Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Belmonte - SC 2021 para Professor de Inglês

Foi encontrada 1 questão

Q2410663 Inglês


O texto seguinte servirá de base para responder às questões de 04 a 06.

(1º§) Children are turning their backs on sugary drinks, with the numbers drinking them falling by a third over the past nine years, a survey suggests.

(2º§) About half of children do not drink them - and those that do are drinking fewer than children in 2008-09 did. The shift has contributed to an overall reduction in sugar consumption.

(3º§) However, all age groups still consumed above the recommended levels, according to the nine-year analysis of the UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey.

(4º§) But on other measures, diet has not improved, the report, from the Food Standards Agency and Public Health England, said.

(5º§) Fruit and vegetable consumption remains largely unchanged and is still under the recommended five-a-day level. Fibre intake has fallen slightly, while vitamin and mineral consumption is down. And there has been little change in oily fish intake.

(6º§) Emer Delaney, of the British Dietetic Association, said she was pleased with the progress that has been made.

(7º§) She said the reduction in sugary drinks consumption was "important", adding: "It shows change can be made - and it is happening slowly, but surely."

(8º§) But she conceded more needed to be done to get people to increase fruit and vegetable consumption.

(9º§) "Frozen and tinned fruit and vegetables are just as good - we need to encourage people to use them as well as fresh products."

What about fruit and vegetables?

(10º§) The five-a-day message has been around for a long-time - the government campaign was launched in 2003. But it seems to be having little impact.

(11º§) Over the nine years there has been hardly any change in the amount people consume. Adults under 65 are eating around four portions a day on average. Older adults and children even less.

(12º§) The five-a-day campaign is based on advice from the World Health Organization, which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health problems, such as heart disease, stroke and some types of cancer.

(13º§) Five-a-day was chosen because it was viewed as realistic. Research has suggested that to get maximum benefit people should be eating twice that amount. Apples and pears, citrus fruits, salads and green leafy vegetables and vegetables, such as broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower were found to be best.

Source (adapted):

Based on text, the sentence "Fibre intake has fallen slightly" (5º§) could be translated as:

1: A