Questões de Concurso Público Prefeitura de Osasco - SP 2014 para Professor de Educação Básica II (PEB II), Deficiência Auditiva

Foram encontradas 13 questões

Q2738902 Inglês

Read text I and answer questions 41 to 55:

Text I

Technology for children in the classroom

Attitudes to technology

Many people are afraid of new technology, and, with the

increasing presence of the Internet and computers, the term

technophobe has appeared to refer to those of us who might

5 be wary of these new developments. More recently, the term

digital native has been invented to refer to someone who

grows up using technology, and who therefore feels

comfortable and confident with it – typically today’s children.

Their parents, on the other hand, tend to be digital

10 immigrants, who have come late to the world of technology, if

at all. In many cases, teachers are the digital immigrants and

our younger students are the digital natives.

What about you? How confident do you feel about using

the Internet and computers? Although there is a tendency to

15 call computer users either technophobes or technogeeks (a

term for a technology enthusiast), the truth is that most of us

probably fall somewhere between the two extremes.

Technology and young learners

Modern technologies are very powerful because they rely

20 on one of the most powerful genetic biases we have — the

preference for visually presented information. Television,

movies, videos, and most computer programs are very visually

oriented and therefore attract and maintain the attention of

young children.

25 The problem with this is that many of the modern

technologies are very passive. Because of this they do not

provide children with the quality and quantity of crucial

emotional, social, cognitive, or physical experiences they

require when they are young.

30 On the other hand, there are many positive qualities to

modern technologies. The technologies that benefit young

children the greatest are those that are interactive and allow

the child to develop their curiosity, problem solving and

independent thinking skills.

35 Computers allow interaction. Children can control the pace

and activity and make things happen on computers. They can

also repeat an activity again and again if they choose.

In practice, computers supplement and do not replace highly

valued early childhood activities and materials, such as art,

40 blocks, sand, water, books, exploration with writing materials,

and dramatic play. Research indicates that computers can be

used in developmentally appropriate ways beneficial to

children and also can be misused, just as any tool can.

Developmentally appropriate software offers opportunities for

45 collaborative play, learning, and creation. Educators must use

professional judgment in evaluating and using this learning tool

appropriately, applying the same criteria they would to any

other learning tool or experience.

Char Soucy (a primary school teacher) mentions: "Reading

50 books, handling real books, learning to take care of books,

turning pages, and interacting with human beings about

literature are still vital for learning to read." There are

electronic books, but they are really not the same thing as real

books. There must be a balance between the two. Computers

55 are highly motivating to today's students, who come to school

with plenty of visual stimulation from TV, video games, and

other technological sources, but it is not a good idea to go all

electronic or to let technology replace what teachers have

done for a long time with learning how to read or write.

(Retrieved and adapted from /articles/0711/0711_0102.htm on June 10th, 2014)

The answer to the question “How confident do you feel about using the Internet and computers?” (lines 13 and 14) will necessarily involve a

Q2738908 Inglês

Read text I and answer questions 41 to 55:

Text I

Technology for children in the classroom

Attitudes to technology

Many people are afraid of new technology, and, with the

increasing presence of the Internet and computers, the term

technophobe has appeared to refer to those of us who might

5 be wary of these new developments. More recently, the term

digital native has been invented to refer to someone who

grows up using technology, and who therefore feels

comfortable and confident with it – typically today’s children.

Their parents, on the other hand, tend to be digital

10 immigrants, who have come late to the world of technology, if

at all. In many cases, teachers are the digital immigrants and

our younger students are the digital natives.

What about you? How confident do you feel about using

the Internet and computers? Although there is a tendency to

15 call computer users either technophobes or technogeeks (a

term for a technology enthusiast), the truth is that most of us

probably fall somewhere between the two extremes.

Technology and young learners

Modern technologies are very powerful because they rely

20 on one of the most powerful genetic biases we have — the

preference for visually presented information. Television,

movies, videos, and most computer programs are very visually

oriented and therefore attract and maintain the attention of

young children.

25 The problem with this is that many of the modern

technologies are very passive. Because of this they do not

provide children with the quality and quantity of crucial

emotional, social, cognitive, or physical experiences they

require when they are young.

30 On the other hand, there are many positive qualities to

modern technologies. The technologies that benefit young

children the greatest are those that are interactive and allow

the child to develop their curiosity, problem solving and

independent thinking skills.

35 Computers allow interaction. Children can control the pace

and activity and make things happen on computers. They can

also repeat an activity again and again if they choose.

In practice, computers supplement and do not replace highly

valued early childhood activities and materials, such as art,

40 blocks, sand, water, books, exploration with writing materials,

and dramatic play. Research indicates that computers can be

used in developmentally appropriate ways beneficial to

children and also can be misused, just as any tool can.

Developmentally appropriate software offers opportunities for

45 collaborative play, learning, and creation. Educators must use

professional judgment in evaluating and using this learning tool

appropriately, applying the same criteria they would to any

other learning tool or experience.

Char Soucy (a primary school teacher) mentions: "Reading

50 books, handling real books, learning to take care of books,

turning pages, and interacting with human beings about

literature are still vital for learning to read." There are

electronic books, but they are really not the same thing as real

books. There must be a balance between the two. Computers

55 are highly motivating to today's students, who come to school

with plenty of visual stimulation from TV, video games, and

other technological sources, but it is not a good idea to go all

electronic or to let technology replace what teachers have

done for a long time with learning how to read or write.

(Retrieved and adapted from /articles/0711/0711_0102.htm on June 10th, 2014)

The meaning of colors can vary and teaching them is part of the ELT curriculum. Students must know that when danger is signaled both in a Brazilian and in an English setting, the light that blinks is

Q2738909 Inglês

Read text II and answer questions 56 to 59:

Text II


Help prevent a coral catastrophe

Fight the destructive harvesting and unregulated trade of one of the most attractive inhabitants of our tropical oceans.


The main function of this text is to

Q2738910 Inglês

Read text II and answer questions 56 to 59:

Text II


Help prevent a coral catastrophe

Fight the destructive harvesting and unregulated trade of one of the most attractive inhabitants of our tropical oceans.


In relation to the topics mentioned in this text, mark the statements below as true (T) or false (F).

( ) The text details the use of corals.

( ) The illegal selling of corals is denounced.

( ) The text mentions the people who live in the tropics.

The statements are, respectively,

Q2738913 Inglês

Read text III and answer questions 60 to 70:

Text III

The use of music and songs in the EFL classroom

There are quite a lot of positive sides of learning English via

the medium music. First of all it is a very positive way of

learning English. Music is a part of our everyday life and

especially young people are very familiar with music. If the

5 teacher provides the possibility of a positive access to a new

topic, the kids will learn the new things easier and with more

fun and readiness. I am sure that the one or the other pupil

turns out to be a little “music-expert”. This can strengthen the

self-consciousness of students who are not so good at other

10 areas because now they have the opportunity to show what

they know about a special artist or band. Another pro of

teaching language by using songs and music is that it is

something different for the students – it is an alternation to

the common methods of language learning, because it is not

15 only interested in input. Learning with music speaks more than

other language-learning-methods to the audio-channel of the

learner, which has the positive effect of training listening and

comprehending language which is modified in terms of

intonation, pronunciation and articulation. Music in the

20 classroom can also be arranged in corporation with teachers of

other subjects, so that kids have the opportunity to use and

practise the new knowledge in more than one subject.

Teachers of English could not only work together with teachers

of music, but also with teachers of German, religion, ethics and

25 history. There is a variety of different thematic blocks which

can be taught with the help of songs, for example cultural or

social studies, to name only two areas.

However, using music and songs as a method of language

teaching can also have negative effects. Not every student likes

30 singing, acting or working with music and songs. Some find it

embarrassing and childish, especially older students. If the

majority of a class consists of students who feel like that about

working with music and songs in the classroom, the teacher

should be aware of the problem that it will be hard to motivate

35 the pupils. It can also be that some pupils protest and even

refuse to do several activities given by the teacher. […] Another

problem for teachers is the question of the right choice of

songs. Nowadays the kids are crazy about music which is called

“Death Metal”, “Hip Hop” or “Acid House”. So, many teachers

40 think that it is hard to fill the pupils of today with enthusiasm

by using Oldies.

Despite the fact that there are more positive effects of

learning a second language with songs and music than negative

ones, most teachers look at this method with mixed emotions.

45 Some are of the opinion that this is no real teaching and a

waste of time with some senseless activities. This is not true, of

course. Out of my own pupil-experience I can say that I have

learned quite a lot with the help of songs. I have acquired not

only a plenty of new words and vocabulary, but also several

50 idioms and many ways to express feelings.


In relation to the use of music in the classroom as discussed in the text, analyse the assertions below:

I. Teaching songs helps improve listening skills.

II. Old songs are better suited for classroom activities.

III. Everybody agrees that students learn faster with music.

Choose the correct answer.

6: C
7: A
8: B
9: E
10: A