Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2007 para Diplomata - 1ª Etapa PAPA

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Q10292 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each statement below.
One of the arguments offered by the opponents of the ban on veils is that women are forced by their male relatives to wear them.
Q10293 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each statement below.
The idea that Muslim women are said to don veils largely at the behest (or command) of their domineering menfolk can be summarized as: authoritarian men force their female relatives to cover their heads and faces.
Q10294 Inglês
Imagem 007.jpg

In accordance with the previous text, judge - right (C) or
wrong (E) - each statement below.
The wearing of the veil is an unequivocal and universal symbol of female oppression.
Q10295 Inglês
The last sentence of the text has been left with two blank spaces. Choose the option below that contains the correct sequence of prepositions that fill in the blanks.

"Similarly, decisions to bar the wearing of Muslim dress _____ courts or by teachers and pupils are surely better left _____ local discretion than imposed nationally."
Q10296 Inglês
In the fragment "Recently a former British foreign secretary" (l.19-20), the antonym of "former" is
6: E
7: C
8: E
9: D
10: B