Questões de Concurso Público INPI 2024 para Analista De Planejamento, Gestão E Infraestrutura Em Propriedade Industrial – Área: A9 – Gestão Da Tecnologia Da Informação Com Ênfase Em Desenvolvimento E Manutenção De Sistemas
Foram encontradas 10 questões
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
For a lot of people, getting up early in the morning is
considered to be a hard task.
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
People who snooze the alarm feel tired and dizzy the rest of
the day because they didn’t get enough sleep.
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
More than half of the people surveyed admitted snoozing in
the morning for various reasons.
According to the preceding text, judge the following item.
The adverb “However” (last sentence of the first paragraph), can be correctly replaced by Therefore, without changing the meaning of the text.
Considering the grammatical aspects of Portuguese and English, judge the following item.
The English translation of the Portuguese sentence Quanto
mais você adia o despertador, menos você quer se
levantar da cama is How much more you snooze your
alarm, how much less you want to get out of bed.
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
Although it is a usual habit to scroll one’s phone while in the
bathroom, it poses minor risks to someone’s health.
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
Twenty per cent of the American respondents admitted that
they have already dropped the phone into the toilet.
Based on the previous text, judge the following item.
It would change the meaning of the first sentence of the text
if in the excerpt “on the toilet” the preposition “on” was
replaced by in.