is a recent example. In war, food sometimes becomes a weapon. Soldiers will starve opponents into submission by seizing or destroying food and livestock and systematically wrecking local markets. Fields are often mined and water wells contaminated, forcing farmers to abandon their land. Ongoing conflict in Somalia and the has contributed significantly to the level of hunger in the two countries. By comparison, hunger is on the retreat in more peaceful parts of Africa such as Ghana and Rwanda.  

      Unstable markets

      In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable. Roller-coaster food prices make it difficult for the poorest people to access nutritious food consistently. The poor need access to adequate food all year round. Price spikes may temporarily put food out of reach, which can have lasting consequences for small children. When prices rise, consumers often shift to cheaper, less-nutritious foods, heightening the risks of micronutrient deficiencies and other forms of malnutrition.  

      Food wastage

      One third of all food produced (1.3 billion tons) is never consumed. This food wastage represents a missed opportunity to improve global food security in a world where one in 8 is hungry. Producing this food also uses up precious natural resources that we need to feed the planet. Each year, food that is produced but not eaten guzzles up a volume of water equivalent to the annual flow of Russia’s Volga River. Producing this food also adds 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, with consequences for the climate and, ultimately, for food production. 

Choose the alternative that presents a possible correct interrogative form of the sentence below.

“In recent years, the price of food products has been very unstable.”

Q513084 Inglês
                                                                                                                Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early 1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002. Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants. While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-step. (adapted)

The negative form of: “In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue.” is:
Q513083 Inglês
                                                                                                                Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early 1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002. Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants. While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-step. (adapted)

The interrogative form of: “For many patients, the effect was immediate.” is:
Q513082 Inglês
                                                                                                                Clues to How an Electric Treatment for Parkinson’s Work

In 1998, Dr. Philip A. Starr started putting electrodes in people’s brains. A neurosurgeon at the University of California, San Francisco, Dr. Starr was treating people with Parkinson’s disease, which slowly destroys essential bits of brain tissue, robbing people of control of their bodies. At first, drugs had given his patients some relief, but now they needed more help. After the surgery, Dr. Starr closed up his patients’ skulls and switched on the electrodes, releasing a steady buzz of electric pulses in their brains. For many patients, the effect was immediate. “We have people who, when they’re not taking their meds, can be frozen,” said Dr. Starr. “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” First developed in the early 1990s, deep brain stimulation, or D.B.S., was approved by the Food and Drug Administration for treating Parkinson’s disease in 2002. Since its invention, about 100,000 people have received implants. While D.B.S. doesn’t halt Parkinson’s, it can turn back the clock a few years for many patients. Yet despite its clear effectiveness, scientists like Dr. Starr have struggled to understand what D.B.S. actually does to the brain. “We do D.B.S. because it works,” said Dr. Starr, “but we don’t really know how.” In a recent experiment, Dr. Starr and his colleagues believe they found a clue. D.B.S. may counter Parkinson’s disease by liberating the brain from a devastating electrical lock-step. (adapted)

The simple past tense form of: “When we turn on the stimulator, they start walking.” is:
Q508219 Inglês
                                                     Generation Y
                                                                                     By Sally Kane, Guide

Born in the mid-1980's and later, Generation Y legal professionals are in their 20s and are just entering the workforce. With numbers estimated as high as 70 million, Generation Y (also -1- as the Millennials) is the fastest growing segment of today's workforce. As law firms compete for available talent, employers cannot ignore the needs, desires and attitudes of this vast generation. Below are a few common traits that define Generation Y.

Tech-Savvy: Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and -2- webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

Family-Centric: The fast-track has lost much of its appeal for Generation Y who is willing to trade high pay for fewer billable hours, flexible schedules and a better work/life balance. While older generations may view this attitude as narcissistic or lacking commitment, discipline and drive, Generation Y legal professionals have a different vision of workplace expectations and prioritize family over work.

Achievement-Oriented: Nurtured and pampered -3- parents who did not want to make the mistakes of the previous generation, Generation Y is confident, ambitious and achievement-oriented. They have high expectations of their employers, seek out new challenges and are not afraid to question authority. Generation Y wants meaningful work and a solid learning curve

Team-Oriented: As children, Generation Y participated in team sports, play groups and other group activities. They value teamwork and seek the input and affirmation of others. Part of a no-person-left-behind generation, Generation Y is loyal, committed and wants to be included and involved.

Attention-Craving: Generation Y craves attention in the forms of feedback and guidance. They appreciate being kept in the loop and seek frequent praise and reassurance. Generation Y may benefit greatly from mentors who can help guide and develop their young careers.


The word that best complete the gap 1 is:
Q503729 Inglês
Modal verbs can be classified into two major categories of me- aning: epistemic and deontic. Epistemic modals refer to the logical status of events or states. The following alternatives are examples of epistemic modals. The only exception is:
Q501868 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que preencha CORRETAMENTE as sentenças abaixo de acordo com os verbos dados, respectivamente.

I. _________________ (to lie) in the sun for six hours. That’s why he is sunburnt.
II. Carry is on the phone now. _________________ (to talk) to her sister in Greece.
III. I’m not sure if this is a good book. _________________ (to read) it.
IV. I think I’m a good skier. _________________ (to go skiing) every weekend in the winter.
V. In Middle East the people _________________ (to rise up) against the dictator after the incident.
VI. Americans _________________ (to be) the first to send a man to the moon about fifty years ago.
Q501865 Inglês
Leia o diálogo abaixo:.

Douglas: It’s good to have you here, cousin! Would you like some wine?
Claudia: Sure. Douglas, remember when we were kids and we used to visit grandma every Sunday for lunch? Douglas: Yes. We would spend the whole day playing in the backyard! Too bad we can’t turn back time…
Claudia: You’re right… I guess I would have spent more time with her. She used to take such good care of us. She would make us those delicious chocolate chip cookies, then she would buy us all Christmas presents.! She has always enjoyed being around her grandchildren!
Douglas: Yeah… If I had grandchildren, I would be exactly like she was to us.
Claudia: So would I! I would rather be like her than being a lonely old lady.

De acordo com o diálogo acima, nas expressões destacadas, o verbo modal would é empregado para indicar, respectivamente,
Q501862 Inglês
Assinale a alternativa que apresenta os termos que preenchem CORRETAMENTE as lacunas existentes nos enunciados seguintes, de cima para baixo:

I. These bees ___________ kept in a large hive before they were taken out and examined by the beekeeper.
II. A thief came into his house, tied him up, took his money, and left. He ___________ tied up for several hours.
III. John doesn't cook very well. He _____________ helped by his wife.
IV. Amanda is pregnant. She expects her baby ______________ in November.
Q501860 Inglês
A sentença “Jane _____ cook pasta very well.” é CORRETAMENTE completada com
Q499577 Inglês
A man stepped onto the overnight train and told the conductor, “I need you to wake me up  in Philadelphia. I'm a  deep sleeper and can be angry when I get up, but no matter what, I want you to help me make that stop. Here's $100 to  make sure".

The conductor agreed. The man  fell asleep, and when he awoke he heard  the announcement  that  the  train was  approaching New York, which meant they had passed Philadelphia a long time ago.  Furious, he ran to the conductor. “I gave you $100 to make sure I got off in Philadelphia, you idiot!"  “Wow," another passenger said to his traveling companion. “Is that guy mad!"  “Yeah," his companion replied. “But not half as mad as that guy they forced off the train in Philadelphia." 

                                                      (English2Go, No 7,The Reader's Digest Association, 2005. P. 80.) 

In “ ...the train was approaching New York" a gerund is used as a/an
Q499576 Inglês
A man stepped onto the overnight train and told the conductor, “I need you to wake me up  in Philadelphia. I'm a  deep sleeper and can be angry when I get up, but no matter what, I want you to help me make that stop. Here's $100 to  make sure".

The conductor agreed. The man  fell asleep, and when he awoke he heard  the announcement  that  the  train was  approaching New York, which meant they had passed Philadelphia a long time ago.  Furious, he ran to the conductor. “I gave you $100 to make sure I got off in Philadelphia, you idiot!"  “Wow," another passenger said to his traveling companion. “Is that guy mad!"  “Yeah," his companion replied. “But not half as mad as that guy they forced off the train in Philadelphia." 

                                                         (English2Go, No 7,The Reader's Digest Association, 2005. P. 80.) 

In “They had passed Philadelphia a long time ago" the verb tense is a:
Q483831 Inglês
                        Gravity, review: “heartachingly tender”

            Starring Sandra Bullock and George Clooney as astronauts adrift in
                  space, Alfonso Cuarón’s astonishing thriller is one of the films of
                                           the year, says Robbie Collin

      Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby. The oxygen helmet makes their head bigger, rounder and cuter; their hands grasp eagerly at whatever happens to be passing; their limbs are made fat and their movements simple by the spacesuit’s cuddly bulk. They tumble head-over-heels like tripping toddlers or simply bob there in amniotic suspension. Even the lifeline that keeps them tethered to their ship has a pulsing, umbilical aspect.
      Gravity, the new Alfonso Cuarón picture, is a heart- achingly tender film about the miracle of motherhood, and the billion-to-one odds against any of us being here, astronauts or not. It’s also a totally absorbing, often overpowering spectacle - a $100 million 3D action movie in which Sandra Bullock and George Clooney play two Hollywood-handsome spacefarers, fighting for their lives 375 miles above the Earth’s crust.
      A series of captions over the opening titles reminds us that this is a dead zone: no oxygen or air pressure, and nothing to carry sound. “Life in space is impossible,” the final message tells us, as the cinema shakes with Steven Price’s resonant score, and then suddenly falls quiet.
      For Dr. Ryan Stone (Bullock), a mission specialist in orbit for the first time, the lack of noise is welcome. She’s a medical engineer called up by NASA to install new software on to the Hubble Telescope, but also a mother in mourning for her four- year-old daughter, whom she lost in a senseless accident, and the silence enfolds her like a comfort blanket.

                                                            Available in:

Read the sentence taken from the text and choose the alternative that presents the simple past tense of the underlined verb.

Watch an astronaut drifting through space for long enough and eventually you notice how much they look like a newborn baby.”
Q483826 Inglês
                        Solar System’s Water is Older Than the Sun

      Next time you’re swimming in the ocean, consider this: part of the water is older than the sun.
      So concludes a team of scientists who ran computer models comparing the ratios of hydrogen isotopes over time. Taking into account new insights that the solar nebula had less ionizing radiation than previously thought, the models show that at least some of the water found in the ocean, as well as in comets, meteorites and on the moon, predate the sun’s birth.
      The only other option, the scientists conclude, is that it formed in the cold, intersteller cloud from which the sun itself originated.
      The discovery, reported in this week’s Science, stems from the insight of lead author Lauren Ilsedore Cleeves, a doctoral student at the University of Michigan, who realized that planet- forming disks around young stars should be shielded from galactic rays by the strong solar winds, dramatically altering the chemistry occurring inside the disks, said Conel Alexander, with the Carnegie Institution of Washington.
      “The findingX makes it quite hard for these regions in the disk to synthesize any new molecules. This was an ‘aha’ moment for us - without any new water creation the only place these ices could have come from was the chemically rich interstellar gas out of which the solar system formed originally,” Cleeves wrote in an email to Discovery News.
      “It’s remarkable that these ices survived the entire process of stellar birth,” she added.
      The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.
      “If the sun’s formation was typical, interstellar ices - including water - are likely common ingredients present during the formation of all planetary systems, which puts a wonderful outlook on the possibility of other life in the universe,” Cleeves said.
      In addition, it’s not just water that likely survived the solar system’s birth.
      “The same must be true for the organic matter that we know is present in molecular cloud ices. So I think this strengthens the case that we have interstellar organic matter in meteorites and comets too,” Alexander wrote in an email to Discovery News.

                                                                                          Available in:

Read the sentence taken from the text.

“The finding has implications for the search for life beyond Earth, as water is believed to be necessary for life.”

Choose the alternative in which the underlined word is conjugated in the same verb tense as the one above.
1281: B
1282: E
1283: A
1284: E
1285: C
1286: D
1287: D
1288: C
1289: B
1290: B
1291: B
1292: C
1293: A
1294: B
1295: A
1296: A
1297: A
1298: B
1299: B
1300: E