Questões de Concurso Público SEEDUC-RJ 2013 para Professor - Língua Inglesa
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. The three basic building blocks for successful foreign language teaching and learning may be described as Engage, Study and Activate (Harmer, 1997:32).
The main aim of Activate is to:
Match each teaching model on the left to its corresponding characteristic on the right:
Teaching models
1- Audio-lingualism teaching
2- Communicative language teaching
3- Grammar-translation
4- Task-based learning
( ) use of authentic texts; emphasis on the development of communication skills
( ) use of bilingual word lists; emphasis on the development of reading and writing skills
( ) use of drills; emphasis on the development of oral skills
( ) use of problem solving and situations; emphasis on the successful completion of activities
The only correct sequence is expressed by:
According to the PCNs, one of the contributions of Cognitivism to the teaching of foreign languages is expressed by the:
Despite the problems created by big classes, there are things which teachers can do to overcome them (Harmer, 1998:128). The author provides a list of such activities and advises teachers to avoid:
Theories, assumptions and beliefs about the nature of language and language learning are de?ned at a speci?c level, which encompasses a number of:
The use of authentic materials in the reading classroom is seen as essential for the development of learner reading skills and, according to Nuttall (1996:172), real texts provide for realistic needs of real people. This said, one of the main advantages of using authentic materials in the classroom is the effect generated on:
According to Thornbury (1997:151), a number of factors can determine the selection of vocabulary items for teaching. One of them is Coverage, which refers to how:
When choosing texts for the reading lesson, text-related concepts such as Suitability of content, Exploitability and Readability should be taken into consideration. The concept of Readability is related to the: