Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2012 para Diplomata - 2ª Etapa
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The fragment “quicken my sympathies for my brethren in bonds” (L.28) means that the narrator is fast when it comes to forging emotional and spiritual bonds with his own real family through music.
In “than the reading of whole volumes” (L.9-10), the omission of the definite article would not interfere with the grammar correction of the sentence.
The relationship the word “within” (L.13) bears with “without” (L.14) is one of opposition.
Although the slaves’ songs touched the narrator’s heart, the uncultured quality of their music sometimes annoyed him, as shown in the fragment “The hearing of those wild notes always depressed my spirit” (L.19-20).
In the second paragraph, the author suggests that information collected under duress is not reliable.