Questões de Concurso Público ANVISA 2013 para Analista Administrativo - Conhecimentos Gerais - Todas as Áreas - Prova Anulada
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“Essa associação fez com que a tecnologia fosse percebida, a priori, como uma ferramenta essencialmente benigna, capaz de proporcionar maior conforto à vida cotidiana, garantindo mais tempo para o desfrute do lazer, o cuidado da saúde e a convivência familiar”.
“Today's FDA can be steamrollered.”
Choose the alternative that presents the best synonymous to the underlined verb.
An FDA advisory panel, (I) which gave preliminary approval to Allergan's application, wasn't entirely happy with the company's data supporting (II) its safety and efficacy claims for the Lap-Band— (III) its own 149-patient study and six other studies, at least three of (IV) which conducted by researchers with financial links to Allergan.
“Botox's sales grew 1,407% and by 2007, total Botox sales exceeded $500 million. More than 70% of that was for unapproved uses.”
It is correct to affirm that the underlined word refers to
“The alarm ______ Europe ______ the discovery ______ horse meat ______ beef products escalated again Monday, when the Swedish furniture giant Ikea withdrew an estimated 1,670 pounds ______ meatballs ______ sale ______ 14 European countries”.
“The situation in Europe has created unease among American consumers over ______ or not horse meat might also find its way into the food supply in the United States”.

Choose the alternative that fills in correctly the blank of the sentence below.
“Melamine alone is of low toxicity; ____________ experimental studies have shown that combination with cyanuric acid leads to crystal formation and subsequent kidney toxicity”. (World Health Organization, 30/10/2008.)

Based on the text, consider the assertions below.
I. Legitimate scientific researches occasionally encourage scams.
II. A grape compound called resveratrol has been proven to be effective against ageing.
III. The news media has been misquoting a Harvard biologist’s words to sell their supplements.
IV. One cannot get the recommended dose of resveratrol through diet or supplements.
The correct assertion(s) is/are