Questões de Inglês - Verbos | Verbs para Concurso

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Q2759111 Inglês

Complete in the gap with the best verb tense.

“They went on a field trip, and then they _______________________ water pouring out of a factory.”

Q2759107 Inglês

Complete in the gap with the best verb tense.

“Morell said the CIA regarded the rising violence as so severe that he _________________ traveled to Tripoli a year earlier to urge the Libyan government.”

Ano: 2016 Banca: UFTM Órgão: UFTM Prova: UFTM - 2016 - UFTM - Tradutor Intérprete |
Q2757739 Inglês

Em Vocabulando (p. 416), Isa Mara Lando analisa dois diferentes usos e contextos de emprego do verbo “realize”:

1. Realizar, concretizar, cumprir, empreender; implementar; pôr em prática, levar a cabo, fazer acontecer, tornar realidade.

2. Perceber, atinar, dar-se conta, captar, compreender, concluir, conscientizar-se, descobrir, entender, ver, ter um clique, cair a ficha.

Em cada alternativa abaixo, relacione o contexto dos verbos sublinhados aos campos semânticos 1 ou 2 e então marque a alternativa correspondente:

(_) In some cases, a woman with sexually transmitted disease may not learn of her infection until, for example, she tries to become pregnant and realizes she is infertile.

(_) Scientists have realized that they need to make a more serious effort to engage with how their work is presented to the public.

(_) How can we, as researchers, be optimistic about climate change if the level of dangerous anthropogenic impact is actually higher than we realized?

(_) Advances in technology are helping investigators realize their goal of unlocking the secrets of the brains.

Q2752619 Inglês

Text for the questions from 38 to 50.

Sound Advice for Language Learners

1 A recent issue of a language learning magazine has

consulted a number of experts in the field of second

language acquisition. Their advice may prove invaluable for

4 those considering a language course. Ask yourself some

basic questions, they suggest. Did you enjoy studying

languages at school, for example? Can you really afford the

7 time to learn a language?

First and foremost, you have to be realistic in your

goals. If you fail to set achievable aims you are likely to give

10 up. Besides, it is worth knowing that the most expensive

courses are not necessarily the best. You should also bear in

mind that the quicker you learn a language the more quickly

13 you forget it. Sue Miller, a French teacher, attempted to

teach herself German by enrolling on a crash course.

Already fluent in three languages, her chances of making

16 progress were high. Two years on she hardly remembers

anything. “I should have chosen a regular course in order to

have more time for practice and consolidation.”

19 Sue’s comment is certainly a good piece of advice.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

The verb “attempted” (line 13) means

Q2752609 Inglês

Text for the questions from 28 to 37.

A Musical Genius

1 Beethoven is one of the most influential figures in

the history of classical music. His exceptional talent was

already evident when he was still a young man, trying to

4 survive a rather unorthodox upbringing. Indeed, his

eccentric father would often make him study music in the

middle of the night.

7 Soon, the young Beethoven's ability won him the

admiration of the leading contemporary musical figures.

However, just at the point when he was beginning to reap

10 the rewards of his early endeavors, he realized that he was

becoming deaf. Beethoven felt devastated as it was clear to

him that his increasing deafness was incurable. And yet, he

13 kept composing and his music displayed a striking change in

style, becoming both heavier in tone and larger in scale.

Internet: <www.flo‐> (adapted).

The word “felt” (line 11) is the

51: A
52: B
53: D
54: C
55: A