Questões de Concurso Sobre verbos | verbs em inglês

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Q1750017 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below and identify the wrong verb tense.
Q1750016 Inglês
“(…) she ________________ nobody ______________ be scared of her baseball bat.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
Q1750014 Inglês
“Photographer captures bittersweet spirit of a dog who has been living in a park for 13 years.” The underlined verb tense expresses:
Q1750013 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below. I - Just as I got into the bath all the lights went off; II - Tiffany was reading concentrated while Ken was cooking; III - They were trembling with anger as they left the hotel. Observing the underlined verb tenses, identify the correct option:
Q1750012 Inglês
“This is an entirely novel type of intervention which could be added to community-wide campaigns with antimalarial drugs, such as mass drug administration and seasonal malaria chemoprevention, to kill both mosquitoes and parasites.” Identify the best option that can replace the underlined expression.
Q1750011 Inglês
“Throughout history, the story of women _____________ one of exclusion, stillness, absence, and prejudice.” Choose the best option that completes the sentence above.
Q1747922 Inglês

What’s the meaning of the modal verb “ought to”:

Q1747921 Inglês

How many modal verbs are there in the text bellow?

“After leaving Southampton on 10 April 1912, Titanic called at Cherbourg in France and Queenstown (now Cobh) in Ireland before heading west to New York On 14 April, four days into the crossing and about 375 miles (600 km) south of Newfoundland, she hit an iceberg at 11:40p.m. ship's time. The collision caused the hull plates to buckle inwards along her starboard (right) side and opened five of her sixteen watertight compartments to the sea; she could only survive four flooding. Meanwhile, passengers and some crew members were evacuated in lifeboats, many of which were launched only partially loaded. A disproportionate number of men were left aboard because of a "women and children first" protocol for loading lifeboats. At 2:20 a.m., she broke apart and foundered with well over one thousand people still aboard. Just under two hours after Titanic sank, the Cunard liner RMS Carpathia arrived and brought aboard an estimated 705 survivors.”


Q1743975 Inglês

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In the cartoon modal ‘can’, expresses: 

Q1743973 Inglês
Check the correct alternative:
Q1743968 Inglês
Which is the correct sentence about present perfect tense:
Q1743967 Inglês

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The activity above helps teaching:

Q1743965 Inglês
Last year I ____in Mexico that‘s where I ____ my holiday and that‘s where I ____ that lady I have _____ her name ‘l - o - v - e’ (
Q1743964 Inglês
There are some types of irregular verbs, except:
Q1743963 Inglês
An English ____ can be ______ or ______. The first one’s form their past and past participle forms by adding –ed. The other’s form their past and past participle forms in _______ ways. (Wilson, P. and Glazier, T. (2011). The least you should know about English. Boston, Mass.: Wadsworth, p.321.)
Q1741254 Inglês
What does the phrasal verb “look forward to” mean?
Q1740315 Inglês
Tex-Mex Cuisine
Tex-Mex is a well-known cuisine in the United States, although many people are not certain what it actually is. One fact that everyone agrees on is that it is a style of cooking from the southern state of Texas. It combines Texan ingredients with Mexican recipes, because the state has a large population from south of the border. The combination makes a tasty, exciting type of home cooking that is popular all over the state.
One of the most popular dishes is the enchilada. It is a type of corn tortilla which contains chicken or melted cheese, with plenty of onions. There are usually some beans or rice with this dish. Some Tex-Mex restaurants serve enchiladas with three sauces in red, white, and green, the colors of the Mexican flag.
Along with enchiladas, which are soft, there are also tacos. These are hard, crispy pieces of corn which are fried in oil. Cooks then stuff them with beef in a rich tomato sauce, as well as onions and cheese. As with many Tex-Mex dishes, there aren’t any rules for eating them, except that it is best to use your hands. They are often messy to eat because they are full of sauce and cheese. You can put almost anything in them, which is why this versatile Mexican dish is now popular all over the US.
Look at the underlined words in the extract below. ‘There are usually some beans or rice with this dish.’ If the extract were written in the negative, which of the following options would be correct?
Q1739957 Inglês
Which alternative contains the correct use of the modal verb?
I- I don't know why I am so tired these days. I might be working too hard. Or maybe I am not sleeping too well. II- Do you know where Carl is? He should be out - his car keys are on the table. III- Go and look in the kitchen for your gloves. They can’t be in there. IV- Dan has been drinking that whiskey since early this afternoon. He must be totally drunk by now.
The correct alternative is:
Q1739951 Inglês
Which of the sentences below expresses the correct use of past simple form?
I- They understanded what the student said in class yesterday. II- The dog bit his finger. III- He throwed the ball at me. IV- The strong wind blew off her hat.
Check the correct alternative:
Q1739949 Inglês
What is the alternative that presents the correct auxiliary verb?
I- Tell me, have you coming to the party? II- They will finished the job. III- What do she do every Sunday? IV- I would like to watch TV. There is a good film on. V- She did always wanted to meet him.
The correct alternative is:
821: A
822: D
823: C
824: B
825: A
826: C
827: E
828: E
829: D
830: E
831: B
832: D
833: A
834: E
835: B
836: A
837: C
838: A
839: E
840: D