Questões de Concurso Público ANAC 2012 para Especialista em Regulação de Aviação Civil - Área 5
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O seguinte trecho, devido à relação de concordância nele empregada, poderia compor o texto de um documento oficial: “Vossa Excelência, Senhor Senador, foi convidada para a inauguração do evento”.
What is revolutionary about the research is that it indicates that skin cancer may be diagnosed without the need of cutting out a piece of skin to be examined in a lab.
Evan Carr and Carol Goman are two of the researchers involved in the UCSD study.
The UCSD research indicates that mimicking is a contributing factor to the strengthening of relationships.
From the researchers’ point of view, the smile from a hierarchically superior person is a sign of prejudice, since it is not sincere.