Questões de Concurso Público BNDES 2024 para Analista - Comunicação Social (Manhã)

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Q3040184 Inglês



Available at: -are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.

The main purpose of the text is to
Q3040185 Inglês



Available at: -are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.

In the sentence of paragraph 1 “Regeneration goes beyond sustainability by creating a deeper and wider socioeconomic impact.”, the words “deeper” and “wider” are formed by the addition of a suffix. The same suffix is found in  
Q3040186 Inglês



Available at: -are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.

In the fragment of paragraph 2 “regenerative firms seek to boost the health and vitality of people, places and the planet simultaneously”, the term “simultaneously” means
Q3040187 Inglês



Available at: -are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.

In the section of paragraph 3 “The Amazon’s indigenous peoples chop this palm tree down and use its wood to produce and sell items such as brooms.”, the pronoun “its” refers to
Q3040188 Inglês



Available at: -are-moving-beyond-sustainability-welcome-to-the-age-ofregeneration/. Retrieved on: Jun 14, 2024. Adapted.

In the fragment of paragraph 7 “For instance, Reimagine Appalachia (RI) is a multi-stakeholder coalition that aims to revitalize abandoned coal mines and restore the natural ecosystems in Appalachia”, the term “for instance” establishes cohesion by means of indicating a/an
1: C
2: D
3: A
4: D
5: B