Questões de Concurso Público SEC-BA 2022 para Professor Padrão - P - Grau III - Linguagem, com ênfase em Língua Inglesa

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Q2111994 Inglês
    Although women nowadays outnumber men in higher education, they remain strongly underrepresented in math-intensive fields. This underrepresentation is a source of concern for two main reasons: It contributes substantially to gender inequality in the labor market, and it represents a loss of potential talent that could in particular help meeting the growing demand of skills related to the development of information technology and artificial intelligence.
        Despite these concerns, the underrepresentation of women in math-intensive fields has remained constant or even increased in most developed countries during the past two decades. This underrepresentation is also more pronounced in more developed countries and in countries that are more gender equal in terms of economic and political opportunities and rights, a pattern that has been named the “gender-equality paradox”.

(Adapted from 
Um sinônimo de Although, conforme usado no texto, é
Q2111995 Inglês
    Although women nowadays outnumber men in higher education, they remain strongly underrepresented in math-intensive fields. This underrepresentation is a source of concern for two main reasons: It contributes substantially to gender inequality in the labor market, and it represents a loss of potential talent that could in particular help meeting the growing demand of skills related to the development of information technology and artificial intelligence.
        Despite these concerns, the underrepresentation of women in math-intensive fields has remained constant or even increased in most developed countries during the past two decades. This underrepresentation is also more pronounced in more developed countries and in countries that are more gender equal in terms of economic and political opportunities and rights, a pattern that has been named the “gender-equality paradox”.

(Adapted from 
A tradução apropriada para meeting, conforme empregada no texto, é
Q2111996 Inglês
    Although women nowadays outnumber men in higher education, they remain strongly underrepresented in math-intensive fields. This underrepresentation is a source of concern for two main reasons: It contributes substantially to gender inequality in the labor market, and it represents a loss of potential talent that could in particular help meeting the growing demand of skills related to the development of information technology and artificial intelligence.
        Despite these concerns, the underrepresentation of women in math-intensive fields has remained constant or even increased in most developed countries during the past two decades. This underrepresentation is also more pronounced in more developed countries and in countries that are more gender equal in terms of economic and political opportunities and rights, a pattern that has been named the “gender-equality paradox”.

(Adapted from 
De acordo com o texto,
Q2111997 Inglês
Teaching Idioms Is Teaching Fluency
Colorful language and powerful imagery make idioms a lot of fun for ESL learners. When you throw cats and dogs in a scene where they are falling from the sky, it’s hard to know exactly what a phrase might mean. It’s almost like a code-breaking game, where students must learn that when certain words come together in a phrase, they can mean something very different.
It’s important to not only teach the meaning of idioms, but to also teach how to use them correctly and effectively. When a nonnative speaker uses an idiom correctly, he or she will sound very fluent. But, on the other hand, if they bumble the phrase, they will sound the exact opposite.
Learning idioms is appropriate for intermediate to advanced students. If you teach an idiom lesson to beginners or lowintermediate learners, you may well be putting them in the bumbling category mentioned above. Teach idioms wisely and sparingly to ensure your students’ success.
(Adapted from
O autor do texto acima
Q2111998 Inglês
Preenche corretamente a lacuna I em: If I can do this, given how nervous and anxious I am, then for you it will be Imagem associada para resolução da questão, o que se encontra em:  
41: A
42: B
43: D
44: B
45: E