Questões de Concurso Público CGU 2004 para Analista de Finanças e Controle - Comum a todos - Prova 1

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Q2379 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 24:

Unpicking the fiscal straitjacket

Never has a straitjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so
insecure. The euro area's "stability and growth pact"
was supposed to stop irresponsible member states
from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3%
of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the
threat of large fines if member governments breached
the limit for three years in a row. For some time now,
no one has seriously believed those restraints would
hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th,
the euro's fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the
The pact's fate was sealed over an extended
dinner meeting of the euro area's 12 finance
ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of
the euro's two largest members, France and
Germany. Both governments ran deficits of more than
3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year.
Both expect to breach the limit for the third time in
2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission,
which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries
an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back
into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their
budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France
was asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted
deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both

Nov 27th, 2003
The Economist Global Agenda
According to the text, the euro pact
Q2380 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 24:

Unpicking the fiscal straitjacket

Never has a straitjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so
insecure. The euro area's "stability and growth pact"
was supposed to stop irresponsible member states
from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3%
of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the
threat of large fines if member governments breached
the limit for three years in a row. For some time now,
no one has seriously believed those restraints would
hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th,
the euro's fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the
The pact's fate was sealed over an extended
dinner meeting of the euro area's 12 finance
ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of
the euro's two largest members, France and
Germany. Both governments ran deficits of more than
3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year.
Both expect to breach the limit for the third time in
2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission,
which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries
an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back
into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their
budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France
was asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted
deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both

Nov 27th, 2003
The Economist Global Agenda
In "if member states breached the limit" (paragraph 1), "breached" could best be replaced by
Q2381 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 24:

Unpicking the fiscal straitjacket

Never has a straitjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so
insecure. The euro area's "stability and growth pact"
was supposed to stop irresponsible member states
from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3%
of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the
threat of large fines if member governments breached
the limit for three years in a row. For some time now,
no one has seriously believed those restraints would
hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th,
the euro's fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the
The pact's fate was sealed over an extended
dinner meeting of the euro area's 12 finance
ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of
the euro's two largest members, France and
Germany. Both governments ran deficits of more than
3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year.
Both expect to breach the limit for the third time in
2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission,
which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries
an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back
into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their
budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France
was asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted
deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both

Nov 27th, 2003
The Economist Global Agenda
In paragraph 2, Germany and France are referred to as
Q2382 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 21
to 24:

Unpicking the fiscal straitjacket

Never has a straitjacket seemed so ill-fitting or so
insecure. The euro area's "stability and growth pact"
was supposed to stop irresponsible member states
from running excessive budget deficits, defined as 3%
of GDP or more. Chief among the restraints was the
threat of large fines if member governments breached
the limit for three years in a row. For some time now,
no one has seriously believed those restraints would
hold. In the early hours of Tuesday November 25th,
the euro's fiscal straitjacket finally came apart at the
The pact's fate was sealed over an extended
dinner meeting of the euro area's 12 finance
ministers. They chewed over the sorry fiscal record of
the euro's two largest members, France and
Germany. Both governments ran deficits of more than
3% of GDP last year and will do so again this year.
Both expect to breach the limit for the third time in
2004. Earlier this year, the European Commission,
which policies the pact, agreed to give both countries
an extra year, until 2005, to bring their deficits back
into line. But it also instructed them to revisit their
budget plans for 2004 and make extra cuts. France
was asked to cut its underlying, cyclically adjusted
deficit by a full 1% of GDP, Germany by 0.8%. Both

Nov 27th, 2003
The Economist Global Agenda
According to the author, Tuesday November 25th is the day on which the euro pact
Q2383 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 25
to 28:

Brazil's Central Bank Rate Vote Underscores

Two of the Brazilian central bank's nine-member
board called for a smaller interest rate cut last week
than policy makers approved, underscoring
disagreement over the pace of a recovery in Brazil
and its effect on inflation.
The vote, the first show of dissent since Henrique
Meirelles became the bank's president, may signal
that the bank may be less inclined to lower the
benchmark lending rate in coming months after
cutting it six times since June.
The board said in minutes of the meeting
distributed today that its vote to lower the overnight
target rate to 17.5 percent from 19 percent was aimed
at giving a boost to an economy that suffered its
biggest back-to-back quarterly contractions in seven
years between April and September.

Internet :
Accessed in Nov/2003
In paragraph 1, the text refers to an interest rate cut which
Q2384 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 25
to 28:

Brazil's Central Bank Rate Vote Underscores

Two of the Brazilian central bank's nine-member
board called for a smaller interest rate cut last week
than policy makers approved, underscoring
disagreement over the pace of a recovery in Brazil
and its effect on inflation.
The vote, the first show of dissent since Henrique
Meirelles became the bank's president, may signal
that the bank may be less inclined to lower the
benchmark lending rate in coming months after
cutting it six times since June.
The board said in minutes of the meeting
distributed today that its vote to lower the overnight
target rate to 17.5 percent from 19 percent was aimed
at giving a boost to an economy that suffered its
biggest back-to-back quarterly contractions in seven
years between April and September.

Internet :
Accessed in Nov/2003
In paragraph 3, the author refers to
Q2385 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 25
to 28:

Brazil's Central Bank Rate Vote Underscores

Two of the Brazilian central bank's nine-member
board called for a smaller interest rate cut last week
than policy makers approved, underscoring
disagreement over the pace of a recovery in Brazil
and its effect on inflation.
The vote, the first show of dissent since Henrique
Meirelles became the bank's president, may signal
that the bank may be less inclined to lower the
benchmark lending rate in coming months after
cutting it six times since June.
The board said in minutes of the meeting
distributed today that its vote to lower the overnight
target rate to 17.5 percent from 19 percent was aimed
at giving a boost to an economy that suffered its
biggest back-to-back quarterly contractions in seven
years between April and September.

Internet :
Accessed in Nov/2003
According to the text, Brazil's central bank rate vote demonstrates
Q2386 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 25
to 28:

Brazil's Central Bank Rate Vote Underscores

Two of the Brazilian central bank's nine-member
board called for a smaller interest rate cut last week
than policy makers approved, underscoring
disagreement over the pace of a recovery in Brazil
and its effect on inflation.
The vote, the first show of dissent since Henrique
Meirelles became the bank's president, may signal
that the bank may be less inclined to lower the
benchmark lending rate in coming months after
cutting it six times since June.
The board said in minutes of the meeting
distributed today that its vote to lower the overnight
target rate to 17.5 percent from 19 percent was aimed
at giving a boost to an economy that suffered its
biggest back-to-back quarterly contractions in seven
years between April and September.

Internet :
Accessed in Nov/2003
The text
Q2387 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 29
and 30:

Responsibility of Accountants and Auditors

How can accountants and auditors help in this
anticorruption drive? First of all, accountants are the
first set of gatekeepers to ensure that transactions are
valid, at arm's-length, captured, and properly
recorded according to established standards.
Secondly, "as professionals with a duty to protect the
public interest, they are bound by rigorous codes of
professional and personal ethics calling for the
highest levels of integrity and objectivity". Thirdly,
"their key strategic positions within an enterprise or
organization - whether in an internal position or as an
external auditor or adviser - mean that they very
often have access to highly privileged and confidential
information."(Frank Harding: "Corruption: Rising to the
Challenge", IFAC - May/1999.)
Both accountants and auditors perform their
respective functions on the bases of national and
international standards of practice which have clear
guidelines in identifying, for instance, indicators of
fraud and other irregularities, and reporting these to
the highest levels of authority.

Accessed in Nov/2003
According to the author, integrity and objectivity are
Q2388 Inglês
Read the text below in order to answer questions 29
and 30:

Responsibility of Accountants and Auditors

How can accountants and auditors help in this
anticorruption drive? First of all, accountants are the
first set of gatekeepers to ensure that transactions are
valid, at arm's-length, captured, and properly
recorded according to established standards.
Secondly, "as professionals with a duty to protect the
public interest, they are bound by rigorous codes of
professional and personal ethics calling for the
highest levels of integrity and objectivity". Thirdly,
"their key strategic positions within an enterprise or
organization - whether in an internal position or as an
external auditor or adviser - mean that they very
often have access to highly privileged and confidential
information."(Frank Harding: "Corruption: Rising to the
Challenge", IFAC - May/1999.)
Both accountants and auditors perform their
respective functions on the bases of national and
international standards of practice which have clear
guidelines in identifying, for instance, indicators of
fraud and other irregularities, and reporting these to
the highest levels of authority.

Accessed in Nov/2003
According to the text, accountants and auditors
Q2389 Raciocínio Lógico
Ana é prima de Bia, ou Carlos é filho de Pedro. Se Jorge é irmão de Maria, então Breno não é neto de Beto. Se Carlos é filho de Pedro, então Breno é neto de Beto. Ora, Jorge é irmão de Maria. Logo:
Q2390 Raciocínio Lógico

Três homens são levados à presença de um jovem lógico. Sabe-se que um deles é um honesto marceneiro, que sempre diz a verdade. Sabe-se, também, que um outro é um pedreiro, igualmente honesto e trabalhador, mas que tem o estranho costume de sempre mentir, de jamais dizer a verdade. Sabe-se, ainda, que o restante é um vulgar ladrão que ora mente, ora diz a verdade. O problema é que não se sabe quem, entre eles, é quem. À frente do jovem lógico, esses três homens fazem, ordenadamente, as seguintes declarações:

O primeiro diz: "Eu sou o ladrão."
O segundo diz: "É verdade; ele, o que acabou de falar, é o ladrão."
O terceiro diz: "Eu sou o ladrão."

Com base nestas informações, o jovem lógico pode, então, concluir corretamente que:

Q2391 Raciocínio Lógico
Uma professora de matemática faz as três seguintes afirmações:

"X > Q e Z < Y";
"X > Y e Q > Y, se e somente se Y > Z";
"R ≠ Q, se e somente se Y = X".

Sabendo-se que todas as afirmações da professora são verdadeiras, conclui-se corretamente que:
Q2392 Raciocínio Lógico
Marco e Mauro costumam treinar natação na mesma piscina e no mesmo horário. Eles iniciam os treinos simultaneamente, a partir de lados opostos da piscina, nadando um em direção ao outro. Marco vai de um lado a outro da piscina em 45 segundos, enquanto Mauro vai de um lado ao outro em 30 segundos. Durante 12 minutos, eles nadam de um lado para outro, sem perder qualquer tempo nas viradas. Durante esses 12 minutos, eles podem encontrar-se quer quando estão nadando no mesmo sentido, quer quando estão nadando em sentidos opostos, assim como podem encontrar-se quando ambos estão fazendo a virada no mesmo extremo da piscina. Dessa forma, o número de vezes que Marco e Mauro se encontram durante esses 12 minutos é:
Q2393 Raciocínio Lógico
Lúcio faz o trajeto entre sua casa e seu local de trabalho caminhando, sempre a uma velocidade igual e constante. Neste percurso, ele gasta exatamente 20 minutos. Em um determinado dia, em que haveria uma reunião importante, ele saiu de sua casa no preciso tempo para chegar ao trabalho 8 minutos antes do início da reunião. Ao passar em frente ao Cine Bristol, Lúcio deu-se conta de que se, daquele ponto, caminhasse de volta à sua casa e imediatamente reiniciasse a caminhada para o trabalho, sempre à mesma velocidade, chegaria atrasado à reunião em exatos 10 minutos. Sabendo que a distância entre o Cine Bristol e a casa de Lúcio é de 540 metros, a distância da casa de Lúcio a seu local de trabalho é igual a:
Q2394 Raciocínio Lógico
Durante uma viagem para visitar familiares com diferentes hábitos alimentares, Alice apresentou sucessivas mudanças em seu peso. Primeiro, ao visitar uma tia vegetariana, Alice perdeu 20% de seu peso. A seguir, passou alguns dias na casa de um tio, dono de uma pizzaria, o que fez Alice ganhar 20% de peso. Após, ela visitou uma sobrinha que estava fazendo um rígido regime de emagrecimento. Acompanhando a sobrinha em seu regime, Alice também emagreceu, perdendo 25% de peso. Finalmente, visitou um sobrinho, dono de uma renomada confeitaria, visita que acarretou, para Alice, um ganho de peso de 25%. O peso final de Alice, após essas visitas a esses quatro familiares, com relação ao peso imediatamente anterior ao início dessa seqüência de visitas, ficou:
Q2395 Matemática
Genericamente, qualquer elemento de uma matriz M pode ser representado por mij, onde "i" representa a linha e "j" a coluna em que esse elemento se localiza. Uma matriz X = xij, de terceira ordem, é a matriz resultante da soma das matrizes A = (aij) e B=(bij). Sabendo-se que (aij) = i2 e que bij = (i-j)2, então o produto dos elementos x31 e x13 é igual a:
Q2396 Raciocínio Lógico
Homero não é honesto, ou Júlio é justo. Homero é honesto, ou Júlio é justo, ou Beto é bondoso. Beto é bondoso, ou Júlio não é justo. Beto não é bondoso, ou Homero é honesto. Logo,
Q2397 Raciocínio Lógico
Foi feita uma pesquisa de opinião para determinar o nível de aprovação popular a três diferentes propostas de políticas governamentais para redução da criminalidade. As propostas (referidas como "A", "B" e "C") não eram mutuamente excludentes, de modo que o entrevistado poderia se declarar ou contra todas elas, ou a favor de apenas uma, ou a favor de apenas duas, ou a favor de todas as três. Dos entrevistados, 78% declararam-se favoráveis a pelo menos uma delas. Ainda do total dos entrevistados, 50% declararam-se favoráveis à proposta A, 30% à proposta B e 20% à proposta C. Sabe-se, ainda, que 5% do total dos entrevistados se declararam favoráveis a todas as três propostas. Assim, a percentagem dos entrevistados que se declararam favoráveis a mais de uma das três propostas foi igual a:
Q2398 Raciocínio Lógico
Os ângulos de um triângulo encontram-se na razão 2:3:4. O ângulo maior do triângulo, portanto, é igual a:
21: E
22: B
23: A
24: C
25: D
26: C
27: A
28: B
29: D
30: E
31: E
32: B
33: B
34: E
35: A
36: D
37: D
38: C
39: A
40: D