Questões de Concurso Público ANP 2022 para Regulador de Novas Atribuições III - Cargo 6
Foram encontradas 117 questões
Com relação ao uso da ferramenta MS Excel, julgue o item a seguir.
Para inserir uma planilha oriunda de um conjunto de dados
na nuvem ou do PowerBI, usa-se a opção Inserir – Criar Tabela
Com relação ao uso da ferramenta MS Excel, julgue o item a seguir.
Ao serem automaticamente vinculadas à nova planilha, as
tabelas dinâmicas criadas a partir de dados oriundos de
fontes externas não precisam ser atualizadas.
Com relação ao uso da ferramenta MS Excel, julgue o item a seguir.
A fórmula =SOMASE(A1:A10;”>10”) representa o uso da
função SOMASE em uma célula que somou valores maiores
que 10 contidos no intervalo entre as células A1 e A10.
Com relação ao uso da ferramenta MS Excel, julgue o item a seguir.
A função PROCH permite buscar um valor em uma linha
especificada de um intervalo entre colunas.
Com relação ao uso da função PROCV no MS Excel, julgue o item que se segue.
O primeiro argumento utilizado na fórmula PROCV é o
num_indice_coluna, que representa a localização do
intervalo do valor a ser procurado.
Com relação ao uso da função PROCV no MS Excel, julgue o item que se segue.
Na busca por correspondência aproximada, os valores da
primeira coluna da matriz devem estar classificados em
ordem crescente.
Com relação ao uso da função PROCV no MS Excel, julgue o item que se segue.
A busca por um intervalo pode ser feita por correspondência
aproximada ou correspondência exata.
Based on the text, judge the following items.
The second period of the third paragraph could be correctly
rewritten, without change in meaning, as: Disposal of
produced water inappropriately onto soil or into surface
water bodes can cause salinity levels to become so high that
plant growth is no longer sustainable.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The text criticizes the restrictions imposed on Russia’s
exports because they do not affect the amount of oil
available for purchase in international markets.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
At the beginning of the war between Russia and Ukraine,
there was a decrease in oil prices, which went from $ 200 a
barrel to approximately $ 124 a barrel.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
It is correct to infer from the text that the US and its allies
have shot themselves in the foot with their economic
sanctions against Russia.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
Even though oil prices have soared as a result of the
sanctions imposed on Russia, they were not high enought to
compensate for Russia’s loss in oil exports.
Based on the text above, judge the following items.
The text suggests that the pain caused for ordinary people by
rising oil prices may worsen in the near future.
Based on the text, judge the following items.
The environmental damages potentially caused by the oil and
gas industry are many and varied, as there are different
possible sources of problems.
Based on the text, judge the following items.
The last period of the text could be correctly rewritten,
without this changing its meaning, as Animals would, then,
become entrapped in the oil and drown, or ingest toxic
quantities of oil, or succumb to cold stress if the oil
damages the insulation provided by their feathers or fur.
Based on the text, judge the following items.
It is correct to conclude that the text emphasizes how
agricultural production may be badly affected by higher
salinity levels.
Environmental and economic impacts of crude oil and
natural gas production in developing countries
Environmental impacts that occur during the production of crude oil would mostly occur from long-term habitat change within the oil and gas field, production activities (including facility component maintenance or replacement), waste management (e.g. produced water), noise (e.g. from well operations, compressor or pump stations, flare stack, vehicle and equipment), the presence of workers and potential spills.
The adverse environmental impacts which could happen during production of crude oil and natural gas include: disturbance of wildlife due to noise and human activity; exposure of biota to contaminants; and mortality of biota resulting from collisions against aboveground facilities or with vehicles.
The presence of production wells, ancillary facilities and access road reduces habitat quality, disturbs the biota and thus affects ecological resources. Discharge of produced water inappropriately onto soil or into surface water bodies can result in salinity levels becoming too high to sustain plant growth.
Wildlife is always prone to have contact with petroleum-based products and other contaminants in reserve pits and water management facilities. Animals could become entrapped in the oil and drown, or they could ingest toxic quantities of oil, or succumb to cold stress if the oil damages the insulation provided by their feathers or fur.
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Based on the text, judge the following items.
In the first period of the third paragraph, the expression
“ancillary facilities” implies the idea of a place, a building or
a piece of equipment that houses or is used for activities that
support the production of oil.