Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Juquitiba - SP 2024 para Professor de Educação Básica I

Foi encontrada 1 questão

Q2585234 Inglês

Regarding the use of prepositions related to time in English, analyze the following sentences:

I - I have an important meeting ______ Monday morning, so I can't stay out too late on Sunday.

II - The concert is scheduled to start ______ 7:30 PM, so make sure to arrive early.

III - We usually go for a walk in the park _____ the evening, just before sunset.

IV - The museum is closed _____ Mondays, so we'll have to visit on another day.

V - My birthday is _____ March 15, and I'm planning a small celebration with friends.

Select the option that correctly fills in the blanks.

1: D