Questões de Inglês - Voz Ativa e Passiva | Passive and Active Voice para Concurso

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Q1735537 Inglês

Answers the question according to the text below.

Organ Donation and Transplant  

At this moment, more than 113,000 people in the U.S. are waiting for an organ. One more person is added to the national waiting list every 12 minutes. Each of these people is in desperate need of a kidney, liver, heart, or other organ. More than 6,500 people a year -- about 20 a day -- die before that organ ever becomes available.
Organ donors are always in short supply. There are far more people in need of a transplant than there are people willing to donate an organ. Most of the organs that are available come from deceased donors. When you fill out an organ donor card with your driver's license, you're agreeing to donate all or some of your organs if you die.
A smaller number of organs come from healthy people. More than 6,000 transplants from living donors are performed each year.
You might have wondered about donating an organ -- either to a friend or relative who needs an organ right now, or by filling out an organ donor card.
Just about anyone, at any age, can become an organ donor. Anyone younger than age18 needs to have the consent of a parent or guardian.
For organ donation after death, a medical assessment will be done to determine what organs can be donated. Certain conditions, such as having HIV, actively spreading cancer, or severe infection would exclude organ donation.
Having a serious condition like cancer, HIV, diabetes, kidney disease, or heart disease can prevent you from donating as a living donor. 

“For organ donation after death, a medical assessment WILL BE DONE to determine what organs can be donated.”. (lines 17-18). The highlighted expression is in the:
Q1727858 Inglês

Analyze the fragment below.

A fire destroyed three metal buildings.

As the context should be rewritten into a passive voice, choose the correct verb form.

Q1727354 Inglês


Kids under 18 in Brazil… numbers not found anywhere in the world apart from countries openly at war. Last year’s estimated 1.000 child killing actually represented an improvement: the average annual figure for the previous three years was more than 1.500. Brazilian’s horror has inspired the biggest surge of social activism since the 1970’s. But the killings continue. Wellington Barbosa never had a chance. The 14-year-old street kid was walking down a busy Rio de Janeiro avenue with his half-sister and her boyfriend one recent afternoon when a man with a green shirt shot to kill him.

Choose the correct answer:

Q1724868 Inglês
Which sentence is in the Passive Voice? Choose the CORRECT answer.
Q1724244 Inglês

English Language Day

What is English Language Day?

English Language Day was first celebrated in 2010, alongside Arabic Language Day, Chinese Language Day, French Language Day, Russian Language Day and Spanish Language Day. These are the six official languages of the United Nations, and each has a special day, designed to raise awareness of the history, culture and achievements of these languages.

Why is English Language Day celebrated on 23 April?

This day was chosen because it is thought to be Shakespeare’s birthday, and the anniversary of his death. As well as being the English language’s most famous playwright, Shakespeare also had a huge impact on modern-day English. At the time he was writing, in the 16th and 17th centuries, the English language was going through a lot of changes and Shakespeare’s creativity with language meant he contributed hundreds of new words and phrases that are still used today. For example, the words ‘gossip’, ‘fashionable’ and ‘lonely’ were all first used by Shakespeare. He also invented phrases like ‘break the ice’, ‘all our yesterdays’, ‘fainthearted’ and ‘love is blind’.

The story of the English language began in the fifth century when Germanic tribes invaded Celticspeaking Britain and brought their languages with them. Later, Scandinavian Vikings invaded and settled with their languages too. In 1066 William I, from modern-day France, became king, and Norman-French became the language of the courts and official activity. People couldn’t understand each other at first, because the lower classes continued to use English while the upper classes spoke French, but gradually French began to influence English. An estimated 45 per cent of all English words have a French origin. By Shakespeare’s time, Modern English had developed, printing had been invented and people had to start to agree on ‘correct’ spelling and vocabulary. […]

A seguinte frase, retirada do artigo, está na voz ativa e dá ênfase ao sujeito da frase.
“He (Shakespeare) also invented phrases like ‘break the ice’, ‘all our yesterdays’, ‘fainthearted’ and ‘love is blind’.”
Assinale a alternativa que indica a voz passiva da frase acima.
81: D
82: D
83: C
84: B
85: A