Questões de Concurso Público Instituto Rio Branco 2009 para Diplomata - 2ª Etapa - VERMELHO

Foram encontradas 24 questões

Q12312 Inglês
Judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items with reference to the text.

The Berlin factory is closing temporarily owing to a slump in demand.
Q12313 Inglês
Judge - right (C) or wrong (E) - the following items with reference to the text.

The word "dented" (l.23) suggests an acute effect.
Q12314 Inglês
In the phrase "consumers in America feel cowed, while Asia is jittery" (l.29-30), the most appropriate synonyms for "cowed" and "jittery" are respectively

Q12315 Inglês
In context, "might" (l.4) and "kick-start" (l.4) are respectively
5: C
6: E
7: C
8: E