Questões de Concurso Público ANCINE 2013 para Todos os Cargos - Especialista em Regulação da Atividade Cinematográfica e Audiovisual Áreas I e II
Foram encontradas 6 questões
The expression “thanks to” (l.4) can be replaced by due to, without changing the original meaning of sentence.
The current film industry has few good opportunities for new filmmakers.
Olive was the first movie ever to be completely filmed with a Smartphone.
In Enough Said, the relationship Eva has with Ellen and Tess is given as an example of one of the important conflicts in the story.
In The Butler, the main character gets involved with fights for the African-American civil rights.
Instead of causing a feeling of admiration for the achievements of the future civilization, Elysium makes the audience feel repulsion.