Questões de Concurso Público BR Distribuidora 2010 para Profissional Júnior - Direito

Foram encontradas 10 questões

Q119694 Inglês
The author’s intention in this text is to
Q119695 Inglês
Alexis Madrigal comments that oil was
Q119696 Inglês
According to Brian Black in paragraphs 3 (lines 12-19) and 13 (lines 70-72), energy transitions should be
Q119697 Inglês
In the fragments “…people came up with all kinds of ideas for what to do with oil’s energy…” (lines 35-36) and “The amount of energy we get back from drilling oil wells…” (lines 45-46), the phrases “came up with” and “get back”, can be replaced without change in meaning by, respectively,
Q119698 Inglês
The pair of words that express opposing ideas is
1: E
2: A
3: C
4: B
5: C