Questões de Concurso Público TSE 2024 para Técnico Judiciário – Área: Apoio Especializado – Especialidade: Programação de Sistemas

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Q3110993 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item seguinte, relativos a linguagem de consulta estruturada (SQL), linguagem de definição de dados (DDL) e linguagem de manipulação de dados (DML).

Os comandos SQL são instruções ou consultas usadas para interagir com um banco de dados relacional, a exemplo do comando COMMIT disponibilizado na DML para manipular dados. 
Q3110994 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item subsecutivo, no que concerne a sistemas de gestão de banco de dados (SGBD) e a propriedades de bancos de dados. 

Um sistema de banco de dados deve garantir uma visão totalmente abstrata do banco de dados para o usuário; em seu nível mais baixo, essa abstração identifica quais dados estão armazenados e quais são as suas relações.
Q3110995 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item subsecutivo, no que concerne a sistemas de gestão de banco de dados (SGBD) e a propriedades de bancos de dados. 

Um SGBD funciona como uma interface entre o banco de dados e seus usuários, concedendo aos usuários permissões para recuperação, atualização e gerenciamento da organização e da otimização das informações. 
Q3110996 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item subsecutivo, no que concerne a sistemas de gestão de banco de dados (SGBD) e a propriedades de bancos de dados. 

Em banco de dados, atomicidade é o critério que define os elementos que compõem uma transação completa.
Q3110997 Banco de Dados
No que se refere a banco de dados NoSQL, julgue o próximo item.

No banco de dados NoSQL do tipo graph, os elementos são armazenados como nós, arestas e propriedades.
Q3110998 Banco de Dados
No que se refere a banco de dados NoSQL, julgue o próximo item.

Os bancos de dados NoSQL do tipo documento ampliam o conceito do banco de dados do tipo chave-valor, pois organizam os documentos inteiros em grupos chamados coleções. 
Q3110999 Banco de Dados
Em relação a banco de dados em memória, soluções para Big Data e dados estruturados e não estruturados, julgue o item que se segue.

Documentos de uma empresa e postagens nas redes sociais são exemplos de dados estruturados. 
Q3111000 Banco de Dados
Em relação a banco de dados em memória, soluções para Big Data e dados estruturados e não estruturados, julgue o item que se segue.

Os bancos de dados em memória apresentam baixa latência, respostas em tempo real e baixo throughput.
Q3111001 Banco de Dados
Em relação a banco de dados em memória, soluções para Big Data e dados estruturados e não estruturados, julgue o item que se segue.

O Hadoop é uma solução para Big Data e foi desenvolvido para armazenar e processar dados em diferentes máquinas com alta velocidade e baixo custo, permitindo a integração de dados por meio da orquestração deles.
Q3111002 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de técnicas de ingestão de dados, análise de dados e Big Data.

No armazenamento de dados em Big Data, valor é o critério que observa a integração de informações coletadas em diferentes fontes, com vistas a enriquecer as análises. 
Q3111003 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de técnicas de ingestão de dados, análise de dados e Big Data.

Na ingestão de dados, a arquitetura lambda utiliza o processamento em lote para fornecer visualizações das informações e utiliza a atualização em tempo real para ajudar os gestores a visualizarem dados críticos e urgentes.
Q3111004 Banco de Dados
Julgue o item a seguir, a respeito de técnicas de ingestão de dados, análise de dados e Big Data.

Na abordagem ETL, os dados são carregados no mesmo estado em que foram extraídos e são transformados no estágio posterior ao carregamento.
Q3111005 Inglês
    “Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic...”, began a recent article in Surfaces and Interfaces, a scientific journal. Attentive readers might have wondered who exactly that bizarre opening line was addressing. They might also have wondered whether the article was written by a human or by a machine.      It is a question ever more readers of scientific papers are asking. LLMs (Large Language Models) are now more than good enough to help write a scientific paper. They can breathe life into dense scientific prose and speed up the drafting process, especially for non-native English speakers. Such use also comes with risks: LLMs are particularly susceptible to reproducing biases, for example, and can churn out vast amounts of plausible nonsense. 

According to the information stated in the preceding text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

The word “biases” (last sentence of the text) is, in its context, an adverb.
Q3111006 Inglês
    “Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic...”, began a recent article in Surfaces and Interfaces, a scientific journal. Attentive readers might have wondered who exactly that bizarre opening line was addressing. They might also have wondered whether the article was written by a human or by a machine.      It is a question ever more readers of scientific papers are asking. LLMs (Large Language Models) are now more than good enough to help write a scientific paper. They can breathe life into dense scientific prose and speed up the drafting process, especially for non-native English speakers. Such use also comes with risks: LLMs are particularly susceptible to reproducing biases, for example, and can churn out vast amounts of plausible nonsense. 

According to the information stated in the preceding text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

Large Language Models are able to produce flawless scientific texts.
Q3111007 Inglês
    “Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic...”, began a recent article in Surfaces and Interfaces, a scientific journal. Attentive readers might have wondered who exactly that bizarre opening line was addressing. They might also have wondered whether the article was written by a human or by a machine.      It is a question ever more readers of scientific papers are asking. LLMs (Large Language Models) are now more than good enough to help write a scientific paper. They can breathe life into dense scientific prose and speed up the drafting process, especially for non-native English speakers. Such use also comes with risks: LLMs are particularly susceptible to reproducing biases, for example, and can churn out vast amounts of plausible nonsense. 

According to the information stated in the preceding text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

The expression “churn out” (last sentence of the text) could be replaced with crank out, without harming the correctness of the sentence or its original meaning.  
Q3111008 Inglês
    “Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic...”, began a recent article in Surfaces and Interfaces, a scientific journal. Attentive readers might have wondered who exactly that bizarre opening line was addressing. They might also have wondered whether the article was written by a human or by a machine.      It is a question ever more readers of scientific papers are asking. LLMs (Large Language Models) are now more than good enough to help write a scientific paper. They can breathe life into dense scientific prose and speed up the drafting process, especially for non-native English speakers. Such use also comes with risks: LLMs are particularly susceptible to reproducing biases, for example, and can churn out vast amounts of plausible nonsense. 

According to the information stated in the preceding text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

The article mentioned in the first paragraph of the text was written with the help of LLMs.
Q3111009 Inglês
    “Certainly, here is a possible introduction for your topic...”, began a recent article in Surfaces and Interfaces, a scientific journal. Attentive readers might have wondered who exactly that bizarre opening line was addressing. They might also have wondered whether the article was written by a human or by a machine.      It is a question ever more readers of scientific papers are asking. LLMs (Large Language Models) are now more than good enough to help write a scientific paper. They can breathe life into dense scientific prose and speed up the drafting process, especially for non-native English speakers. Such use also comes with risks: LLMs are particularly susceptible to reproducing biases, for example, and can churn out vast amounts of plausible nonsense. 

According to the information stated in the preceding text and the vocabulary used in it, judge the following item.

The first sentence of the second paragraph could be correctly rewritten as It is a question that readers of scientific papers are increasingly asking.
Q3111010 Inglês
    The Internet, as anyone who works deep in its trenches will tell you, is not a smooth, well-oiled machine. It’s a messy patchwork that has been assembled over decades, and it is held together with the digital equivalent of duct tape and bubble gum. Much of it relies on open-source software that is thanklessly maintained by a small army of volunteer programmers who fix the bugs.
Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

The word “it”, in the last sentence of the text, refers to “bubble gum”, mentioned in the prior sentence. 
Q3111011 Inglês
    The Internet, as anyone who works deep in its trenches will tell you, is not a smooth, well-oiled machine. It’s a messy patchwork that has been assembled over decades, and it is held together with the digital equivalent of duct tape and bubble gum. Much of it relies on open-source software that is thanklessly maintained by a small army of volunteer programmers who fix the bugs.
Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

The author suggests that the Internet is, metaphorically speaking, a malfunctioning machine.
Q3111012 Inglês
    The Internet, as anyone who works deep in its trenches will tell you, is not a smooth, well-oiled machine. It’s a messy patchwork that has been assembled over decades, and it is held together with the digital equivalent of duct tape and bubble gum. Much of it relies on open-source software that is thanklessly maintained by a small army of volunteer programmers who fix the bugs.
Internet: <> (adapted). 

Considering the previous text and its linguistic aspects, judge the following item.

The Internet depends on software that is poorly maintained by a large team of volunteer programmers.
101: E
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