Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2004 para Diplomata

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Q27874 Inglês
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Judge if each it em below presents a correct rewriting of the
information contained in lines 6 to 12 of text I.
In the latest revelation on 26th January, Dick Thornburgh, t h e man nominated to examine the fall of World-Co m, delivered a report saying that, as well as a lot of other dishones t transactions of which the insolvent telecoms company is blameworthy, it also swindled the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) out of hundreds of millions of dollars in taxes by means of a t ax s h elter dishonestly invented by KPMG, its auditor.
Q27875 Inglês
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Judge if each it em below presents a correct rewriting of the
information contained in lines 6 to 12 of text I.
In the last revelation on January 26th, Dick Thornburgh, the man accredited to look into the breach of World-Com, reported that, as wel l as a slew of other false dealings for wh i ch the undermined telecoms companies are to be criticised, it als o defrauded the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) o f h eaps of dollars through a tax cover created by KPMG, its accountant.
Q27876 Inglês
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Judge if each it em below presents a correct rewriting of the
information contained in lines 6 to 12 of text I.
In the latest revelation, Dick Thornburgh, the man in charge of evaluating the failure of Wo rld-Com, issued hearsay evidence stating that, not only many other crooked dealings are to be attributed to broken telecoms company , but that it also deprived the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS) of great sums of dollars us i n g a tax device invented by KPMG, its auditor.
Q27877 Inglês
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Still in relation to text I, judge the following items.
The expression " fret that su ch cases are the tip of a large iceberg" (l.13-14) means t h at many other similar cases have been found.
Q27878 Inglês
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Still in relation to text I, judge the following items.
The substitution of the phras e " slew of" (L.9) and the verb " boost" (L.19) by mess of and soar respectively would keep the same semantic and syntactic relations as those presented in the text
Q27879 Inglês
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Still in relation to text I, judge the following items.
Th e author' s purpose is to show that governments arou n d the world are scrabbling for scarce corporate taxes.
Q27880 Inglês
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Still in relation to text I, judge the following items.
Acco rd i ng to the graph, from 1970 to 2001, accumulated corporate income tax receipts in North American countries displayed better results than the European ones.
Q27881 Inglês
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Newsweek, January 26th , 2004 (with adaptations).

Considering the ideas and expressions found in text II, judge the
following items.

Blanks numbered _________ can be properly filled i n with picking up, burst and sluggishness respectively.
Q27882 Inglês
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Newsweek, January 26th , 2004 (with adaptations).

Considering the ideas and expressions found in text II, judge the
following items.

From the text, it can be inferred that the global reco v ery is oddly joyless in b i g markets, newly confident in emerging ones.
Q27883 Inglês
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Newsweek, January 26th , 2004 (with adaptations).

Considering the ideas and expressions found in text II, judge the
following items.

According to the economic forecasters, in 2004 South east Asia will grow faster than Russia, which will g row more than Africa and Latin Amer i ca. Venezuela will decrease 5 percent this y ear and Iraq will jump 60.9 percent from 2003 to 2004.
Q27884 Inglês
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In relation to the text above, judge the following items.
In line 6, the word " unsound" means unheard.
Q27885 Inglês
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In relation to the text above, judge the following items.
In line 13, the word " replenish" is synonymous with f ill up.
Q27886 Inglês
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In relation to the text above, judge the following items.
In l ine 18, the phrase " an enormous stake" indicates that the United States is facing huge financial losses to keep up the sustainable management of the world's forests.
Q27887 Inglês
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In relation to the text above, judge the following items.
In lines 21-22, the phrase " a v es ted interest in protecting" can be correctly replaced by a particular reason to protect.
Q27888 Inglês
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In relation to the text above, judge the following items.
The t ext can be associated with the following statement: The leaves of the trees are for the healing of the nations.
Q27889 Inglês
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In relation to the text above, judge the following items.
The main idea of the text can be correctly said to be: Th e p roblem of deforestation seems to overcome the human capability of finding a final solution to it. Lots of economic interests prevail over the unquestionable need to control the s en s ible use of the forests worldwide. Forest management turns out to be a crucial factor not only for rural but also for urban life. The effect of the pharmaceutical industry on forest resources is rather alarming, an d that is the reason why the USA is so keen on tryi n g t o maintain the sustainable management of the world's forests.
Q27890 Inglês
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Concerning the text above, judge the following items.
In line 1, the phras e " in the dock" means accused in court, and, in line 1 6, " underpins" can be correctly replaced by supports.
Q27891 Inglês
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Concerning the text above, judge the following items.
In the text, the original phrase " should have come before the Hague judges at al l " ( L.11) can be correctly replaced by should have come before the Hague judges in the f irst place.
Q27892 Inglês
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Concerning the text above, judge the following items.
The verbal phrase " striking at" (L.15) indicates that the UN is striv i n g t o establish the principle of territorial jurisdicition.
Q27893 Inglês
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Concerning the text above, judge the following items.
It is correct to conclude from the text t h at i ts author seems to favour Mr Sharon's decision to raise a fence on the West Bank, despite the reaction of some Israel' s trad i tional friends. Although the author himself refers to some points which could have negative effects on the Palestin i ans, he does not show a counterargument to them.
1: C
2: E
3: E
4: E
5: E
6: C
7: E
8: C
9: C
10: E
11: E
12: C
13: E
14: C
15: C
16: E
17: C
18: C
19: E
20: C