Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Icapuí - CE 2021 para Professor PEB II - Língua Inglesa

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Q2815858 Inglês



Petroleum Alternatives. A new promising source

Human consumption of fossil fuels is expected to fully deplete the Earth’s crude oil reserves by the year 2060. As underground reservoirs of oil continue to shrink, we have no choice but to find alternatives. One promising source, with much cleaner emissions, is called bio-diesel. Bio-diesel is often made from soybean oil, although it can be made from any vegetable oil that is not elementally different from soy. Bio-diesel can even be made from used cooking oils that homes or restaurants would otherwise dispose of. Biodiesel can be used without constraint in any vehicle that runs on diesel—no modifications are needed. Presently, diesel engines can take up to 20 percent soy in their soy-diesel blend. As the need for bio-diesel increases and the technology improves, we may soon witness the extinction of the fossil-fueled vehicle.This is good news for the planet, as biodiesel is a more stable source of energy than petroleum, and it reduces contamination of our air and water.

The word “shrink”, in line 3, could be better substituted by which of the following options?

Q2815859 Inglês

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb.

James likes to cook but he cooks __________ (terrible).

Marie has three jobs. She works very __________ (hard).

I am late, so I must walk __________ (fast).

Select the CORRECT answer.

Q2815862 Inglês

Complete the following sentences with the appropriate adjective or adverb to make the correct comparisons or superlatives.

I’m a terrible singer. You can sing _______ than me (good).

Paul is the _______ person in his family (tall).

Fortaleza is the _______ capital in Brasil (danger).

Select the CORRECT answer.

Q2815867 Inglês

Match Column A with Column B to fill in with the appropriate question word.


I. Where.

II. Who.

III. When.

IV. How.

V. How much.


( ) ______ do you live? In Icapuí.

( ) ______ is your best friend? It’s Sam.

( ) ______ old are you? I am 19

( ) ______ is your party? Tomorrow morning.

( ) ______ is the ticket? It's free.

Select the CORRECT answer

Q2815869 Inglês

Complete the following sentences with some or any.

I’m going to drink _______ milk.

Do you have _______ friends here? No, I don’t.

Could you give me _______ water?

He has _______ problems.

Select the CORRECT answer.

6: D
7: A
8: D
9: A
10: C