Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Aracati - CE 2018 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 15 questões

Q1253793 Inglês

Available at:<>. Acess on: Aug. 10, 2018 

O autor do texto:
Q1253794 Inglês

Available at:<>. Acess on: Aug. 10, 2018 

De acordo com as informações do texto, Lisa Sanders:
Q1253795 Inglês

Available at:<>. Acess on: Aug. 10, 2018 

Assinale com V as afirmativas verdadeiras e com F as falsas levando em consideração o Texto I.

( ) The doctors said Angel would need intravenous fluids to flush out those destructive pieces of broken-down muscle to prevent any permanent injury to her kidneys.

( ) The doctors said her disease was probably genetic, as the first symptoms started so early in life.

( ) The doctors also suggest that it could be an autoimmune disease which effects the process that provide energy to muscles.

( ) The doctors found that the pain was caused by the destruction of muscle fibers and her urine turned as dark as Coca-Cola, from pigments that make muscle red.

Marque a sequência correta.

Q1253797 Inglês

Available at:<>. Acess on: Aug. 10, 2018 

Na frase “Although she has been hospitalized nearly 30 times and has seen numerous doctors, no one understands why this is happening...” (l. 2-3), a palavra destacada, ALTHOUGH, pode ser substituída prejudicando o mínimo possível o contexto por:
Q1253798 Inglês

Available at:<>. Acess on: Aug. 10, 2018 

A expressão AS WELL AS na frase “... During this episode, as well as most of those that followed...” (l. 8-9) expressa idéia de:
1: B
2: D
3: D
4: C
5: A