Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de São José - SC 2018 para Professor - Inglês
Foram encontradas 14 questões
Match the words with their meanings:
Column 1 Words
1. inelegant
2. devices
3. prevalent
4. surge
Column 2 Meaning
( ) rush
( ) predominant
( ) unrefined
( ) gadgets
Choose the alternative which presents the correct
sequence, from top to bottom.
In the sentence:
‘Pairing two or more emoji together, for instance, can form rudimentary sentences or sentiments for others to understand.’
The best definition for ‘rudimentary’ is:
Read the following sentences and, according to the text, decide if they are true ( T ) or false ( F ).
( ) All text posted in Instagran is much higher than the ones posted in Facebook.
( ) Internet slang has decreased due to the use of emoji.
( ) The number of available emoji is over 700.
( ) Paring two or more emoji you can form complete sentences.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct sequence, from top to bottom
This foreign language teaching method is a structural method based where students strictly follow the textbook and translate sentences word for word in order to memorize abstract grammatical rules.
Choose the alternative which contains the correct name of this Method.
The Direct Method of teaching was developed as a response to the Grammar-Translation method.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct characteristic of this Method.
Scanning and Skimming are Reading Strategies used to read texts in English.
Choose the alternative which presents the correct definition for them
The teaching of English as a foreign language is now one of the most important subjects in most schools. The four skills of language (also known as the four skills of language learning) are a set of four capabilities that allow an individual to comprehend and produce spoken language for proper and effective interpersonal communication.
These skills are:
Grammar is not a language skill. It is a language component which is essential to the mastery of all the four skills. You cannot use any language skill without using grammar. Grammar is not an end in itself but it is a means to an end. I
Its importance when teaching English as foreign language is correctly expressed in which alternative?
Analise o texto abaixo sobre o uso das mídias e tecnologias para o ensino e aprendizagem da Língua Inglesa no Brasil.
“O advento da internet permitiu contatos globalizados no Brasil, popularizaram-se as ........................... por meio de e-mail, listas de discussão e fóruns. Com todo o avanço tecnológico agregado ao ensino de línguas, é evidente que o professor necessita também se tornar um profissional mais e mais preparado para as transformações......................... .
Desta forma, estar preparado para acompanhar as inovações tecnológicas e suas consequências ........................ constitui-se uma importante característica na atuação do professor.”
Assinale a alternativa que completa corretamente as lacunas do texto.