Questões de Concurso Público MEC 2015 para Arquiteto de Sistemas

Foram encontradas 130 questões

Q555335 Inglês
Based on the text How India changed English, judge the following items.

In the excerpt “'Hobson-Jobson: The Definitive Glossary of British India' was published in 1886" (l. 7 and 8), “was published" can be correctly replaced by has been published
Q555337 Inglês
Based on the cartoon, judge the following items.

The sentence “That site verified my age by having me type in all my credit card information" can be correctly rewritten by: This site guessed how many years I have because I sent them my credit card data.
Q555339 Inglês
In reference to the vocabulary used in the text What do our flags say about us?, judge the next item.

In the sentence “Each one will be considered individually, before this long list is finally whittled down to the final four." (R. 19 to 21), “whittled down" can be correctly replaced by selected.
36: E
37: C
38: E
39: C
40: E