Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Barra Bonita - SC 2018 para Professor de Inglês

Foram encontradas 3 questões

Q1724589 Inglês

Read the sentence below.

I really ____ of her yesterday, I really did it and she ____ thought this was all pretty cool.

Choose the best option that completes the context above.
Q1724593 Inglês

Observe the sentences below.

I - Clearly, she did not sent the card and I asked if she had family locally;

II - […] they traveled together to the consulate;

III - He had no knowledge of how to travel the deserts and lack of streams and water almost killed them as they traveled west;

IV - It was not until they traveled to Arkansas.

Choose the option in which all the verb tenses are correct.

Q1724594 Inglês

Analyze the following sentence.

If she would have broughtit to the committee when she received it, then she would have had 6 weeks to 2 months more to investigate.

The underlined item should be corrected as:

1: D
2: C
3: B