Questões de Concurso Público ANVISA 2024 para Especialista em Regulação e Vigilância Sanitária - Área 4
Foram encontradas 120 questões
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
Em “você preferiria a máquina prazerosa à vida real” (nono
período), o emprego do acento indicativo de crase no
vocábulo “à” justifica-se pela regência do termo “prazerosa”
somada ao fato de a palavra “vida” ser do gênero feminino e
empregada com sentido específico no texto,
determinado pelo termo “real”.
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
O uso do pensamento positivo com o fim de dissimular
sentimentos negativos é condenado pelos autores no texto.
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
Na oração “como alguns empiristas ferrenhos afirmarão”
(quinto período), os autores estabelecem uma comparação
para emitir um juízo de valor pejorativo a respeito do que
pensam os empiristas.
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
Os sujeitos das formas verbais “optamos” (quarto período) e
“podemos” (quinto período) têm referentes distintos.
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
No texto, os autores estabelecem uma analogia entre a atual
“indústria da felicidade” e a máquina de proporcionar
experiências prazerosas idealizada no experimento de
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
De acordo com a concepção defendida no texto, a felicidade não é o propósito moral revolucionário da vida.
Acerca das ideias e de aspectos linguísticos do texto apresentado, julgue o item a seguir.
O trecho “dada a possibilidade de escolha” (nono período) veicula ideia de explicação.
No que se refere a políticas públicas, julgue o item subsequente.
A extinção da política pública pode ocorrer quando seus
objetivos forem atingidos, quando ela se mostrar ineficaz ou
quando houver mudança de prioridades do governo.
No que se refere a políticas públicas, julgue o item subsequente.
A identificação do problema é a primeira etapa do ciclo de
políticas públicas e consiste no reconhecimento de uma
situação indesejada que afeta a sociedade.
No que se refere a políticas públicas, julgue o item subsequente.
A definição de problemas públicos como situações coletivas
indesejadas, segundo a percepção de autores relevantes, é
suficiente para garantir a efetividade das políticas públicas.
No que concerne à dinâmica e à estrutura demográfica do Brasil, bem como aos direitos humanos, ao crescimento das cidades e aos desafios urbanos, julgue o item que se segue.
As condições de vulnerabilidade e precariedade da vida
urbana ocorrem tanto em metrópoles quanto em cidades
pequenas com até cinco mil moradores, onde a ausência de
redes de água, esgoto, fossa séptica, coleta e tratamento de
lixo é ainda mais acentuada.
No que concerne à dinâmica e à estrutura demográfica do Brasil, bem como aos direitos humanos, ao crescimento das cidades e aos desafios urbanos, julgue o item que se segue.
Em maior parte das cidades brasileiras, a situação de
vulnerabilidade socioespacial se reflete na ocupação de áreas
de risco, como várzeas inundáveis, morros, mangues, entre
outras, pela população pobre.
No que concerne à dinâmica e à estrutura demográfica do Brasil, bem como aos direitos humanos, ao crescimento das cidades e aos desafios urbanos, julgue o item que se segue.
As cidades brasileiras são desiguais tanto entre si quanto em
sua própria estruturação intraurbana: verifica-se que as
populações pretas, pardas ou indígenas moram em
habitações mais precárias, em termos de acesso a serviços
públicos, que as da população branca, o que caracteriza uma
situação de vulnerabilidade socioespacial.
Soon, Americans are going to be able to try chicken that comes directly from chicken cells rather than, well, a chicken. The United States Department of Agriculture gave Upside Foods and Good Meat the green light to start producing and selling their lab-grown, or cultivated, chicken products in the United States. It’s going to be a while before you can buy cell-based meat in stores, though you should be able to get a taste at a restaurant sooner.
In a nutshell, lab-grown meat — or cultivated or cell-based meat — is meat that is developed from animal cells and grown, with the help of nutrients like amino acids, in massive bioreactors. When the meat is ready, companies collect it from the bioreactors and move it along the processing line. For one thing, growing meat from cells means that people can eat meat without having to slaughter animals. Upside Foods explains that cells it gathers from a fertilized chicken egg are stored in its cell bank and can be used for at least ten years. Animal cells can come from animal biopsies or even feathers, among other sources.
Good Meat announced a partnership with chef and restaurateur José Andrés to bring the item to a Washington restaurant. Good Meat may consider partnering with other restaurants or launching in retail, but a supermarket launch is way down the line. Upside Foods is planning to introduce its product at Bar Crenn, a San Francisco restaurant, but did not share a launch date yet. Eventually, the company plans to work with other restaurants and make its products available in supermarkets. For now, Upside Foods is holding a contest to allow curious customers to be among the first to try the product in the United States.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
The winners of a competition will be the first people to taste
the lab-grown chicken products developed by Upside Foods
and Good Meat.
Soon, Americans are going to be able to try chicken that comes directly from chicken cells rather than, well, a chicken. The United States Department of Agriculture gave Upside Foods and Good Meat the green light to start producing and selling their lab-grown, or cultivated, chicken products in the United States. It’s going to be a while before you can buy cell-based meat in stores, though you should be able to get a taste at a restaurant sooner.
In a nutshell, lab-grown meat — or cultivated or cell-based meat — is meat that is developed from animal cells and grown, with the help of nutrients like amino acids, in massive bioreactors. When the meat is ready, companies collect it from the bioreactors and move it along the processing line. For one thing, growing meat from cells means that people can eat meat without having to slaughter animals. Upside Foods explains that cells it gathers from a fertilized chicken egg are stored in its cell bank and can be used for at least ten years. Animal cells can come from animal biopsies or even feathers, among other sources.
Good Meat announced a partnership with chef and restaurateur José Andrés to bring the item to a Washington restaurant. Good Meat may consider partnering with other restaurants or launching in retail, but a supermarket launch is way down the line. Upside Foods is planning to introduce its product at Bar Crenn, a San Francisco restaurant, but did not share a launch date yet. Eventually, the company plans to work with other restaurants and make its products available in supermarkets. For now, Upside Foods is holding a contest to allow curious customers to be among the first to try the product in the United States.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
Both Upside Foods and Good Meat are waiting for
permission to sell their cultivated chicken products.
Soon, Americans are going to be able to try chicken that comes directly from chicken cells rather than, well, a chicken. The United States Department of Agriculture gave Upside Foods and Good Meat the green light to start producing and selling their lab-grown, or cultivated, chicken products in the United States. It’s going to be a while before you can buy cell-based meat in stores, though you should be able to get a taste at a restaurant sooner.
In a nutshell, lab-grown meat — or cultivated or cell-based meat — is meat that is developed from animal cells and grown, with the help of nutrients like amino acids, in massive bioreactors. When the meat is ready, companies collect it from the bioreactors and move it along the processing line. For one thing, growing meat from cells means that people can eat meat without having to slaughter animals. Upside Foods explains that cells it gathers from a fertilized chicken egg are stored in its cell bank and can be used for at least ten years. Animal cells can come from animal biopsies or even feathers, among other sources.
Good Meat announced a partnership with chef and restaurateur José Andrés to bring the item to a Washington restaurant. Good Meat may consider partnering with other restaurants or launching in retail, but a supermarket launch is way down the line. Upside Foods is planning to introduce its product at Bar Crenn, a San Francisco restaurant, but did not share a launch date yet. Eventually, the company plans to work with other restaurants and make its products available in supermarkets. For now, Upside Foods is holding a contest to allow curious customers to be among the first to try the product in the United States.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
The expression “In a nutshell” (first sentence of the second
paragraph) could be correctly replaced with Briefly, without
harming the original meaning of the sentence.
Soon, Americans are going to be able to try chicken that comes directly from chicken cells rather than, well, a chicken. The United States Department of Agriculture gave Upside Foods and Good Meat the green light to start producing and selling their lab-grown, or cultivated, chicken products in the United States. It’s going to be a while before you can buy cell-based meat in stores, though you should be able to get a taste at a restaurant sooner.
In a nutshell, lab-grown meat — or cultivated or cell-based meat — is meat that is developed from animal cells and grown, with the help of nutrients like amino acids, in massive bioreactors. When the meat is ready, companies collect it from the bioreactors and move it along the processing line. For one thing, growing meat from cells means that people can eat meat without having to slaughter animals. Upside Foods explains that cells it gathers from a fertilized chicken egg are stored in its cell bank and can be used for at least ten years. Animal cells can come from animal biopsies or even feathers, among other sources.
Good Meat announced a partnership with chef and restaurateur José Andrés to bring the item to a Washington restaurant. Good Meat may consider partnering with other restaurants or launching in retail, but a supermarket launch is way down the line. Upside Foods is planning to introduce its product at Bar Crenn, a San Francisco restaurant, but did not share a launch date yet. Eventually, the company plans to work with other restaurants and make its products available in supermarkets. For now, Upside Foods is holding a contest to allow curious customers to be among the first to try the product in the United States.
Internet: <> (adapted).
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
One of the challenges in manufacturing lab-grown chicken
meat is its short shelf life and the specific nature of the cells
that can be used in the process.
Tendo como referência a figura precedente, retirada do site da ANVISA, julgue o próximo item, relativos à computação na nuvem e à segurança da informação.
Uma vez que o serviço da ANVISA que permite emitir o
certificado internacional de vacinação está disponível na
Web, tal como apresentado na figura precedente, é correto
concluir que o site da ANVISA está hospedado na nuvem
através de um serviço de PaaS (platform as a service).
Tendo como referência a figura precedente, retirada do site da ANVISA, julgue o próximo item, relativos à computação na nuvem e à segurança da informação.
Ao se observar a barra de endereços da figura, percebe-se
que o site da ANVISA faz uso do protocolo HTTPS, logo, os
serviços oferecidos por esse site são protegidos de pragas
virtuais, uma vez que, nesse protocolo, é realizada varredura
contra malwares em toda a comunicação entre usuário e
Na versão mais recente do Microsoft Edge, o Copilot é um assistente inteligente com tecnologia de IA que oferece auxílio ao usuário na execução de tarefas.