Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Serra da Raiz - PB 2024 para Professor de Ensino Fundamental I - Inglês

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Q2357611 Inglês
Based on the structure of the text and its linguistictextual characteristics, point out the alternative with the correct combination(s), after reading the statements:

I- The predominant use of connotative terms gives the text a formal character;
II- The use of verbs in the Past promotes cohesion between the ideas presented by the author of the text;
III- The central idea that enables the development of the secondary is a primitive version of technological devices;
IV- The metaphorical text in prose is more dialogical than informative. 
Q2357612 Inglês
Point the alternative with the synonyms/meaning to these words/expressions ‘wirelessly’ (l.02), ‘moniker’ (l.08) e ‘logo’ (l.28), respectively, and with the possibility of substitution in the text (considering the gender and number inflections, if necessary), but without changing the meaning of the text:
Q2357613 Inglês
Taking into account that (T) means True and (F) means False, the correct sequence of propositions is, respectively:

(__) ‘built’ (l.22) is an irregular verb; Past and Participle have the same form;
(__) The verb ‘connect (l.01)’doesn’t have the infinitive mark (to) because it goes after a modal verb; ‘can’ in this case;
(__) The verbs ‘given’ (l.20) and ‘written’ (l.21) are regular because they have the same ending ‘en’. 
Q2357614 Inglês
Mark the right alternative about the modal verbs characteristics; specifically ‘can’ (l.01) and ‘would’ (l.07):
Q2357615 Inglês
The passive voice in line 08 ‘Other names were considered,’ has the ‘passive agent’ that will become the subject in active voice described in alternative: 
Q2357616 Inglês
The degree of adjective presented in line 27 ‘darker than normal’ has its opposition of meaning in alternative:
Q2357617 Inglês
The part ‘30-year’ in ‘his 30-year reign’ (l.12) is compounded by a numeral and a noun. This new word/expression is classified like:
Q2357618 Inglês
The sentence started by ‘but’ (l.19) and independent from the previous one has the meaning of:
Q2357619 Inglês
The specific time expressed by ‘was trying’ (l.03) is represented in alternative:
Q2357620 Inglês
Point the alternative with the right information about word order of ‘too’ and ‘also’:
1: C
2: B
3: D
4: A
5: E
6: D
7: B
8: C
9: D
10: A