Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Tunápolis - SC 2018 para Professor de Língua Estrangeira - Inglês

Foram encontradas 20 questões

Q1728432 Inglês
Theory of language learning

[…] specific theories of the nature of language may provide the basis for a particular teaching method, other methods derive primarily from a theory of language learning. A learning theory underlying an approach or method responds to two questions: (a) What are the psycholinguistic and the cognitive processes involved in language learning? and (b) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated? Learning theories associated with a method at the level of approach may emphasize either one or both of these dimensions. Process-oriented theories build on learning processes, such as habit formation, induction, inferencing, hypothesis testing, and generalization. Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place.

(Richards, Jack C., Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in Teaching English, p. 18, 1999)
Observing the context, it may be correct to assert that:
Q1728433 Inglês
Theory of language learning

[…] specific theories of the nature of language may provide the basis for a particular teaching method, other methods derive primarily from a theory of language learning. A learning theory underlying an approach or method responds to two questions: (a) What are the psycholinguistic and the cognitive processes involved in language learning? and (b) What are the conditions that need to be met in order for these learning processes to be activated? Learning theories associated with a method at the level of approach may emphasize either one or both of these dimensions. Process-oriented theories build on learning processes, such as habit formation, induction, inferencing, hypothesis testing, and generalization. Condition-oriented theories emphasize the nature of the human and physical context in which language learning takes place.

(Richards, Jack C., Rodgers, Theodore S. Approaches and Methods in Teaching English, p. 18, 1999)
As the questions “a” and “b”, in the fragment, indicate teaching procedures, it can suggest that:
Q1728434 Inglês
Analyze the sentence below.
“We have seen in the past how research that initially set out to tackle diseases in animals _____________________, for example, to prevent cancer in people.”
Choose the best option that completes the context.
Q1728435 Inglês
Analyze the sentences below.
I - Did she just confirmed Tyler is divorcing her? II - From the very moment they finally got married. III - They also have some serious issues with their parents. IV - She suffered from some pretty serious postpartum depression after having Nova.
Identify the correct option in which the underlined items are correct.
Q1728436 Inglês
Observe the paragraph below.
Mary Ellis, who died in July aged 101, was a member of the Air Transport Auxiliary (ATA) and delivered Spitfires and bombers to front line airfields. _______________, Mrs. Ellis had gone on to manage Sandown Airport, and her goddaughter Clare Mosdell told the service ______________ she had pioneered tourist flights to the island ____________ training other female aviators.
Complete the paragraph with the best connectives according to the context.
Q1728437 Inglês
Observe the sentence below.
If I have been King, all body part names should be royally restricted to one syllable. If 'brain' and 'heart' can be one syllable, so can any other part.
Choose the best option that corrects the underlined items.
Q1728438 Inglês
Read the paragraph below.
“Things Fall Apart”, by Chinua Achebe, helped create the Nigerian literary renaissance of the 1960s. The novel chronicles the life of Okonkwo, the leader of an Igbo community, ___ the events leading up ___ his banishment ___ the community for accidentally killing a clansman, through the seven years of his exile, to his return, and it addresses a particular problem of emergent Africa—the intrusion in the 1890s of white missionaries and colonial government into tribal Igbo society.

Choose the best prepositions that completes the context in the sequence.
Q1728439 Inglês
It is correct to say that the word “authoritative” has the same syllable count of:
Q1728440 Inglês
Observe the sentence below.
Together, this team of strong women _______ advocacy and a wider breadth of voices to the table.”
Choose the best option that completes the context
Q1728441 Inglês

Observe the following sentences.

I - […] one look at her Instagram account will reveal that she has rock hard.

II - A FBI agent testified Thursday.

III - […] and an honor to work with Andy Lincoln.

IV - […] in the world as a one-parent child.

Choose the correct option according to the underlined items.

Q1728442 Inglês
Analyze the sentence below.
It had a host of heroes in this year's dramatic rescue of 13 members of a youth soccer team from a cave in northern Thailand.
Choose the best option that corrects the underlined verb phrase.
Q1728443 Inglês
Observe the following fragment.
John, ______________, became patron of our Children's Festival.
Identify the best option that completes the context above.
Q1728444 Português
Assinale a alternativa em que a(s) vírgula(s) esteja(m) empregada(s) pela seguinte regra gramatical de pontuação:
“No interior da oração, a vírgula serve para separar elementos que exercem funções sintáticas diversas, geralmente com a finalidade de realça-los. Em particular, a vírgula é usada para isolar os elementos repetidos.”
Q1728445 Português
“Esta é a pena com que escrevo.”. A partícula “que” destacada exerce função morfológica de:
Q1728446 Português
“Crase é o nome que se dá à fusão ou contração de duas vogais iguais. Na língua falada, a todo momento ocorrem casos de crase.” (Dicionário Brasileiro da Língua Portuguesa). Assinale a alternativa em que o emprego da crase está incorreto:
Q1728447 Português
Acerca da acentuação gráfica das palavras oxítonas, analise:
I - São assinaladas com acento agudo as palavras oxítonas que terminam em “a”, “e” e “o” abertos, e com acento circunflexo as que terminam em “e” e “o” fechados, seguidos ou não de “s”.
II - São acentuados os infinitivos seguidos dos pronomes oblíquos “lo”, “la”, “los” e “las”.
III - Nunca se acentuam as oxítonas terminadas em “i” e “u” e em consoantes.
Dos itens acima:
Q1728448 Português
No país do carnaval, só samba quem tem dinheiro.”. É correto afirmar que os termos destacados exercem função sintática de:
Q1728449 Conhecimentos Gerais
Com base na notícia abaixo e utilizando seus conhecimentos sobre o assunto, analise o trecho e assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente a lacuna:
“Jeff Bezos supera Bill Gates como americano mais rico, diz 'Forbes'. Dono da ___________________, cuja fortuna aumentou em US$ 78,5 bilhões só no último ano, lidera a lista divulgada nesta quarta-feira (03/10/2018).”
(Fonte adaptada:>acesso 04 de outubro de 2018)
Q1728450 História e Geografia de Estados e Municípios
De acordo com a Lei Orgânica do Município de Tunápolis-SC, a realização de obras públicas municipais, deverão estar adequadas as:
Q1728451 História
A Revolta dos Malês pode ser compreendida como:
1: B
2: D
3: A
4: C
5: A
6: C
7: D
8: B
9: D
10: C
11: A
12: C
13: A
14: C
15: C
16: D
17: A
18: D
19: D
20: B