Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Barra Bonita - SC 2017 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 15 questões

Q2742889 Inglês

Read the following fragment, and then, choose the alternative with the right synonyms according to the given context: “I carried him to tire myself, the way some people rush into activity when their plans fail. If I sometimes recognized this, I blamed my Aunt Lilian who had brought me up to give too much importance to careers and causes and things of the mind, simply because she had never known, herself, any of the pleasures of the body, and had, as a result, made me feel guilty now.” (A woman of my age. Bawden, Nina.)

Q2742891 Inglês

Read the following fragment and give a comprehension to the phrasal verb “cheer up”: “She was very disappointed, but faced up bravely to the situation. In fact, when Chris, Sara, Michael and I visited her in hospital, so, that was she who cheered us up and made us laugh! I think that year we were making up for the limitations of the one before.” (Life, love and laughter. Horne, Molly. Braunton)

Q2742892 Inglês

“All PCN, - National Curriculum Parameters - themes are supposed to be taught as cross-curricular themes, although ‘CPCCT’, - cultural plurality as a cross-curricular theme, - is the theme that receives the most emphasis within the FL (foreign language) curriculum where it is given a three-page text. The other themes are not discussed as specifically as CPCCT. The reason given for the emphasis is: ‘The cross-curricular theme of Cultural Plurality deserves special treatment due to the fact that FL teaching gives great support to this question.’ (Brazil, 1998a: 48, my translation) The document also states that ‘This theme can be focused on with the aim of demystifying the homogenous understanding of specific cultures that involve typical generalizations in FL classrooms, for instance, that the English or the French are ‘this or that way’. (Brazil, 1998a: 48, my translation)” (Adapted from Cultural Plurality in the FL National Curriculum Parameters: a study of race/ethnicity by Aparecida de Jesus Ferreira) In this context, we can reflect that:

Q2742894 Inglês

According to Brazilian PCN, it should become important to remember that:

Q2742895 Inglês

In the following context, how can you replace the verb “enroll” in the options below? “The interviews presented in this article are a portion of a data set from a larger study in which I surveyed 177 students enrolled in a first-year college writing course at a rural, midsize Midwestern state university, asking about their uses of digital tools for nonacademic reading and writing purposes.”

Q2742897 Inglês

Find the sentence with a wrong use of a noun.

Q2742898 Inglês

In the following sentence, choose the right explanation about “would” in the options below: “As a result, we anticipated that it would be informative to describe how a self-selected online forum could advance adults' literacies.”

Q2742899 Inglês

“Today's students live in a world that ______________ been transformed by technology, and they are often _______________ to as ‘digital natives’ because their exposure to digital resources begins at birth.”

Q2742900 Inglês

“I _____________ his apology that it would not _______________come if I had not gone first.”

Q2742901 Inglês

“She ________________ definitely want to leave a phone number where she can be ________________ overnight.”

Q2742902 Inglês

“Is our solution cheaper ____________________ the cost of getting new freshwater and the cost of getting rid of the waste water?”

Q2742903 Inglês

“My library's first attempt _________________ online discussions involved creating a discussion board through our school's learning-management system; students could post comments about the books nominated __________________ the Abraham Lincoln Award.”

Q2742904 Inglês

Describe your grading scale as if I _________________ a new ninth-grade student in your class. In other words, what does she ________________ to do to get an A, a B, or just pass?

Q2742905 Inglês

The costs would ________________ been higher if the analysis had ______________ courses failed or dropped among the excess credits.

Q2742906 Inglês

My brother and I ____________________ attempting to produce all of our own food for 2015, and we would have already failed if we did not have this dark, moist, cool place to __________________ vegetables in peak condition.

1: D
2: B
3: D
4: A
5: C
6: A
7: B
8: D
9: B
10: A
11: C
12: B
13: C
14: A
15: D