Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2015 para Diplomata - Prova 2
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In reference to the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
The hierarchical structure of the diplomatic services in the 21st
century is remarkably different from that prevalent in the
previous centuries.
In reference to the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
In the first paragraph, the author presents the main ideas he
collected from “Most of the recent scholarly works” (R.1) on
which his argument is built along the text.
In reference to the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
The text presents an opposition between club diplomacy and
network diplomacy, which are different and irreconcilable
ways of settling international conflicts.
In reference to the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
Discussions about inclusiveness and diversity in diplomatic
circles have led to the expansion of the power of some
In relation to the content and the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
From the third paragraph, it is correct to infer that the more
complex the diplomatic scenario, the more necessary the
presence of leaders is.
In relation to the content and the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
As far as textual unity is concerned, “Yet” provides a transition
from the first to the second paragraphs, and establishes a
contrast between the ideas in each of them.
In relation to the content and the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
The expressions “two level games” (l.7) and “double-edged
diplomacy” (R.8) refer to a kind of diplomacy characterized by
the presence of two types of actors: political leaders and
technical diplomats.
In relation to the content and the vocabulary of the text, decide whether the following statements are right (C) or wrong (E).
The idea expressed by the fragment “diversity of principals,
agents, and intermediaries” (l. 21 and 22) stands in sharp
contrast to the one introduced by “horizontal breadth with an
open-ended nature” (l. 24 and 25).
Each of the fragments from the text presented below is followed by a suggestion of rewriting. Decide whether the suggestion given maintains the meaning, coherence and grammar correction of the text (C) or not (E).
“At odds with” (l.24): As bizarre as
Each of the fragments from the text presented below is followed by a suggestion of rewriting. Decide whether the suggestion given maintains the meaning, coherence and grammar correction of the text (C) or not (E).
“make the necessary trade-offs to allow deadlocks to be
broken” (l. 33 and 34): strike a compromise as a way out of an
Each of the fragments from the text presented below is followed by a suggestion of rewriting. Decide whether the suggestion given maintains the meaning, coherence and grammar correction of the text (C) or not (E).
“to encompass a myriad set of issue areas” (l.11): to comprise
a vast range of fields of interest
Each of the fragments from the text presented below is followed by a suggestion of rewriting. Decide whether the suggestion given maintains the meaning, coherence and grammar correction of the text (C) or not (E).
“To showcase this phenomenon, however, is no to suggest
ossification” (R. 27 and 28): Highlighting this fact does not
amount to acknowledging stagnation.
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
The two driving forces behind the Hugh Lane Gallery project
were Dawson and Edwards.
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
Bacon left part of his properties to Edwards.
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
The author of the text claims that the fact that George Michael
liked having his profile photographed revealed a lot about his
Decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E) according to the ideas and facts mentioned in the text.
Bacon believed that his inability to work in South Africa was
due to the visits of his relatives.
According to the text and in reference to Bacon’s studio, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).
Bacon’s original studio was transplanted and reassembled in
the Irish capital city.
According to the text and in reference to Bacon’s studio, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).
The studio at 7 Reece Mews will soon provide an invaluable
and lasting wealth of information and enjoyment for experts on
Bacon’s art.
According to the text and in reference to Bacon’s studio, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).
The interior of Bacon’s studio is in sharp contrast to Hugh
Lane Gallery’s front façade.
According to the text and in reference to Bacon’s studio, decide whether the statements below are right (C) or wrong (E).
Bacon’s studio was rather small but its living room was twice
the size of the bedroom.