Questões de Concurso Público DEPEN 2015 para Agente Penitenciário Federal - Área 6
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Some airports are concerned with easing distress passengers have to go through during inspection.
People who regularly travel by air are not surprised by the security procedures.
A member of a human rights group and a representative of a security firm have similar points of view.
The word 'changing' (R.13) conveys the idea that threats are constantly evolving.
Internet:< > (adapted)
According to the text,
the effects of El Niño phenomena are sure to reach South America before they have impact on the Northern Hemisphere.
The word 'robust' (R.15) can be correctly replaced by effective without this bringing any change of meaning to the sentence.
The world had never witnessed an ebola epidemic of such magnitude as the one mentioned in the text.
The WHO mentioned has no intention of keeping biological material related to the disease.
The West region of Africa is totally free from the Ebola virus.
Even though the vaccines could be tested, the results may not be useful to assess their efficacy.