Questões de Concurso Público CVM 2010 para Analista (Áreas: Arquivologia / Biblioteconomia / Recursos Humanos / Sistemas / Infraestrutura de TI / Planejamento e Execução Financeira e Planejamento e Execução Financeira- Contador) - Prova Conhecimentos Gerais

Foram encontradas 40 questões

Q2240621 Português
Provoca-se erro gramatical e, consequentemente, incoerência textual ao 
Q2240622 Português
A argumentação do texto se organiza como uma “tomada de consciência”(ℓ.12) em torno de dois eixos; assinale a opção que caracteriza, respectivamente, esses dois eixos. 

Q2240623 Português
Analise os seguintes trechos transcritos e adaptados do Correio Braziliense, de 21 de outubro de 2010, quanto à correção gramatical.

I. Assim como ocorreu na 15ª Conferência das Partes sobre Mudanças Climáticas, na Dinamarca a questão econômica tornou-se o centro das discussões na 10ª Conferência das Partes sobre Diversidade Biológica, no Japão. O estabelecimento de novas metas de preservação das espécies pode não seguir a diante devido a impasse que coloca em confronto entre os países em desenvolvimento – os donos de grandes reservas naturais – e as nações ricas.
II. O primeiro grupo, tendo o Brasil como líder, defende a adoção de compensações financeiras pagas pelos países industrializados devido ao uso da biodiversidade. Uma das tentativas de flexibilizar a posição dos países foi a divulgação do relatório A Economia dos Ecossistemas de Biodiversidade. O documento mostra que preservar o meio ambiente pode ser economicamente rentável.
III. De acordo com esse estudo, é preciso que os tomadores de decisão levem em conta o que será gasto no futuro por causa dos problemas ambientais, como a extinção de espécies e o aquecimento global. Isso pode redefinir os atuais padrões econômicos e iniciar uma nova era, na qual o valor dos serviços da natureza passa a ser visível e se torna uma parte crítica da tomada de decisões na política e nas empresas.

Na transcrição, manteve-se o respeito à correção gramatical e à coerência textual apenas em
Q2240624 Português
Assinale a opção segundo a qual provoca-se incoerência entre os argumentos e/ou incorreção gramatical ao fazer a alteração sugerida na pontuação do texto.
Imagem associada para resolução da questão
(Adaptado de Conrado Navarro. Educação financeira e qualidade de vida., acesso em 20 de outubro de 2010)
Q2240625 Português
Na organização das relações de coesão e coerência no texto, a expressão
Q2240626 Português
Assinale a opção correta a respeito do uso das estruturas linguísticas no texto.
Q2240627 Português
Assinale a opção em que ocorre erro na transcrição e adaptação do texto de Conjuntura Econômica, de setembro de 2010 – vol. 64 – n. 9.
O mecanismo de câmbio flutuante, quando acompanhado de razoável mobilidade de capitais, provê um meio automático através do qual o equilíbrio se configura(a). Elevações de consumo ou investimento da parte de residentes geram pequenas elevações de juros que majoram a entrada de capitais externos, desta forma valorizando(b) a moeda doméstica. Tal valorização reduz as exportações e aumenta as importações, meio pelos quais(c) se compensa, liquidamente, a preços possivelmente constantes, o acréscimo inicial de procura por bens e serviços provocado por possíveis expansões de absorção interna. Tudo pode ocorrer muito bem até o ponto em que(d) os déficits na conta corrente do balanço de pagamentos passem(e) a gerar um montante do passivo externo líquido do país, que dá início a um processo de desconfiança dos provedores de crédito líquido em moeda estrangeira. Quando isso ocorre, há uma necessidade de reverter tais déficits, configurando, em última instância, que o sucesso no combate à inflação no período inicial pode ter significado, em boa parte, uma transferência de problemas para o futuro.
Q2240628 Português
Assinale a opção que, na sequência, preenche corretamente as lacunas do texto, de modo a manter a coesão e a coerência entre as ideias.
Quando uma pessoa compra uma ação de uma empresa, torna-se sócia dessa companhia. Significa que ___(1)___ se beneficia de seu sucesso ou sofre as consequências ___(2)___ fracasso. Funciona assim: ao ganhar dinheiro, uma corporação com ações cotadas em bolsa remunera melhor seus acionistas. O inverso também é verdadeiro. No mercado acionário, é impossível dizer ____(3)____ um investimento dará retorno líquido e certo. Uma série de fatores ____(4)____ levada em conta. Desde ____(5)____ que a empresa pode controlar (lançamento de produtos e projetos de sucesso, boa performance financeira) até aspectos externos (crise global, acidentes), ____(6)____ muitas vezes independem de uma boa administração da companhia.
(Adaptado de ISTOÉ, 15/9/2010)
Q2240629 Português
Assinale a opção que, ao preencher as lacunas do texto provoca erro gramatical.
Baixo em termos internacionais, o salário brasileiro é apontado pelas empresas multinacionais como um dos atrativos para os investimentos no mercado nacional, além da perspectiva de crescimento doméstico acima da média global, ____(a)_____ também pelos investimentos, mas principalmente pela alta salarial em massa, responsável por mais de 85% do PIB, o mercado interno em ebulição, segundo os economistas, foi um fator decisivo para o Brasil _____(b)______da crise que eclodiu em setembro de 2008. E os salários mais robustos, por sua vez, _____(c)_____como um colchão para garantir a recuperação acelerada do nível de atividade econômica. Aumentos salariais são importantes porque elevam o consumo e o crescimento econômico. Mas do ponto de vista macroeconômico é importante que _____(d)_____ em linha com os ganhos de produtividade. Caso contrário, a tendência é que eventuais excessos _____(e)_____aos preços.
(Adaptado de Carta Capital, 20 de outubro de 2010)
Q2240630 Português
Assinale o trecho em que a transcrição do texto adaptado de Conjuntura Econômica, de setembro de 2010, vol. 64, n. 9, desrespeita as regras gramaticais no uso das estruturas linguísticas.
Q2240631 Inglês
A Latin American decade?
Source: (Adapted) Sep 9th, 2010

         Summit meetings involving Latin America´s presidents are so frequent these days that Mexico´s Mr Calderón has likened diplomacy in the region to a mountain range. Yet for all the talk of regional integration, political Latin America looks more divided than ever. Mr Chávez likes to threaten war against Colombia, which in turn accuses him of harbouring its FARC guerrillas. Sub-regional trade groups such as Mercosur and the Andean Community, which made progress in the 1990s, have stagnated or fallen apart.
       Yet while politicians bicker, corporate Latin America is quietly moving closer together. A growing army of multilatinas have expanded abroad. Some, like Embraer or Bimbo, have become global multinationals. Many others, including Chilean retailers and Brazilian banks and construction fi rms, have expanded within Latin America. Some Mexican fi rms, led by América Móvil, a telecoms giant, are moving into Brazil. Until recently such fi rms tended to list their shares in New York, but now a Latin American capital market is poised to emerge. In three to fi ve years there will be a seamless network of Latin American stock exchanges, including Mexico´s, reckons Mr Oliveira of BRAIN Brasil.
    The market-oriented reforms of the 1980s and 1990s, combined with a few years of commoditydriven prosperity, are transforming Latin American business.
According to paragraph 1, Mercosur and the Andean Community
Q2240632 Inglês
A Latin American decade?
Source: (Adapted) Sep 9th, 2010

         Summit meetings involving Latin America´s presidents are so frequent these days that Mexico´s Mr Calderón has likened diplomacy in the region to a mountain range. Yet for all the talk of regional integration, political Latin America looks more divided than ever. Mr Chávez likes to threaten war against Colombia, which in turn accuses him of harbouring its FARC guerrillas. Sub-regional trade groups such as Mercosur and the Andean Community, which made progress in the 1990s, have stagnated or fallen apart.
       Yet while politicians bicker, corporate Latin America is quietly moving closer together. A growing army of multilatinas have expanded abroad. Some, like Embraer or Bimbo, have become global multinationals. Many others, including Chilean retailers and Brazilian banks and construction fi rms, have expanded within Latin America. Some Mexican fi rms, led by América Móvil, a telecoms giant, are moving into Brazil. Until recently such fi rms tended to list their shares in New York, but now a Latin American capital market is poised to emerge. In three to fi ve years there will be a seamless network of Latin American stock exchanges, including Mexico´s, reckons Mr Oliveira of BRAIN Brasil.
    The market-oriented reforms of the 1980s and 1990s, combined with a few years of commoditydriven prosperity, are transforming Latin American business.
According to paragraph 2, a Latin American capital market is
Q2240633 Inglês
A Latin American decade?
Source: (Adapted) Sep 9th, 2010

         Summit meetings involving Latin America´s presidents are so frequent these days that Mexico´s Mr Calderón has likened diplomacy in the region to a mountain range. Yet for all the talk of regional integration, political Latin America looks more divided than ever. Mr Chávez likes to threaten war against Colombia, which in turn accuses him of harbouring its FARC guerrillas. Sub-regional trade groups such as Mercosur and the Andean Community, which made progress in the 1990s, have stagnated or fallen apart.
       Yet while politicians bicker, corporate Latin America is quietly moving closer together. A growing army of multilatinas have expanded abroad. Some, like Embraer or Bimbo, have become global multinationals. Many others, including Chilean retailers and Brazilian banks and construction fi rms, have expanded within Latin America. Some Mexican fi rms, led by América Móvil, a telecoms giant, are moving into Brazil. Until recently such fi rms tended to list their shares in New York, but now a Latin American capital market is poised to emerge. In three to fi ve years there will be a seamless network of Latin American stock exchanges, including Mexico´s, reckons Mr Oliveira of BRAIN Brasil.
    The market-oriented reforms of the 1980s and 1990s, combined with a few years of commoditydriven prosperity, are transforming Latin American business.
According to the text, “there will be a seamless network of Latin American stock exchanges”, which means this network will
Q2240634 Inglês
Beyond Lula
Source: Newsweek (Adapted) Oct 11th, 2010

     With the economy booming, poverty falling, and an avid new middle class hitting the supermarkets and malls, Brazil is in a sweet spot. Once a pushover for fi nancial turmoil, Brazil survived the Great Recession largely unscathed and grew at the blistering pace of 10 percent in the fi rst six months of 2010 (though it may cool to 6 or 7 percent by year´s end). With new offshore discoveries boosting its estimated oil reserves to at least 9 billion barrels –and possibly much more- the national oil giant, Petrobras, raised $67billion in late September, the biggest publicshare offering in global fi nancial history. Officials are gussying up the country for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, and arguing over what to do with all the cash and glory that such international showcases bring.
The text refers to Brazil´s economy as booming, which means it is experiencing a period of economic
Q2240635 Inglês
Beyond Lula
Source: Newsweek (Adapted) Oct 11th, 2010

     With the economy booming, poverty falling, and an avid new middle class hitting the supermarkets and malls, Brazil is in a sweet spot. Once a pushover for fi nancial turmoil, Brazil survived the Great Recession largely unscathed and grew at the blistering pace of 10 percent in the fi rst six months of 2010 (though it may cool to 6 or 7 percent by year´s end). With new offshore discoveries boosting its estimated oil reserves to at least 9 billion barrels –and possibly much more- the national oil giant, Petrobras, raised $67billion in late September, the biggest publicshare offering in global fi nancial history. Officials are gussying up the country for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, and arguing over what to do with all the cash and glory that such international showcases bring.
According to the text, Brazil´s growth pace is likely to
Q2240636 Inglês
Beyond Lula
Source: Newsweek (Adapted) Oct 11th, 2010

     With the economy booming, poverty falling, and an avid new middle class hitting the supermarkets and malls, Brazil is in a sweet spot. Once a pushover for fi nancial turmoil, Brazil survived the Great Recession largely unscathed and grew at the blistering pace of 10 percent in the fi rst six months of 2010 (though it may cool to 6 or 7 percent by year´s end). With new offshore discoveries boosting its estimated oil reserves to at least 9 billion barrels –and possibly much more- the national oil giant, Petrobras, raised $67billion in late September, the biggest publicshare offering in global fi nancial history. Officials are gussying up the country for the 2014 World Cup and the 2016 Olympic Games, and arguing over what to do with all the cash and glory that such international showcases bring.
The text highlights Petrobras´ public-share offering which
Q2240637 Inglês
10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online
Source: (Adapted) Oct, 22nd 2010

         Up to a couple of years ago, I used to say that the average person could protect his or her privacy on the Web. Even as the founder of an online reputation-management company, I believed it was possible – so long as you were willing to commit some time doing it. Today, I tell people this: the landscape of personal data mining and exploitation is shifting faster than ever; trying to protect your online privacy is like trying to build your own antivirus software – really, really diffi cult. But whether or not you have the time (or money) to invest in the pros, there are a few simple steps we can all take to reduce the risk to our private data.

1. Do not put your full birth date on your socialnetworking profiles.
Identity thieves use birth dates as cornerstones of their craft. If you want your friends to know your birthday, try just the month and day, and leave out the year.

2. Use multiple usernames and passwords.
Keep your usernames and passwords for social networks, online banking, e-mail, and online shopping all separate. Having distinct passwords is not enough nowadays: if you have the same username across different Web sites, your entire life can be mapped and re-created with simple algorithms.

3. Shred.
If you are going to throw away credit-card offers, bank statements, or anything else that might come in hard copy to your house, rip them up into tiny bits first.
According to the author, the year of your birthday must be
Q2240638 Inglês
10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online
Source: (Adapted) Oct, 22nd 2010

         Up to a couple of years ago, I used to say that the average person could protect his or her privacy on the Web. Even as the founder of an online reputation-management company, I believed it was possible – so long as you were willing to commit some time doing it. Today, I tell people this: the landscape of personal data mining and exploitation is shifting faster than ever; trying to protect your online privacy is like trying to build your own antivirus software – really, really diffi cult. But whether or not you have the time (or money) to invest in the pros, there are a few simple steps we can all take to reduce the risk to our private data.

1. Do not put your full birth date on your socialnetworking profiles.
Identity thieves use birth dates as cornerstones of their craft. If you want your friends to know your birthday, try just the month and day, and leave out the year.

2. Use multiple usernames and passwords.
Keep your usernames and passwords for social networks, online banking, e-mail, and online shopping all separate. Having distinct passwords is not enough nowadays: if you have the same username across different Web sites, your entire life can be mapped and re-created with simple algorithms.

3. Shred.
If you are going to throw away credit-card offers, bank statements, or anything else that might come in hard copy to your house, rip them up into tiny bits first.
According to the author, reducing the risk to our private data is
Q2240639 Inglês
10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online
Source: (Adapted) Oct, 22nd 2010

         Up to a couple of years ago, I used to say that the average person could protect his or her privacy on the Web. Even as the founder of an online reputation-management company, I believed it was possible – so long as you were willing to commit some time doing it. Today, I tell people this: the landscape of personal data mining and exploitation is shifting faster than ever; trying to protect your online privacy is like trying to build your own antivirus software – really, really diffi cult. But whether or not you have the time (or money) to invest in the pros, there are a few simple steps we can all take to reduce the risk to our private data.

1. Do not put your full birth date on your socialnetworking profiles.
Identity thieves use birth dates as cornerstones of their craft. If you want your friends to know your birthday, try just the month and day, and leave out the year.

2. Use multiple usernames and passwords.
Keep your usernames and passwords for social networks, online banking, e-mail, and online shopping all separate. Having distinct passwords is not enough nowadays: if you have the same username across different Web sites, your entire life can be mapped and re-created with simple algorithms.

3. Shred.
If you are going to throw away credit-card offers, bank statements, or anything else that might come in hard copy to your house, rip them up into tiny bits first.
According to the author, usernames and passwords
Q2240640 Inglês
10 Ways to Protect Your Privacy Online
Source: (Adapted) Oct, 22nd 2010

         Up to a couple of years ago, I used to say that the average person could protect his or her privacy on the Web. Even as the founder of an online reputation-management company, I believed it was possible – so long as you were willing to commit some time doing it. Today, I tell people this: the landscape of personal data mining and exploitation is shifting faster than ever; trying to protect your online privacy is like trying to build your own antivirus software – really, really diffi cult. But whether or not you have the time (or money) to invest in the pros, there are a few simple steps we can all take to reduce the risk to our private data.

1. Do not put your full birth date on your socialnetworking profiles.
Identity thieves use birth dates as cornerstones of their craft. If you want your friends to know your birthday, try just the month and day, and leave out the year.

2. Use multiple usernames and passwords.
Keep your usernames and passwords for social networks, online banking, e-mail, and online shopping all separate. Having distinct passwords is not enough nowadays: if you have the same username across different Web sites, your entire life can be mapped and re-created with simple algorithms.

3. Shred.
If you are going to throw away credit-card offers, bank statements, or anything else that might come in hard copy to your house, rip them up into tiny bits first.
According to the author, when throwing away credit card offers or bank statements, one should
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